Leading Your Ministry to Financial Health
William F. Johnson
Leading Your Church to Financial Health
William F. Johnson
Published by
Aslan Ministries, Inc.
905 W El Paso Place
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
This book is dedicated to my wife Rita, for her love and support throughout our journey together as we try to follow the Lord where ever He leads us.
Other Books from William F Johnson.
- Physician, Heal Thyself: The Oxygen Mask Principle
- Motivation: Your Guide to Fitting In http://www.aslanpress.com/motivation.html
- Destiny: Who Am I? Why Am I Here, What Do I Do Now?
Http://www.aslanpress.com/destiny.html - Pray Like Jesus
http://www.aslanpress.com/pray-like-jesus.html - Built to Last
http://www.aslanpress.com/built-to-last.html - Heal Like Jesus
- Conflict Resolution for Dummies
https://mailchi.mp/fdb8a700e387/freebook - When You Pray
H ow do ministries become healthier financially?
A mentor of mine introduced me to Biblical principles that answer this question. That mentor is Bill Johnson, my friend and former Pastor. Although written for pastors and ministry leaders, this book provides a success model for all God centered businesses and skills that can be used in every day life.
In 1995 my family was attending a church when Bill and Rita were called to be the pastors. The church was hurting and discouraged. They ministered, love and taught us. Over the next several years the church became a healthy, loving, and a purposeful church. This book includes many of the Biblical based principles of ministry and leadership they used to disciple us and empowered us to participate in setting ministry goals. We were encouraged to be involved. No ones idea was summarily dismissed or tabled. Bill made you feel good even if our idea was not.
The church went out into the community with random acts of kindness, doing yard work for people that were less able, giving away free soft drinks at street corners, handing out light bulbs and school supplies in disadvantaged neighborhoods. Our Minden Church began to experience more unity than I have ever seen in any church of which we have been a part. We had a strong, functioning leadership team in place.
I was blessed to retire from a family operated business that incorporated the values described in this book. I was a witness to how God provided for this company. The owners, the leadership team, and the employees all held integrity and stewardship of the company resources as core values. Employees were treated as valuable assets and shared the company values. Giving to churches, seminaries, childrens homes, and colleges was a priority. The company was blessed with excellent talent and business opportunities for developing natural resources. We participated in some of the very best projects in partnership with some of the top companies in our industry. God blessed this company as they were able to bless Christian ministries.
Bill traveled a very diverse path leading to his pastoral and teaching ministries. After graduating from Georgia Tech, Bill served as commanding officer of the Seventh US Army Data Communications Network in Europe, where his leadership opportunities began. Back in civilian life, from engineering, he moved into marketing and then executive management, often opening up new markets and new facilities. His teaching and curricula development was honed as he developed training classes for the military and other government agencies.
At the peak of his secular career, the Lord called Bill into full time ministry - an offer he could not refuse. Bill left his top floor, corner office, impressive title, and big salary to accept part time employment and full time ministry. This entailed and a move to the Pacific Northwest. Together they led many renewal events and Bill was assisting churches as a consultant on church effectiveness throughout the eleven western states. When Bill graduated from Fuller Theological Seminary they continued their teaching but added church planting to their activities.
This book is published as a guide to successful leadership and a mentoring tool for ministry leaders. It provides a Scriptural pathway to a financially sound and successful ministry. It explains how a leader can develop a mentoring leadership style. One foundational topic is devoted to developing a unified purpose within the ministry by building relationships and identifying Spiritual Gifting.
Ronnie E. Bounds, Jr. Encourager, Equipper, Financial Analyst, Retired Oil Company Executive
T he finance committee in a local church was meeting to consider the budget for the coming year. Trustees presented estimates for utilities and maintenance. Utilities are to be increased over the previous year by ten percent. Expenses for buildings and grounds include repairs to the roof and air conditioning system. The trustees budget was approved with no changes. There would be no change to salaries for the pastor and staff. The Christian education budget was increased as a result of curricula costs. When compared with the projected income, there was little left for outreach, missions, and local ministry. Does this sound familiar to you?
If this were your church, what would you do? If this is your church, what will you do? This situation is faced by thousands of churches and non-profit ministries throughout the world. In fact it is rare for ministries to have all of the resources they need to accomplish their mission. It is a problem but it is often the way we in the Christian community operate.
After spending half of my adult life in the business arena, I can look at the church and say, This is no way to run a business. Now, after spending the second half of my adult life leading churches and ministries I have to say, Churches and Christian ministries are not businesses and should not be run in the same way businesses are run.
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