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Copyright 2015 by Tama J. Kieves
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kieves, Tama J.
A year without fear : 365 days of magnificence / Tama Kieves.
p. cm.
ISBN 978-0-698-18792-4
1. Fear. I. Title.
BF575.F2K54 2015 2014035245
This is the year I stop pressing my nose up against the glass, wishing for another life.
This is the year I love with banshee strength.
This is the year I end the race. I enter the haven of a life that has waited for me all along.
This is the year I become a master of where I place my attention. My focus is my life.
This is the year I open to the flow that will take me all the way, but not a way I know.
This is the year Im more interested in making my wildest joys real rather than realistic.
This is the year I step into greatness even while facing rejection.
This is the year I wake up to the story of a lifetime, because I have become a storyteller who knows Great Love.
This is a year without fear.
What you think you are is a belief to be undone.
A Course in Miracles
What Would Your Life Be LikeIf You Had No Fear?
Id love you to step beyond the hypnotism of what you think you can and cannot do. Heres whats true:
You are loved.
You have everything you need.
You are more powerful than you know.
But fear or unquestioned negative beliefs, old stories, the voices of the media, or maybe those around you, may keep you from your boldest possibilities. Well, thats about to change.
I doubt you want a mediocre life. I doubt you want to just pay your bills or settle for a sort of loving relationship and call it good. I think you want to cry with gratitude when its all said and done. Id like you to cry before then.
This is your life. This is your chance. This is your time on earth.
I want you to write the screenplay that moans in your bloodstream. I want you to love your child like no child has ever been loved before. I want you to run for office or run from your office or whatever nudges you in the sanctum of your heart. I want you to know the peace of the Dalai Lama, more freeing than a nice big bucket of Xanax, and a mainline of gratitude sweeter than any Starbucks Frappuccino.
And I want you to laugh so freely your stomach hurts, just like you did when you were a kid. I want you to forgive yourself. I want you to fall madly in love with your husband or meet the love of your life and go skinny-dipping in the olive-green lake of your childhood.
I want you to leave behind the situation that squats on your spirit like a sumo wrestler. I want you to eat better, drink less, or whatever nourishes and respects your precious body. I want you to take that vacation in Italy, take your company public, or sprawl out in your own backyard paradise in Poughkeepsie, drinking lemonade and watching blue jays on a Thursday. I want you to hit the note you came to singbecause life is set up for you to do that. I want you to know the Presence of a strength not of this world.
I want you to drop your predictable goals and drop your jaw in aweas you discover what you can really have this year.
Forget about striving for only what you think you can have. I want to coach you into the extraordinary life thats calling to you now.
Through five-minute mind-set shifts, I want to help you uncover your astonishing potential, your own authentic steps or shifts, and the uncanny progress that develops from a radically loving relationship with yourself, others, and your life. The inspired power within you can accomplish anything at any time. Let this be your time.
Welcome to a year without fear.
Why I Wrote This Daily Guide
Years ago as an overworked and soul-starved attorney, I walked along a beach and breathed in salt-drenched air, feeling as though I might want to end my life. Instead, I made the decision to begin my life in earnest. I made the wild and unorthodox decision to let go of that career, to let go of what society told me was safe and beneficial. I realized that it was fear that had compelled me to play it safe, attend Harvard Law School, graduate with honors, and work a bazillion hours for a major law firmeven though I had always dreamed of being a writer, not a lawyer.
But I hadnt called my motivation fear. I called it being realistic. I was just being practical, living life the way Id been told you should live it.
It was only when I stopped making choices out of fear that I discovered a whole new way to live. I had to learn to trust in a power beyond my intellect and a love that was more powerful than any resource Id ever known. I had to learn how to love myself through bouts of anxiety and frustration into creativity, conviction, and inspired action. I began teaching and coaching, and published my first book, This Time I Dance! Creating the Work You Love, which gradually drew a following from around the world. I followed that book with my national best seller Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Lifes Work! Now Im taking some of the wisdom from both those books as well as my e-book A Course in Miracles for Life Ninjas and including it here, along with other strategies and approaches Ive taught for years.
For the past two decades, I have been a career catalyst and inspired success coach. Ive been in the media and led workshops, keynoted, and offered retreats throughout the United States and abroad. Ive worked with thousands of individuals who, like me, knew they were here for something more. Yet they held themselves back. Many didnt even realize the depths to which they held themselves back. They just lived the life they assumed they could have.
Ive seen how our own self-talk and beliefs about reality can corrode our potential. As a coach, Ive seen how asking someone the right question can open up a whole new destiny. I know that real happiness or freedom doesnt come from taking the right steps. It comes from cultivating our own inspired mind-set, the intimate, interior world we live in every single day.