


Copyright 2020Ivan Tuttle
All rights reserved. This book is protected by the copyright laws of the United States of America. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
Its Supernatural! Press and Messianic Vision Inc.
Cover and interior by Terry Clifton
ISBN 13 TP: 978-0-7684-5835-0
ISBN 13 eBook: 978-0-7684-5836-7
ISBN 13 HC: 978-0-7684-5838-1
ISBN 13 LP: 978-0-7684-5837-4
For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A.
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I would like to dedicate this book to two very special people in my lifemy mother, Helen, and my son, Christopher.
My mother Helen, because without her I would still be in hell forever, being tortured for all eternity. Thank you, Mother, for your prayers. My mother has prayed for me more than 40,000 times in her lifetime. She has graduated to Heaven now, and I know exactly where shes spending her eternity!
My son Christopher, because he has been the recipient of the gifts God has given me and has grown into a fine man of God. He is the greatest son a father could ever have. Thank you, Son, for everything!
I first met Ivan Tuttle when he was a guest on one of the many shows we produce for our two television networks. Right away, I knew he was someone I wanted to interview on our anchor show, Its Supernatural! Then, as I found out more about him, I knew we had to publish his book through our Its Supernatural! Press. We only publish a limited number of books, but they are ones that have the handprint of God to impact His Kingdom.
The revelation of heaven and hell that Ivan received in 1978 was so profound that God told him not to even talk about it for 35 years! Even his wife did not know the story. And even after 35 years, he still could not include portions of this revelation in the first edition of his book. Now this expanded, updated edition includes details never revealed before. God told Ivan the delay was because he was was not ready, and the world was not ready to receive this revelation.
This is Gods time now. What you are holding in your hands has the power to change your life. And if youre lukewarm and have been dumbed down in your spirit by religious or seeker-sensitive Christianity, get ready to have your world rocked!
Even after all these years, Ivan is still discovering new revelation from heaven that was downloaded to him during his original trip. Many of my guests who have visited heaven find they received a lifetime of information that is brought to remembrance at the right time.
This might surprise you, but my favorite part of the book is where Ivan talks about the creation of the earth. The love God has for humanity was so clearly displayed.
This new season on earthdefined by the Greater Gloryis the ONLY generation in which I would want to be born. We are about to see demonstrations of Gods miracles like the world has never seen and a billion-soul harvest. Yes, there will be challenging times ahead, but if you live in His Glory 24/7, it wont matter.
I see this book as essential information that will cause you to be normalthats normal as defined by the Bible. Then you will be in position to fulfill your God-given destiny. In a short season, you will supernaturally accomplish more than previous generations thought possible.
I know this is the right time for you to read this book. God is about to make up for all the wasted years. The best time in your life is about to happen! Enjoy! As Mordecai told Queen Esther, Who knows if you have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this? (Esther 4:14 NKJV).
Shalom and Global Glory,
Host, Its Supernatural! Television
T his book was written about the death, or what society calls an NDE (Near Death Experience), I had back in 1978. At that time in my life, I was not living a very good life; at 26 years old I was mixed up in drugs and my life was spiraling out of control. I made some bad choices for my life back then, but little did I know that my mother would be so instrumental in helping me back.
I went straight to hell when I died. It was a horrible place with people screaming and yelling constantly and begging to get out. Some people had been there for thousands of years, and they would beg everyone new being brought into hell, asking them to help them get out. Hell was the most horrible place I had ever seen, and since that experience I plan on staying out. There are monsters or demons in hell, and what they do to you is unbelievable. You will find out more about them and what hell is like as you read this book.
After being in hell for a little time, I was taken to heaven because of a special promise, which I will disclose later. While in heaven, I was met by an angel of God and was told and shown many things about the future and about heaven. There are things about heaven I never knew till going there, and only people who have gone there before can fully understand. I have had the pleasure of meeting a couple other people who have died and gone to heaven, and it is such a pleasure talking with them. It is an experience that very few ever have, and I thank God every day for that chance to visit and come back, but I wish I never had to leave. You will read about many of these experiences in this book.
In this book, I write about my life at the time this experience happened because I want you to know how I was living, why this experience happened like it did, and the reason I was spared and allowed to live and come back to life on earth. It is important that you know what it was like for me as a child growing up, the hardships I went through, and the relationship I had with my father. Understanding how I grew up and how I ended up dead is very important to understanding why I titled the book Journey to Hell, Heaven, and Back.
After I came back to life, I was afraid to go back to sleep at first because my mind could not comprehend what my spirit had just gone through. The next morning after dying, I went straight to my doctors consultation office because I needed to know what had happened to me. I was rather rattled at first, but as my mind started catching up with what happened to my spirit, I began to calm down and started understanding what happened to me.
Back in 1978, I didnt start writing about what happened to me after I died because I was not ready to do that at that point in my life. I was also told by an angel in heaven that I would be told when to write it. At the end of August 2013, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that now it was time to write and tell about my experiences in hell and heaven.
I had never written a book before and had no idea how to write one. I have ADHD and sitting still long enough to write a book seemed impossible, but I did what I was told to do. I can remember so well the day I started writingI sat down at one end of the sofa and my wife was on the other end, because we have the kind of sofa that has a recliner at each end. I opened up my laptop and began to type. That alone is a sight to see because I have to look at my hands to type; I was never given lessons. I started typing away, and what I thought took only about half an hour ended up being a little over four hours.
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