Western Psyche Eastern Mind
David T. Johnston, Ph.D.
With References to
Sri aurobindo integral yoga themother
Smashwords Edition
Science is the tool of the Westernmind The East teaches us another, broader, more profound, andhigher understanding understanding through life. But (we)wholly misunderstand the realism of the East
Westernimitation is a tragic misunderstanding of the psychology of theEast it is not for us to imitate what is foreign to ourorganization or to play the missionary; our task is to build up ourWestern civilization, which sickens with a thousandills.
C.G. Jung, as reported in RichardWilhelm, 1962, p. 82
Our Westernpsychology has, in fact, got as far as yoga in that it is able toestablish scientifically a deeper layer of unity in theunconscious.
C.G. Jung, 1975c-2, p.573.
The cover design includes images of twopaintings by the author.
The Place ofthe Sacrifice
The main coverpicture is called The Place of the Sacrifice . By way of amplification, the Vedicsacrifice takes place at the spot between the two opposites, fireand water, where fire is masculine and water is feminine. The Vedasof India are regarded as the original scriptures brought into beingby early seers. In this image, there are four horizontal water dropshapes, referring to the still unconscious wholeness of thefeminine. There are 15 or 16 more or less distinct phallic shapes,which symbolize the masculine principle. Qualitatively, the number15 refers to relationship with the archetypal psyche and manifestworld. The number 16 = 4x4 symbolizes the differentiation of thefour central aspects of the Self wisdom, power, relatedness anddevoted service by each of the four functions of consciousness.Their blue, green and yellow colors indicate qualities ofintroversion and reflection, the living spirit of nature and hope,and illuminating insight. In India, Shiva is a powerful male godassociated with fire as both creative and destructive, whileShivas lingam (phallus) is sometimes referred to as a pillar offire. Thus, in this image, there are both masculine and feminineenergies, which bring wholeness through sacrifice to the Self,where subjective encounters are a defeat for the ego and an openingto more consciousness.
Golden Fish 4
The image of the golden fish on thetop right hand side of the book cover, with both vertical andhorizontal golden waves, suggests relatedness to cosmic energy(left and right waves) as well as relatedness to both spiritual(upward waves) and material (downward waves) energy. The four wavesflowing in each of the four directions indicate potentialdifferentiation of the central aspects of the fourfold Self,wisdom, power, harmonious relatedness and devoted service by eachof the four functions of consciousness. Gold has high value; it isa metal that does not tarnish, and is a symbol of the sun andeternity. In alchemy it is related to the water of life and thephilosophers stone, the goal of the opus. The fish is intelligencethat emerges from the depth of being, here symbolized by thebackground dark blue water. In many cultures, the fish is a symbolof the manifest God, for example, in Christianity, Christ isdepicted as a fish, while in the Puranas of India, Vishnu, the godof creation, is symbolized as a fish. These reflections andamplifications suggest that this image is a symbol of the cosmicSelf with potential for spiritual differentiation.
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2016, David T. Johnston, Ph.D. Allrights reserved.
Without limiting the rights undercopyright reserved above, no part of this publication may bereproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, ortransmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior writtenpermission of both the copyright owner and the publisher of thisbook.
Permission toreproduce images 54, 64, 121, 125, 154 and 155 from The Red Book by C.G. Jungwas graciously granted by W.W. Norton & Company. Permission wasgranted by Inner City Books to reproduce the images and diagrams onpages 88, 173, 194, 196, 217, 260, 269 and 287. Permission wasgraciously provided by Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust to quote from SriAurobindos Saviri . The Trust also provided the photographs of Sri Aurobindo andthe Mother. Illustrations of C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franzare copyrighted by Ken Faulks.
Jungs Global Vision: WesternPsyche Eastern Mind
ISBN 978-1-927755-21-1 (paperback)ISBN 978-1-927755-22-8 (ebook)
Cataloguing informationavailable from Library and Archives Canada. Ver. 01b
Intelligence inNature
Jung and the Spirit of the NaturalWorld
The Intelligent Unfolding of theUniverse
The Fundamental UnitaryFourfold Law of Life
Archetypal Intelligence and theUnfolding Future
The Cosmic Dimension and the HumanEquation
Laws of Nature and Neurobiology and theDevelopment of Mind
Rupert Sheldrake: Habits inNature and Creative Change
Formative Causation and Softand Creativity
Daniel J. Siegel: the Brain,the Mind and Healthy Integration
Jungs Natural Affiliation withAlchemy
Jungs Visionand the Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother
Involution and Evolution of Consciousness: SriAurobindo and the Mother
Definitions: Sri Aurobindo,Jung and Evolutionary Psychiatry
Sri Aurobindos Unconscious and Circumconscient:Jungs Rotundum and Archetypal Psyche
Sri Aurobindos Circumconscientand Jungs Archetypal Psyche
Sri Aurobindo and the Evolution of HumanConsciousness
The Way of the TripleTransformation
Jung, the Archetypal Psyche and the Evolution ofConsciousness
Archetype andInstinct
The Reality of thePsyche
Jung and the Evolution of HumanConsciousness
New Skins for NewWine
Judaism and the ChristianMyth
Perfection vs. Completeness, Jungs Act of Seeing andFreedom
Contemporary Society
Individuals and the Transformation ofCommunity
The Individual and Relationshipto the Anthropos
Creation of Auroville
Realization of Divine Law andAuroville, the City of the Dawn
The Anthropos and theMatrimandir
Creative Individuals and theGroup-Soul
The Mother, Living Numbers andthe New Creation
Jungs Deification: Prophet and Vibhuti
Jungs Structure of the Self asFourfold Quaternities
Jungs Path of Individuation asAnte-Integral Yoga
Archetype as Psychoid, the Unus Mundus andSynchronicity
Sri Aurobindos Supermind and Overmind,and Jungs Unus Mundus
SriAurobindos Visionary Experiences as Recorded in Savitri
The Mother and theTransformation of the Cells and Jungs Glorified Body
Jung and the MotherGoddess
Jung in Sri Aurobindos Classification ofthe Mind and Supermind
Jungs Late Differentiation ofthe Self
Intuition and the LapisPhilosophorum
Involution from Above andEvolution from Below
Jungs FinalDream-Vision
The Mother, Jung and Internalizing theGods
TheSupermind, the Axiom of Maria and the Four
Bridge to the Past, Bridge between Eastand West: The New World
Endnotes - duplicate
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To the Mother
After having completed the initialdraft for this book, I met Thomas Davis at a symposium at thePacifica Graduate Institute. We began to communicate by e-mail andI eventually sent him the draft, which he read and on which hebriefly commented. He diplomatically cajoled me into what amountsto a re-organization of aspects of the first part of the book,which I did. I am very thankful for his intervention. Interestinglyenough, just prior to the books completion, I met Thomas at alater symposium at Pacifica and we acknowledged and rejoiced in thesynchronicity involved in our meetings at both bookends of thispublishing project.
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