Copyright 2000David Herzog
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Speaking to the Purposes of God for this Generation and for the Generations to Come.
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ISBN 13: 978-0-7684-2607-6
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Previously published Copyright 2000, 2003, 2005 David Herzog by
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To Stephanie, my beautiful and loving wife, friend, and minister, who has experienced with me the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings in the nations of the world. She has been Gods gift to me since the first day we met. Her faith, hunger for God, prayers, perseverance, unity, and love have been tremendous encouragements and inspiration, and without which I would not be what I am today.
To our three precious daughters, Tiffany Joy, Shannon Glory, and Destiny Shalom who have traveled and ministered with us in many parts of the world. Tiffany Joy received a mighty touch from God in the womb during an incredibly joyful 24-hour praise and worship service; Shannon Glory was born with gold dust on her face as a sign of a new glory upon our lives, stunning the doctors overseas; and Destiny Shalom was conceived during our outreach to Africas Ivory Coast.
To both the Herzog and Esperanza families, whom we love with all our hearts.
To Ruth Heflin, whose life and friendship were sources of great inspiration, blessing, and glory. Her love for God and His people could fill volumes of books if her heart was ever written in its entirety. I owe much to this great friend and woman of God.
To Pastor Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda for their priceless friendship, wisdom, counsel, and the glory of God they continue to carry in their lives and ministry.
To all our partners, intercessors, and friends who keep this ministry advancing forward to fulfill the Great Commission.
To Megan Allison who has stood by us over the past six years and served in this ministry both on the mission field and in the a faithful helper and friend to both our ministry and family.
God is using David Herzog to span the continents and to span the generations in this most recent wave of glory that is sweeping the world. Davids own personal hunger for God, as well as his desire to see the nations receive all that God has for them, has caused him to reach into the realms of revelation and see Mysteries of the Glory Unveiled.
That which he has obtained by moving into the ease of the glory, he is imparting to congregations throughout Europe and America, and those to whom he ministers are now experiencing signs, wonders, and miracles as never before.
Ruth Ward Heflin
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14).
On a train traveling toward the city of Marseille for a preaching engagement in the south of France, I was listening to my Walkman and worshiping the Lord. I happened to look down at my hands, and they had golden flakes all over them. I ran to the restroom, and found that the gold was also on my face.
The presence of God filled the cabin and seemed somehow fresh and new. I was in awe at the wonderful new thing that was happening in my life, and I spent the rest of the time en route to Marseille in a cloud of Gods glory.
When I arrived in Marseille, the pastor of the church where I would be preaching met me at the train station. His first question to me was, Have you heard about the new thing God is doing with gold dust? For some reason, I felt restrained from immediately sharing with him my experience. I told him that I had definitely heard about it.
Do you think it will be manifest tonight in the meeting? he asked.
Well, lets let God do whatever He wants to do, I answered, and the subject was dropped.
The congregation that night consisted of former rock and roll junkies and drug addicts. Many of them received healing and deliverance that night. I shared with them my experience with the gold dust and told them I believed it was a sign of new things coming from the Lord. Toward the end of the meeting, I noticed that the pastors wife was very excited and that people were gathering around her. Her hair was full of golden dust and flakes. Then others began seeing it on their hands. The meeting exploded with Gods glory.
We are feeling the first sprinkles of the greatest revival of miracles, signs, and wonders ever recorded since the Book of Acts. This is the result of the glory of God being manifested upon the earth. With this increase of signs and wonders has come new revelation and a great harvest of souls, since every great move of God naturally brings with it a new harvest.
We are seeing the restoration of the spirit of Elijah upon the Church, as was prophesied:
Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord (Malachi 4:5 NASB).
In this new move of God, there is not only an increase in signs and wonders, but there are unusual and creative miracles (including resurrections from the dead), angelic visitations, and the restoration of key revelations, mysteries, and truths that have been lost through the centuries.