This book is a gift to those of us with dearly loved family and friends who are Catholic. I do not know of any other evangelical resource on Catholicism so careful to avoid caricature, and so deeply committed to winning souls, not arguments, amid all the complexities. The issues are not simple. Chris Castaldo knows firsthand the difficulties and possibilities, and he is a trustworthy guide as we dream and pray and seek to speak with gentleness and patience and clarity.
David Mathis, executive editor,; elder, Cities Church, Minneapolis
Talking with Catholics is vintage Castaldo deeply pastoral, generous to the other side, full of humor, and insightful about the issues that really matter. The author finds the perfect balance of truth and love. He doesnt misrepresent the Catholic Church, yet he tests every claim by the Word of God. Castaldo has written a book that anyone who loves a Roman Catholic friend or relative should own. In a dialogue that is too often harsh and painful, Talking with Catholics shows us how to be truly Christian.
Dr. Bryan Litfin, Professor of Theology, Moody Bible Institute
This is an excellent guide for Evangelicals about how to relate to Roman Catholics and share the gospel with them. Chris Castaldo is well qualified for this task both by his own experience and by his studies. He manages to convey the key points with great clarity. Much to be recommended.
Tony Lane, Professor of Historical Theology, London School of Theology
Chris Castaldo doesnt just write about the need for grace and truth as we Protestants talk with Roman Catholics. I have seen him model grace and truth in personal evangelism, discipleship, and preaching. No matter what you know or dont know about Catholicism, you can learn from his example and experience.
Collin Hansen, editorial director of The Gospel Coalition and author of Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate, and Commissioned Church
Chris Castaldos voice is a valuable one for evangelical Protestants. In this book he speaks as a man raised and nurtured in the Catholic Church, a careful student of ecclesial and theological history, and a Protestant pastor with a heart to shepherd people in the way of Christ and his Word. These various strands of his life coalesce here in a truly helpful guide for Evangelicals that points us toward more accurate understanding, more careful words, and more loving lives of witness among our Catholic friends and loved ones.
Kathleen Nielson, PhD, Director of Womens Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition
In Talking with Catholics about the Gospel, Chris displays his keen understanding of church history and systematic theology, helping Evangelicals to understand and relate constructively to Catholics. This work is highly recommended.
Ralph E. MacKenzie, coauthor of Roman Catholics and Evangelicals: Agreements and Differences
What you hold in your hands is a rare gem of a book. The author, a former Catholic who is now an evangelical Protestant theologian, very humbly and faithfully addresses the central differences between Catholics and Evangelicals about grace and saving faith. Reading the first chapter alone will likely transform your own perspective if you will allow grace and truth to sink deeply into your heart! I wish every Evangelical former Catholic that I know would read this fair-minded book. I also hope my Catholic brothers and sisters will read this fine book and continue our important dialogue in good faith. Chris pulls no punches and writes with Christian love.
John H. Armstrong, President of ACT3 and author of Your Church Is Too Small
Writing with a clear mind and a warm heart, Chris Castaldo guides the reader through the complex and multifaceted world of Catholicism. If you have Catholic family or friends, are interested in sharing the gospel more effectively, or simply want to understand Catholicism better, you need this book.
Colin Smith, Senior Pastor, The Orchard
Talking with Catholics about the Gospel
Copyright 2015 by Christopher A. Castaldo
ePub Edition July 2017: ISBN 978-0-310-51815-0
Requests for information should be addressed to:
Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Castaldo, Chris, 1971
Talking with Catholics about the Gospel : a guide for evangelicals / Chris Castaldo.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-310-51814-3 (softcover)
1. Evangelicalism Relations Catholic Church. 2. Catholic Church Relations Evangelicalism. 3. Catholic Church Doctrines. I. Title.
BR1641.C37C36 2014
282 dc23
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Scripture quotations marked ESV are taken from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible. Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
Scripture quotations marked RSV are taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1946, 1952, 1971 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA. Used by permission.
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To Frank Iannone
1 Timothy 1:5
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W ithout the support of family and friends this book would not have been written. First and foremost, I thank my wife, Angela, and our children, Luke, Philip, Simeon, Aliza, and David. Your sacrifice, patience, and unconditional love are treasured gifts.
Thanks to Mark Gilbert, Eduardo Echeverria, Matt Ferris, Timothy Larsen, Christine Litavsky, and Charles Raith for reading the manuscript and providing valuable advice.
Thanks to my friends Lon Allison, Mark Brucato, Leonardo De Chirico, Collin Hansen, Tony Lane, Ralph MacKenzie, Mike McDuffee, John Armstrong, and Peter Figliozzi for your encouragement and thoughtful interaction.
Thanks to my editors Madison Trammel, Ryan Pazdur, and Greg Clouse. It has been a pleasure to work together.
And most of all, thanks to the triune God Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for providing strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. To you be the glory and honor forever.