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All About Tea Leaf Reading 2011 by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.
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Portions of All About Tea Leaf Reading were originally published in The Llewellyn Complete Book of Psychic Empowerment: A Compendium of Tools and Techniques for Growth and Transformation. published August, 2011 by Carl Llewellyn Weschcke and Joe H. Slate, Ph.D. ISBN: 9780738727097
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All About Tea Leaf Reading
Joe H. Slate, Ph.D.
& Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
May Your Cup Brimeth Over!
Your familiar cup of tea can become a powerful, and nearly magical, instrument that will brimeth over with information about your present circumstances and future probabilities, and answers to your carefully phrased questions .
Your Subconscious Mind
How is this possible? Simply because everything you need is available in your subconscious mind, and Tea Leaf Reading, like other forms of divination, can call up the exact information you need. But, the subconscious mind stores information in symbols rather than wordsjust like your computer stores information in binary digitsso we have to decode and relate to those symbols in our reading, and turn them into a story.
Fill in the blanks
Those patterns you can find in specially prepared wet tea leaves often clearly show recognizable images and symbols, but other times you will have to use your imagination to fill in the blanks to arrive at a meaningful picture. Usually, but not always, your feelings will tell you that youve got it right.
The Question, Please
You need to compose a single, important, and specific question that is broad enough to elicit an answer beyond a simple yes or no. For example the question, Will I ever find the man of my dreams? provides little helpful information. The better question might be, What should I look for in a future mate? An equally good question might be, What should I watch out for in the men I attract? In this procedure you elicit helpful information that might otherwise have been limited or even not pertinent. Perhaps your future is not the kind of man you dream about, but rather a very stable guy next door type rather than some exotic dream boat surrounded by lots of other women. Dont let overly precise wording limit the possibilities.
Now, write the question down on a piece of paper, fold it, and have it ready for the reading.
What comes next is even more important
You must next create an individualized interpretation or solution to a previously posed question. In other words, you compose a story of how it all answers your questionsyour desire to knowwhether about your present life (relationships, career, health, etc.), your future probabilities, or even about the past, as it may have a causal relationship to present or future.
Dont belittle this story-telling aspect of interpretation!
We tell stories all the time to interpret life events for ourselves, for children, our associates, and even for the police in case of an accident, whether directly involving you or your chance presence as an observer. We tell stories to young children to help them understand things that may worry them, we tell a friend about what weve been doing and tell a new friend a story about who we are, we recount the adventures we had on our last vacation as much for our own enjoyment as our listeners. Stories are how we find meaning in our life and discover the sense of it all.
Psychic Powers are innate and natural
Its really a nearly automatic process that has its source in your awareness and sensitivity to the subtle energies of the people and events around you. Its the expansion of awareness, using the imagination calling to the subconscious mind and feeling the intuitive response that helps open your psychic abilities. Thats what we are really afterusing this simple tool to develop your natural God-given Psychic Powers.
Use your Imagination
Yes, we do provide a dictionary of the most common symbols found on the bottom and sides of your cup, but as you progress you will more often use your own imagination to trigger the subconscious mind rather than depending on a dictionary definition.
Keep it Simple, and Enjoyable
Its all very simple and funnowhere as challenging as it may sound with phrases like the subconscious mind and interpreting symbols, or creating an individualized interpretation . Your enjoyment of your own role in the drama of tea leaf reading, in framing the questions, and creating the story will improve your intuitive abilities.
Theres a history to it
People have long used tea leaf reading to understand a current situation and to forecast the future. You will find tea leaf reading in the histories of ancient China and India, in Japan and Russia, later throughout Europe and the Middle East, and finally in America and the rest of the New World.
And Coffee Ground Reading
Coffee ground reading is a relatively new concept to the Western world, but an old practice still surviving in the Middle East and the countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. Basically, reading coffee grounds is similar to tea leaf reading and starting with the preparation of a cup of coffee intended for reading, one cup at a time.
But we will start with just tea leaves, because
Theres a Fortune in your Tea Cup
Tasseography, Tasseomancy, Tassologyor just plain Tea Leaf Reading
Tea Leaf Reading has been around for such a long time that it is now technically called Tasseography or Tasseomancy, and sometimes Tassology. These words also refer to the interpretation of coffee grounds that we will discuss later in the book.
But well just call it Tea Leaf Reading, and simply define it as finding patterns in the wet tea leaves in your cup and interpreting them as meaningful symbols.
High Tea!
While often associated with fortune telling practices of wandering Gypsies, weve already mentioned tea leaf readings more ancient origins in Asia. It was also particularly popular in Victorian England and in Eastern European cultures. It is currently seeing a renaissance in North America because of the growth in tea drinking vs. coffee, and the increase in tea shops and up-scale restaurants serving afternoon High Tea.
Fun, Entertainment, and Revelation
Mostly Tea Leaf Reading is for fun and entertainment, and the always hoped for revelation showing the way to good fortune. However, the potential is much greater and thats what we want to explore.
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