From the Heavens..The Kratom Bible
Quitting Pain Pills & Opiates with thisDivine Leaf!
By Dr. Kratom & Friends
Copyright 2014 by The InstantExpert
All rights reserved. No part of thispublication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in anyform or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or otherelectronic or mechanical methods, without the prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotationsembodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial usespermitted by copyright law.
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Kratom is a leaf that..wait a second! Thisbook is to be helpful and useful to adults. Its not a schoolreport written by a high school kid. Umm, what I learned aboutKratom is that, uh
I will you make you a promise and keep it. Atthe end of this book, I will include all the encyclopedia styleinformation on Kratom, OK? You will still have all of the referenceinformation handy in case you ever have trouble sleeping.
The approach to the literature on Kratomseems to be the very reason why most of the world is dazed &confused on what Kratom is, does and can be used for. Theinformation is a jumbled mess and usually presented by those tryingto sell you off of Kratom or by those actually trying to sell youKratom. The truth is that Kratom is not a very well understood orstudied plant. There is a lack of scientific data and of the claimsare typically anecdotal.
Like anything, it depends on who is tellingyou and their own agenda. Even if the agenda is truly intended tobe helpful (like mine), you must as they say consider thesource.
This book will hopefully serve as a guide toKratom in all its popular forms and delivery methods (some maybenot so popular). This book has been contributed to by currentKratom users, ex-drug users and chronic pain sufferers.
You will learn one of Kratoms most importantfeatures, which is its aid in quitting narcotic pain relievers andits ability to eliminate virtually ALL symptoms of opiatewithdrawal.
Learn how it is used, learn how its abused& learn why it may become outlawed (non-legal or scheduled) inall fifty of the United States of America.
But that is the point of this book learn,learn, learn
Learn by experience. Learn from experience.Here is our experience.
CHAPTER 1 Where Can IGet This Stuff?
Already a much cooler start to a book thanits obligatory biochemistry Kratom can be gottenrather easily and rather quickly in a variety of ways. As this isto be the ultimate, non-disinformation book on the subject, let usstart with where NOT to get it.
Head shops in your local area typically willsell the variants of Kratom that look like vitamin bottles. Theseare capsules often claiming extract-strength (stronger) doses ofthe various types. While it can be unclear of exactly how muchKratom is in any capsule, the average is about .5 grams or a touchmore. Recommended dosages on these bottles is around 5-7 capsules(3.0g to 4.5g or so). These capsules are notoriously unpopular withthe vast majority of Kratom users we sampled. Head Shops will oftenbe the absolute last resort to buy those over-priced bottles thatcome in at around $35.00 for 40 capsulesouch! To top it off, thesecapsules are nearly universally recognized as the weakest Kratomyou can buy, with near zero effects.
While I was in painful withdrawal from myPercocets, I grabbed two bottles of Kratom capsules from my localhead shop. Paid about $80 bucks and it did nothing other than keepme busy. I figured it was just another fake legal high snake oilproduct. Thankfully, I learned about proper sourcing of this wonderleaf and the rest is history along with my pain-pilladdiction.
Where to buy quality Kratom is simply onlinewhere there are many reputable vendors that will send you hundredsof grams of powdered leaf, dry-leaf, extracts, etc of high qualityKratom for the same price as that silly bottle of weak capsulesfrom the head shop. Since the vendors tend to change names orsources, its best to simply perform a few minutes of research onthe web. Happy customer reviews and the lack of unhappy reviewswill tell you what you need to know.
If you arent buying many grams at once, youare probably paying too much. I buy at least 200 grams of powderedKratom leaf at minimum so it doesnt get too expensive.
Many of these vendors realize you may betrying to help someone avoid pain pills or withdrawal and offerovernight delivery. There is nothing illegal about purchasingKratom online and having it delivered to your home unless you livein one of the few states where it is prohibited (the vendors willnot ship to you there anyways).
This is where the fact that Kratom use ismuch more a personal art than it is a world science comes intoplay. It is doubtful that you bought this book to be told toexperiment yourself however. What we will do is funnel the reportsof Kratom users (many pain pill users & abusers) down to whatis most widely reported.
Opiate Replacement Lets say you know a guywho likes his pain pills a bit too much for your comfort. Whatwould he like the most (according to our research of hundreds ofusers)?
Maeng Da Thisparticular variety of Kratom, purchased often in powdered leaf haswidely been reported to be the most opiate-like of all thevarieties. The upper and energetic feel that most opiate usersexpect when taking their pain killers is most resembled when takingthis rather bitter powder (comes in dry leafs and extracts but thepowder was the winner by a mile in our poll) Its been known tocompletely stop withdrawal from happening and even give a euphoricfeeling for several hours after consumption. Many pain pill addictssay that its like they never missed a dose (over 80%).
Bali Definitely right behind Maeng Da in terms of opiate-like is thisstrain that is sold often in dried leaves that resemble tea. Thiscan be the Kratom of choice for opiate users who prefer thesedative quality of medical marijuana. Again, the ability toprevent horrible opiate withdrawal and provide a soft euphoriamakes this variety among the two most popular (along with MaengDa).
Maeng Da & Bali Blend This has been reported to do what you would expectand that is cross both benefits of the two respective types. Themost successful mix seems to be 3 parts Maeng Da to 1 part Bali fora more relaxing euphoric feeling.
These two types in the most cost-effectiveform you can afford is our recommendation for any new Kratom users.There are many, many other types, strains, blends and extractsbeing sold that may very well turn out to be even better but due tothe lack of trustworthy information by users, we are only stickingto the two strains that we believe have been proven to hold keys toopiate independence by our research and experience.
Here is the obligatory explore yourselfparagraph but we wouldnt include it if it was not true. Trywriting a book on which alcohol gets you drunker or makes youhappier or causes you to sleep with the wrong person (yourethinking of that person right nowarent you?), etc., etc.
People will respond differently to differentblends and doses so your best bet, in our opinion, is to buy bothof our recommended types, use the info above, know yourself andexperiment by starting off low (4 grams or so) and giving it anhour before you add another 3grams or so. You do not hear of Kratomoverdose deaths, do you? You will most likely just vomit if youtake too much. It can be unpleasant but opiate withdrawal is muchmore than unpleasantits like being set on fire for a week as amatter of fact.
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