2014 by Tim LaHaye and Timothy E. Parker
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ISBN: 978-0-5291-1690-1 (IE)
ISBN: 978-1-4002-0619-3 (eBook)
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
LaHaye, Tim F.
The book of Revelation made clear : a down-to-earth guide to understanding the most mysterious book of the Bible / Tim LaHaye, Timothy E. Parker.
pages cm
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4002-0618-6 (alk. paper)
1. Bible. Revelation--Textbooks. I. Title.
BS2825.55.L34 2014
14 15 16 17 18 RRD 6 5 4 3 2 1
To all who worship, admire, respect, fear, and love the Lord... and all those about to.
The book of Revelation is fascinating. While Genesis is the book of beginnings, Revelation is the book of completion. The sixty-sixth and final book of the Holy Bible, Revelation is unique in that it is the only New Testament book that centers primarily on future and prophetic events.
Revelation is widely believed to be the last of the sixty-six books of the Bible to be written. Using vibrant imagery, the book of Revelation describes the final victory of wise overcomers and the demise of the rebellious and disobedient. It describes the end of Satan and his eventual punishment in the lake of fire, and the unveiling of a new earth and a new heaven where death, suffering, crying, and pain will be no more.
Thirty years before the book of Revelation was written, Emperor Nero was engaged in the first organized, imperial persecution of Christians. Nero laughed at the screams of burning Christians, fed some to wild animals, crucified others, and generally made killing a sport, devising increasingly creative ways to slaughter men, women, and children. Both Peter and Paul suffered martyrdom at Neros evil hands.
In AD 95, Titus Flavius Domitianus, commonly known as Domitian, was emperor of Rome. A ruthless ruler, he claimed to be a god and demanded all his subjects to worship him. When Christians refused, Domitian launched a campaign of persecution against them, especially the apostle John. Tens of thousands of Christians were tortured and killed under Domitian. After failing in an attempt to murder John by boiling him alive, Domitian banished him to the desolate, tiny, rocky island of Patmos, where John, alone with his difficulties, alone with his worship and with his thoughts, was given the revelation of Jesus Christ. It was there that he wrote the book of Revelation, describing the future and how the world will end.
Domitians reign came to an end the very next year when he was assassinated by his own court officials. Upon his death, the Roman Senate condemned the memory of Domitian to oblivion.
How to Use This Book
This book is arranged strategically to provide the maximum potential for learning and retention. Every verse of Revelation is covered, and the entire book is explained in a specific way.
Each section begins with a short pre-quiz. Please attempt to answer the three multiple-choice questions, whether you believe you know them already or not. The questions are followed by the scripture that pertains to them, and then a precise explanation of what the scripture means.
Finally, the same three questions are repeated, but with the answers provided.
By following this method, you will be amazed at how well you retain the teachings. You will most likely be able to review the quizzes months, even years later and still know the answers.
The book of Revelation promises a blessing to anyone who reads it and takes it to heart, so by merely completing this book, youll be halfway to your blessing from the Lord Most High.
1. The book of Revelation concerns Gods disclosures of future events through the visions and symbols of
A. Elijah
B. Jesus Christ
C. Paul
2. The purpose of the revelation is to
A. review all things the Lord has done
B. show which things must shortly come to pass
C. show what needs to be changed on the earth
3. Who was inspired by God to write the book of Revelation?
A. Moses
B. Paul
C. John
What the Scriptures Say (Revelation 1:12)
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show His servantsthings which must shortly take place. And He sent and signified it by His angel to His servant John, who bore witness to the word of God, and to the testimony of Jesus Christ, to all things that he saw.
What Revelation 1:12 Means
The Him in this verse is Jesus Christ. The Father gave the revelation to Jesus, Jesus then gave the revelation to John, and John gave the revelation to us.
QUICK FACT: Verse 1 includes the segment things which must shortly take place. Revelation was written in Greek. The Greek translation of shortly is entachei, which means great rapidity. The word tachometer, referring to the dashboard aid that measures engine speed, is derived from entachei. Despite Revelation being written almost two thousand years ago, to God the prophecies of the book will happen with great rapidity.
Revelation 1:12 Quiz Answers
1. The book of Revelation concerns Gods disclosures of future events through the visions and symbols of B) Jesus Christ.
2. The purpose of the revelation is to B) show which things must shortly come to pass.
3. Who was inspired by God to write the book of Revelation? C) John
1. Who does Revelation claim will receive a blessing?
A. everyone
B. whoever reads Revelation and takes it to heart
C. no one in particular
2. Not only must one hear the words of prophecy, but one must also
A. perform works
B. take the prophecies to heart
C. make prophecies of ones own
3. What is the dire warning at the end of Revelation 1:3?
A. The apocalypse is happening now.
B. There will be no more warnings.
C. The time is near.
What the Scriptures Say (Revelation 1:3)
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.
What Revelation 1:3 Means
This is a clear and unmistakable promise from God. It contains no hint of parable or symbology. This is a direct promise that anyone is blessed who reads and hears the words of this prophecy and who keeps the things written in it.
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