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Table of Contents
Suit Up to Move Forward
(How to Dress for Conscious Living)
Repack Your Bags
(How to Unplug Unconscious Tendencies)
Unpack the Secrets
(How to Unfold Destiny Daily)
T HE DESTINY-FULFILLED LIFE. Most dream of it. Some live in inspired pursuit of it. Relatively few experience it fully. In fact, vast numbers have surrendered in seeming defeat so long ago that they no longer believe it is even possible.
Yet, no matter how dormant that thoughts of unfolding destiny become, destiny awaits!
Meanwhile, the world keeps turning. In the budding twenty-first century, events have altered our sense of how things work, who is safe, and what we can expect in the future. Financial rumblings produce widespread uncertainty. Economic fallout has altered once-clear perceptions of whos who. Powerful executives have had their sails trimmed; famously affluent people have seen their fortunes evaporate; some of the worlds largest companies have disappeared or have downsized to a degree unimaginable until now.
The rejiggering of paradigms and power structures tempts many of us to assume that, even if destiny awaits us, the timing is all wrong. For large numbers of people, caution and retreat are the order of the day. Forward pursuits are shelved in resignation until the dust settles. Dreams are postponedindefinitely.
Well, not for everybody. Historically, uncertain times present uncommon opportunities to shoot hoops with the worlds players and put some points on the scoreboard. Shifting sands can level the playing field just enough to give outsiders new chances to compete.
What of that? Are previously nonexistent destiny opportunities available to the unlikely among us? Are we living in a time in which every good idea can launch a dream come true? Do those who believe themselves to be excluded from the ranks of the destiny-fulfilled suddenly have a shot at greatness?
My response is, Yes and no.
Thats no response at all! you cry. How does someone so indecisive manage to write books?
My answer sounds indecisive; but its not. Will new opportunities arise? Sure. Every transition uncovers new prospects for those who are alert to them. But its equally true that some traditional opportunities will disappear. Just ask the United States Postal Service how that equation works. As technological advancements create new methods and opportunities in cyberspace, snail mail appears headed for obsolescence, and letter carriers are in less demand.
As for the potential of good ideas to produce phenomenal outcomesyes!that potential is as strong as ever. Some are convinced that the potential is greater than ever. But thats not really news; the potential has always been there. For those determined to turn lemons into lemonade, opportunity is found in unlikely places. Entrepreneurs often run their ideas up flimsy flagpoles, and many watch their dreams come true.
Meanwhile, the reticent among us adopt a someday mentality; they keep great ideas tucked safely under the mattress waiting for the day when circumstances are perfectly ripe. Some cautious folks will find a later wave to ride to success. Many others will discover that the shelf life of their big idea has expired and someone else has taken their money to the bank.
And what about those who see themselves as being stuck on the outside looking in? They generally fall into two camps. In one camp are those who learn a powerful truth: Greatness doesnt come from out there; greatness is already within us. At some point they discover that a life of fulfilled destiny is the outcome for which they were designed. They recognize, whether by revelation or experience, that financial tremors and changing geo-political climates cannot thwart the fulfillment of individual destinies unless the destined surrender.
In the opposite camp, life is on hold. These wait-and-see campers are convinced that the wrong climate has shoved them farther outside the fence than they were before. Intimidated by the what ifs of life, their dreams gradually slip out of reach. Goals are pushed back. One day blends into the next, and hope fades with every sunset.
So, while my answer may have seemed flippant, the premise of the questions was faulty; it assumed that destiny is something for which you wait with one finger raised to detect the direction of the wind and one hand digging like crazy for just enough to keep you going until the current wind blows over.
The future, however, isnt something you wait for; its something you help create. It is a function, in part, of your imagination and your willingness to allow your imagination to accomplish its purpose.
Your dreams, thoughts, wishes, and ideas are more powerful than you might believe. The world has always been an equal-opportunity environmentnot necessarily a place of equal ease or equal results, but a massive field of destiny treasures waiting to be unearthed by people of every ilk. Regardless of where you began, where you have been, or whom your parents areregardless of how high you have soared in the past or how far you have fallen, a life of destiny fulfillment is your birthright; it is a state of being that is available to everyone.
While it is true that multitudes never attain their dreams, it is also true that everyone aspires to do so. This hope is written in our DNA and, when it is given place, greatness results. History proves it. Rags-to-riches stories and accounts of profound accomplishment-cures for plagues, the preservation of imperiled nations, the overcoming of disabilityabound even among those whose upward trajectory seemed unlikely: