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Published by AuthorHouse 07/02/2014
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This book is dedicated to all employers and employees who are or have been facing gossip and/or conflicts that have caused scars and wounds in the workplace. It is our desire to create a healthy environment among employees within the workplace by providing them with the insight and skills in order to be effective in workplace.
commitment to a
group effort - that
is what makes
a team work, a
company work,
a society work, a civilization work.
F irst of all, I want to give thanks, glory, and honor to God for giving me this desire and enabling me to help others gain their freedom and knowledge in a workplace.
Thank you to all the co-workers, leaders, and CEOs around the world who have taken the time to understand and show hard work and patience in order to better understand their challenging employees, and the various attitudes that exist in the workplace today.
Special thanks to all the employees, leaders, and CEOs we interviewed during the formation of this book. The vital information provided helped me to better understand what exactly is going on within the workplace that may cause preventable hurt, pain, emotional wounds and stagnation.
Special thanks goes out to all my readers who will read this book and begin the journey toward a commitment, dedication and a positive attitude in workplace.
Finally, I thank God for my beautiful family, co-workers and all the members of Word Up Apostolic Ministries, who encouraged and convinced me of the need to write a book on gossip and conflict in the workplace. So, from my heart, the words Thank you are not enough, so Ill just say, To God be the Glory.
A persons attitude in the workplace has a direct bearing on ones life. It reveals what one is feeling on the inside, and sometimes it will reflect on things that will cause an unintended reaction toward ones co-workers. Attitudes are very important in the workplace because they govern a persons life, can alter ones character, and determine how one may handle different situations, when working amongst ones co-workers. An attitude is a state of mind or feeling; these feelings can be positive or negative, based on observation, judgment, and/or certain behavior. Many employees have developed strong negative attitudes toward the workforce which in turn have brought about chaos and havoc amongst those with whom they work.
We have looked at gossip and conflict through interviewing several employees and employers. After gathering the information from them, we have come up with a sound conclusion that there are major problems in the workplace that need to be addressed and exposed. The main reason for most disorder, division, emotional wounds and hatred amongst employees, which causes their emotions to change, is gossip. In turn, that causes the workload to seize. When workers cannot get along with each other, it may cause the production at work to either move slowly or come to a halt. When unresolved issues are ignored in the workplace, conflicts are obvious, such as quality problems that may arise when employees act on their anger and frustration, instead of acting with cooperation and a positive attitude.
It can be hard to come to work every day, especially when you know you have to deal with difficult people. There are many strategies and information in this book that co-workers can develop and learn how to have a smoother relationship in workplace. This book provides the vital information needed by any organization to develop wellness programs and enhance healthy life styles among associates. By taking a proactive approach to improving your relationship, you may be able to clear up misunderstandings and smooth the way to a better work environment.
That why it is so important for leaders and co-workers to focus on building trust, pride and camaraderie every step of the way to build a strong team in workplace. Every associate in the workplace must realize that your team environment begins with you.
Teamwork is just believing in yourself.
Having a workforce continuity plan is critical in developing a relationship among employers and employees that will cause the team and organization to grow in a positive direction. So every employer and employee must realize people, who are successful in any workplace, did not get there by themselves. You can interpret that lots of different ways, but what Im saying is, it takes a team in order to succeed. This book will equip and train you on how to deal with difficult people and situations in the workplace.
Difficult people will show up for work with all kinds of attitudes, and they have an uncanny way of saying things that just dampen your day. They can always be counted on to bring out the worst in you, to be obtuse and disagreeable, to make easy things seem impossible, to put a negative spin on the things you do, to speak ill of you, or to ignite an inextinguishable fire in your life that will bring about conflicts. As much as we wish that difficult people would just go away, this will never happen. Just be proactive when someone negative comes to you; treat them with respect and you can never go wrong by displaying Christ-like love and a teamwork attitude.
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