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Beatrice Crassus - Crystals

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Beatrice Crassus Crystals
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Access the Amazing World of Crystal Healing and Energy!

What are crystals? Which ones should you choose?

When you read Crystals: The Complete Guide to Crystal Healing for Beginners - Harness the Power of Energy Fields and Crystal Healing, youll learn all about the various types of crystals. Youll learn crystals really are and how they can take on so many amazing shapes. This book will help you select the crystals that are right for you!

What is crystal energy? How does it work? How does crystal healing work?

Crystals: The Complete Guide to Crystal Healing for Beginners - Harness the Power of Energy Fields and Crystal Healing explains many crystal healing techniques and methods to heal and soothe your days and nights:

Crystal Pendulum

Crystal Wand

Figure Eight Looping

Worn as an Accessory

Used for a Bath

Gem Essences

Placed Under a Pillow

Youll even learn how to cleanse your crystals!

This book also describes the properties of many healing crystals:

Clear Quartz


Lapis Lazuli




This book helps you discover the many associations between Chakras and Crystals. This book describes how the colors of the chakras can be targeted by crystals of those colors, and which parts of the body can be healed by these methods. Let Crystals: The Complete Guide To Crystal Healing For Beginners - Harness The Power Of Energy Fields and Crystal Healing help you access the energy stored in these chakras with your crystals to instill a balance in your body.

Get your copy TODAY!

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The Complete Guide To Crystal Healing For Beginners - Harness The Power Of Energy Fields and Crystal Healing

Also by Beatrice Crassus

Third Eye



Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Crystals And Their Types

What are Crystals?

Crystal Shapes

How do you select a crystal?

Chapter 2: How Does Crystal Energy Work?

What is Crystal Energy?

How does crystal healing work?

Cleansing of crystals

Chapter 3: Crystal Healing Techniques

Crystal Pendulum

Crystal Wand

Figure Eight Looping

Chapter 4: Techniques For Crystal Healing

Worn as an accessory

Used for a bath

Gem Essences

Placed under a Pillow

Chapter 5: Healing Crystals

Clear Quartz


Lapis Lazuli




Chapter 6: Chakras And Crystals

First Chakra - Root

Second Chakra - Belly

Third Chakra - Solar plexus

Fourth Chakra The heart

Fifth Chakra The throat

Sixth Chakra The third eye

Seventh Chakra The Crown



I would like to thank you for purchasing the book, Crystals: The Complete Guide to Crystal Healing for Beginners Harness the Power of Energy Fields and Crystals.

Crystals are known to bring peace to you physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. There is an energy around crystals that ensures this peace and you may have already tried different ways to achieve this peace. Crystals are the best approach! You will need to learn how you can use the energy in crystals to spread peace through yourself and instill energy in your body.

If you are a beginner, this is the perfect guide for you. You will learn how to harness the power of crystals to instill energy in every area of yourself. This book will help you understand how the energy in crystals can work miracles on your body and also, the other wide range of effects that it can have on your overall health. In addition, you will learn how to empower yourself using these crystals and will have a better understanding on how you can use the energy in crystals to your benefit and emerge powerful and empowered!

There are different types of crystals that you can exploit to empower yourself. Every crystal has its own secret that you can use and there is energy in crystals that can wield to your benefit. You will discover how to use the metaphysical energy in your body to instill a balance between the energies in your body. There are different healing techniques that you can use to remove any imbalances in your body or any other persons body.

The numbers of crystals that you can use to heal yourself are countless. The widely known crystals will be mentioned along with their uses and you can actually use these crystals immediately to heal yourself on a regular basis if you do not have time to use the extensive techniques later mentioned; Healing techniques will also be mentioned in detail. These are simple techniques that you can use whenever you feel the need to heal yourself!

You will learn how to use the energy for your benefit! You will need to identify the crystal that is meant for you! Read on to learn how to do the same! You can learn how to use the energy in the crystals to heal yourself in the chakra areas of your body.

Thank you once again for purchasing the book. I hope it helps you!

Chapter 1: Crystals And Their Types
What are Crystals?

C rystals are natures gift to us. They have been used for decades to heal the human body. Crystals are said to have a metaphysical power which helps in empowering you. It has been found that this energy that the crystals have help in restoring the balance between the physical and spiritual selves that exist in you.

Crystals are rocks that are found in nature. They come in varied shapes and sizes. They often come in different colors. This color is due to their varying geometry. The different edges reflect light in different colors. The mineral content in the crystal gives it energy. Each crystal is unique and has a different form of energy within itself. This energy determines the purpose of healing for the crystal.

The healing techniques for crystals have been developed over decades. It has been said that the energy from the crystals has been used to provide energy and protect a person from harm. If you are healing someone you will be the healer. You will be the person who is wielding the power inside the crystal to heal a person. You can use it to channel the spirit of the people you are trying to heal too!

Crystal Shapes

C rystals have been found in many shapes. The most prominent shapes have been mentioned in this section. The use of the different shapes of these crystals has also been mentioned.

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Pointy edge crystals
Picture 4

A s the name suggests , these crystals have a pointy edge. They always have a flat base which makes it easy to use them during the crystal wand healing. These crystals help in improving the concentration and are usually worn during meditation or while studying.

Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
Chunks of crystals
Picture 8

T hese crystals are tiny stones. They have very distinct facets. These can used to balance the atmosphere in a room. These also help in improving the concentration. They are held in the hand during meditation. They also help in improving your work ethic. They help in improving your method of studying or working and leave you with great results.

Picture 9
Picture 10
Picture 11
Crystal Clusters
Picture 12

T he different crystal chunks join together and they will form clusters. These chunks are joined naturally to form clusters. These crystals help in cleansing and calming the atmosphere. If you find that you have difficulties at work or at school, you can use these crystals to calm the atmosphere.

Picture 13
Picture 14
Picture 15
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