INFP Insights andInspiration
Wisdom, Advice,and Lessons From Famous INFPs On All Areas Of Life Including Work,Creativity, Love, and Happiness
ByD an Johnston
Copyright 2014, by DanJohnston.
All RightsReserved.
No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted inany form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, orother electronic or mechanical methods, or by any informationstorage and retrieval system without the prior written permissionof the publisher, except in the case of very brief quotationsembodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial usespermitted by copyright law.
Published by Dreams Around The World
Why You MustRead This Book
If you arereading this, Im going to assume you are an INFP, or at least havea feeling you might be.
You haveprobably read a few descriptions of your type online and know thebasics by now.
This book isan opportunity to go deeper into your study and a differentapproach for learning about INFPs. By reading this book, you willgain new and distinctive insights into yourself and the INFPpersonality type.
Like you,there was once a time when my personality type was just a confusingseries of letters for me. Then, after reading a few basicdescriptions of my type, I began to read autobiographies fromsuccessful and inspiring people who share my same type.
As I read, Ibegan to feel better and better about my personality, my future,and myself. Concerns about my quirks and idiosyncrasies meltedaway. I realized I did not have to be good at everything; I had adistinct set of strengths. I began to feel inspired and certain inmy potential, despite my weaknesses, and take pride on mygifts and abilities. My confidence soared.
I started tosay to myself:
If theyhave the same personality type as I, and has been so successful,there is no reason I cannot too!
Moments ofinsight started to come along too. I remembered dormant passionsand strengths from my childhood. I felt inspired by my new rolemodels and a new vision for my future.
Studying thosewith my personality type was one of the smartest investments, ofboth time and money, I ever made. I have written this book in hopeof sharing this same experience with you.
To YourSuccess,
Dan Johnston.
Your OwnJourney
Only a fewfamous INFPs have autobiographies available. There are many morebiographies, but Ive always preferred to learn direct from thesource. Isnt it better to learn about a person and their life fromthat persons own words? A biography will give you insights into apersons actions, but a persons own words will give you insightsinto their mind.
That is wherethis book comes in with no better way to learn about life as anINFP than from the words and wisdom of famous and successfulINFPs.
As you readthe pages of this book, you will discover more than two hundredquotations taken from INFPs who have, in one way or another, madefull use of their potential and had a positive impact on theworld.
To make themeasier to read, and to aid you in your thinking and reflectionprocess, I have broken the quotations into seven categories:
On Happinessand the Meaning of Life
On Familyand Friends
On Businessand Money
On Work,Career and Education
OnGovernment and Religion
On Love,Romance, and Perhaps a Little Sex
OnEverything Else (From Travel to Health)
As you read, Iencourage you to take a deep breath and a moment of reflectionafter each quotation.
To help inyour reflection, consider asking yourself a question after eachquotation. Some examples are:
What canI learn about the personality and values of this person?
Throughtheir quotation, what can I learn about the INFPpersonality?
Is therewisdom in this quotation? Can I apply it to my life?
What canI learn about myself?
Now before wedive into the quotations, I would like to introduce you to some ofyour famous INFP Brothers and Sisters and touch on some commontraits famous INFPs share.
ExclusiveReader-Only Bonuses:
Prinatable Workbook and
To help you get the most from this book I have created a collectionof free extras to support you along the way.
When you visitthe site below you will be able to download a printable workbook torecord your reflections and answers to the end of chapterexercises.
You will alsoreceive free enrollment in a Five-Part E-Course on personalitypsychology delivered by e-mail. The training is packed with tips,strategies, advice and additional resources.
Through thefive lessons, you will learn how to implement what you have learntabout your personality type, including:
How To LearnFrom Your Mistakes and Gain Experience Fast
Why You Must, and How You Can, Become The Best In The World
How to Overcome Your Weak Spots
How to Put Your Strengths into Action and Achieve Your HighestPotential.
How To Pay It Forward By Understanding Those Around You andHelping Them Become Their Best Selves
Both are yoursfree, a special thank you for my readers.
To receiveyour free companion course and workbook, visit:
In Good Company
Discovering The Healer and Princess:Who Is An INFP?
At this point Im going to assume youre anINFP and reading about yourself, or reading about someone you careabout who is an INFP.
Im also going to assume youve read some ofthe basic descriptions online about INFPs and have bought this bookbecause you want depth and details on how INFPs can thrive.
So Im not going to bore you with a lengthyor redundant description of an INFP here. Rather, you will find aconcise description here, followed by more details and specifics inthe following chapters on strengths, weaknesses, careers andrelationships.
INFPs are meditative and introspective,cooperative and accommodating, informative and enlightening,attentive and thoughtful.
Their peaceful exterior masks an imaginativeand passionate inner world.
INFPs are reserved, private individuals. Aschildren, INFPs are often misunderstood, particularly in practicalfamilies who have trouble understanding their passion and idealism.Most types can shrug off mix-matched parental expectations, butINFPs often have trouble here. They want their parents to be happyand this often leads them to put forth one front to their parents,hiding parts of themselves, while keeping another part inside. Thiscan be troublesome, because INFPs seek unity of mind, body andspirit.
INFPs have a strong sense of right and wrongand an idealistic way of looking at the world. They care deeplyabout causes and issues theyve connected with, and will devotethemselves to the cause when necessary. These causes are usuallyconnected with people or animals, as INFPs are highly empatheticand belief in the rights of others as much as their own.
INFPs are flexible, patient with complexsituations, and comfortable with new ideas and information. On theother hand, INFPs cringe at routine work, repetitive tasks andboring details.
An INFPs idealism, empathy, and strongsystem of values are not common traits throughout society and,being only about one percent of the population, its easy for INFPsto feel isolated in their way of thinking. This can be especiallytough because INFPs value harmony and acceptance. Its importantfor every INFP to remember that these differences that can makethem feel so isolated are actually some of their greatest strengthsand a gift to the world.
Some Common Traits For INFPs
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