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The Heartfulness Way: Heart-Based Meditations
for Spiritual Transformation (with Joshua Pollock)
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Cover design: Julie Davison
Interior design: Bryn Starr Best
Interior illustrations: Sahaj Marg Spirituality Foundation, India
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The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.
A version of Designing Destiny was previously published by Westland Publications 9789387894532.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2019943481
Hardcover ISBN: 978-1-4019-5896-1
E-book ISBN: 978-1-4019-5930-2
Audiobook ISBN: 978-1-4019-5931-9
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1st edition, September 2019
Printed in the United States of America
You are the experiment,
you are the experimenter,
and you are the outcome.
Dedicated to all sincere experimenters.
What does destiny mean in the course of our lives?
What is fixed and how much can change?
How can we design our own destiny?
I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FASCINATED by evolution and destiny. In my own life there have been pivotal moments when life took a turn, where a decision has led me down a certain path. One of the most important turning points happened in 1976, when I was nineteen years old. One of my college friends, who would watch me meditate, asked bluntly one day, What are you doing? Why are you wasting your time closing your eyes? I see you are always disturbed when you try to meditate.
I said, Well, I am trying my best, but I dont know how.
He said, Let me take you to a lady who will help you to go into a trance right away.
It appealed to me, so I said, All right, lets go.
He took me to meet a very humble woman in her forties, who asked me, Why do you want to meditate?
I said, Its my natural desire. I would like to meditate. I would like to travel all over India, learning about life, like the great sages and yogis of the past. I want to become like them. I would like to realize God.
She said, My spiritual Guide says that God is everywhere. When He is everywhere, why not look for Him where you are?
I continued, Id like to become a wandering monk and just disappear. I dont want to marry.
Then she said, God is not such a fool to create two sexes if one were enough. Isnt it a good idea that spiritually oriented people also have families and contribute to the future of humanity?
She went on, challenging fundamental beliefs that Id held dear. Finally, she said, Let us not discuss this further. I will initiate you into a system of meditative practices called Heartfulness.
Sitting for that first meditation session with this lady was the most amazing experience I had ever had in my lifeit was so profound, proving to me that this system was right for me. I thought, If a trainer of the system can transmit like this, imagine what the Guide can do! (You will learn more about transmission in of this book.)
The spiritual guide she spoke of was Ram Chandraand now I was longing to meet him. But I had to wait. I could only visit him during my college vacation almost a year later in 1977. When I reached him in Shahjahanpur, I found him to be a loving, simple, genuine, down-to-earth person. His utter simplicity amazed me. Just looking at him made me wonder how there could be such purity in a person, such simplicity. His whole being radiated love. There was never a dull moment, even when he was silent, which he was most of the time. There was always inner communion, during which I could feel his presence. That was the beginning of my journey with Heartfulness and my Guide.
Destined to Be Daaji?
Let me ask you, the reader, a question: Suppose my destiny was always to become Daaji, the spiritual Guide of the Heartfulness movement. Does that mean my fate was completely fixed? Or could I have spoiled that in some way through making a certain choice?
That topic is the heart of what this book is about: How much of our destiny is fixed and how much can be changed? Now, I dont want to ruin the surprises along the way! What I can say, however, is that from a very early age, I was drawn to spirituality, although I was equally comfortable in worldly life. One of the reasons I still find Heartfulness so fulfilling is that it supports us to excel in both.
I am sure, however, that my life would have never been as it is now if I had not met Ram Chandra, who is generally known as Babuji. He is the epicenter of Heartfulness and the reason I am doing what I do today. One day, the world will know the contribution he has made to humanity, quietly, in anonymity, with the true humility of a divine being. His inspiration keeps me going and nourishes my life.
He was able to distill the practices of Heartfulness from all the yogic traditions so that anyone, anywhere, from any background, any walk of life, who practices them sincerely, may evolve to the highest limit possible for human beings.
There are still a number of people from various countries who met him and spent time with him in Shahjahanpur, North India, and during his travels abroad. All of them have been deeply transformed by their experience with him, and most speak of him as the essence of pure love. Since his passing in 1983, the organization has continued to expand and thrive, and his simple, practical approach has continued to form the foundation of Heartfulness today.