Warning: If followed carefully, the information in this book will have you looking so good that no one will believe you need help. It would be wise to use all advice in moderation and at your discretiondepending on your audience, circumstance, and need.
A very special thanks to all the folks at Tyndale for letting me spread my wings. Im excited about partnering and growing with you.
Carol Traver, you are my new BFF! What an inspiration youve been! Your wit has pushed me to new levels of crazy, but its all good. (I think you missed your calling, but Im selfishly glad you did.) I believe you are a kiss from God to me and the shot in the arm I needed at this time in my life. Thank you not only for believing in me, but for catching the vision and championing and inspiring me. Youll never know the full extent of your influence in my mind-set and my writing. Girl, well talk over calamari.
Katara Washington Patton, editor extraordinaire, thank you for your diligence in fine-tuning my offerings, keeping me honest, and making me look good. You rock! Only a great editor can correct you without making you feel stupid or insulted. You have finesse, my friend; I feel blessed to have you in my corner.
Beth Jusino, I am so going to miss you! You have been an amazing agent, so it is with a divided heart that I release you to go and do the rest of your life. Hmm, life... everyone should have one. I wish you the best.
Charlotte, thanks for giving me the idea for Divanomics ; its friends like you that keep a girl afloat.
Karen, thanks for all the encouragement and the list of resources youre always there to giveyou are my she-ro!
Aunt Ernie, the quintessential Auntie Mame, youve taken me around the world and taught me the value of living generously, finding a good bargain, and power shopping. What a woman! You are a precious gift to me.
Thanks to all those who have walked with me through one of the hardest times in my life. (You know who you are.) Your love has kept me strong, and I can see the finish line. I love you high, deep, and wide... nah, I love you more than that!
Before we begin, lets get one thing straightSuze Orman I am not! I love me some Suze; but truth be told, if I were her, I never would have ended up broke, broke, and even more broke than the previous two expressions. Are you getting that I wasnt looking so good on paper? But understand and know that I was still fabulous! Sad to say that where I landed is probably where a whole lot more people live than they care to admit. So know this up front: I cant tell you what stocks to buy, how to manage your portfolio, or what to do with your 401(k). (You still have one of those? Congratulations if you do.)
What I can tell you is my own story of a diva gone south, from fabulous to brokealthough youd never know it based on outward appearances. I can tell you how I got to broke and what it takes to make it when your taste and your lifestyle can no longer be sustained by your present budget. (Eww... I cant believe I said that word!) They say that hindsight is better than no sight at all, so let me say this: My girl Pamela always says, If people knew better, they would do better, and hopefully that is true. So based on that premise, I am hoping that sharing my calamities with you and the solutions Ive learned along the way will keep you from doing the same. However, if youre already in the same boat I almost sank in, perhaps my advice will keep you afloat until you make it to the other side.
But beyond keeping your head in financially trying times and looking fabulous in spite of it all, I believe that the good Lord wants us to not just look fabulous but be fabulous through and through. In order to do that, certain divine principles cannot be ignored. You know, divine is where the word diva really comes fromthe root of diva in Italian is divine . (We sure got that twisted, didnt we?) By the worlds definition, divas are highfalutin, difficult, self-indulgent, and totally impressed with themselves. I guess for every yin there is a yang , so let me set the record straight: In this book, we will deal with divas redefined to a higher standard of living, loving, and overcomingfinancially, emotionally, relationally, spiritually, and otherwise. All of these things are intertwined. You cannot compartmentalize a womans character. One bad habit affects everything else. Based on that knowledge, I had to dig deep to see that my financial dilemma went deeper than the bottomless pit my money had disappeared through. I had some internal issues that contributed to my financial demise, and I think that if you took a moment to reflect, you would agree the same was true for you.
So, first things first. As you journey with me on the road to recovery, know that you are not alone in your struggle. Second, know it is not too late to recover. Third, recognize that whether your money issues come from legitimately falling on hard times or willful shopaholism (or a combination of both), there are valuable lessons to be learned that can actually work for you in the end. And last but not least, I can share a few secrets with you on ways to maintain your diva standards without spending money you dont have. I love that about God. Dont you? Somehow, someway, trials and tribulations all work out for the good if you let them. How? Well, if you embrace the truth, it will free you to learn from your mistakes and empower you to do the work you need to do to get the victory. You wont just get the victory, but youll keep itwith change left over. And that, my sister, is a beautiful thing. On second thought, its downright diva-licious!