Expat Wife, Happy Life!
The journey of a serial expat
First published in 2021 by
Panoma Press Ltd
48 St Vincent Drive, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5SJ, UK
Book layout by Neil Coe.
The right of Florence Reisch-Gentinetta to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright holder except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Applications for the copyright holders written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publishers.
This book is available online and in bookstores.
Copyright 2021 Florence Reisch-Gentinetta
To my husband Alexander and my children
Constantin and Angelina
I love you and lets keep living the life!
Very intimate, you feel the author as a friend talking to you! A friend brimming with positive energy and great wisdom. The book covers both the psychological and the practical aspects of expatriation. It is a very rich book read it in one morning!! that resonated in me and enlightened aspects of expatriation that I was not even conscious of!
Letizia de Maigret, visual artist
I love how easily I can connect the Flo that I know to what she has shared in her book. Her personality and character have underpinned her personal growth, but her expatriate experiences have added color, texture and importantly a self-belief and contentment that rings true. She brings it all together in an engaging, authentic and positive way, and her absolute commitment to embracing and making the most of the life she and Alex have chosen is inspiring and convincing for would-be expats and already expats alike.
Sarah Blomfield, global marketing manager
A very personal and transparent account of Flos experience as an expat, which can help some wives who are facing a similar choice.
Marina Glendinning, full-time mother
As I close this book, I am left with the beautiful feeling that we are so much more than we think we are! Through her journey, Florence shows us that when you allow yourself to dream and dare, life does not only give you back the gift of people but the one of discovering yourself. This book encourages everyone to cherish life and friendship to the fullest and always make the best of every opportunity.
Caroline Rossi de Rosire,
expat and mother of three
This book is... a gift about Florences experience based on real facts about how to turn something hard and difficult into something wonderful. Its all the authors authentic attitude with a touch of curiosity. Florence takes us on a trip around the world. After reading it, I wish I could fly all over the world. Thank you for your happiness Florence!
Monica Hernndez, Mexican,
Ironman and mother of five
Flo is one of those people everybody likes and its because of her attitude. Attitude is everything, and in this book, Flo will share her lessons learned and help you to have a positive, curious and can-do attitude which will enrich your expat life. I would recommend this book to all future and current expats.
Nanette Zwaan, development manager in
the arts and cultural sector
A very personal and honest story of an experienced expat wife showing you the ups and downs of living abroad and in different countries for many years. It really made me want to travel and immerse myself into different cultures again.
Author and founder and designer of
Emilia Ohrtmann
Florence paints the expat life in glorious color with her vast number of experiences and insights. For anyone curious about expat life, this book will not only show you the possibilities but also help you to reflect on whether it is the right choice for you.
Jane Saddler, life coach,
teacher and mother of three
Nothing in my life path predestined me to write a book, especially in English, and yet when the idea was born, I was surrounded by such enthusiasm from the people I love, that writing this book has been a magical journey.
I must start with my husband Alexander Reisch. My rock, my husband, but above all my teammate who since we met listens to me and encourages me in everything I do. His constant positive energy and dynamism motivates me to take up the challenges that come my way. Alex is very present, trusts me and also supports me to promote my success. By living with Alex, there is never a dull moment. As he says, life is rich but you need to go for it! Thank you, Alex, for such a rich and intense life!
A big thank you to Mindy Gibbins-Klein, my publisher, who trusted me from the first time we met. It was a gamble for you too, as I came with just a life story but no writing experience. Thanks to your experience, your rigorousness and your encouragement I could only believe in the outcome of my book. Three months to write a book was your promise, I believed you and I did it! Thank you, Mindy, for this crazy journey.
And thank you, of course, to her great team at Panoma Press for their hard work.
Thank you, Caroline Rossi de Rosire, for always valuing my attitude towards my expat life. Thank you for once telling me that my experiences would be so beneficial to someone who wanted to live a life full of adventure. This sentence was probably the seed that gave birth to this book. Merci ma Caro.
Thank you to my friend Kyra Dupont Troubetzkoy. Thank you for sharing with me your trust from the beginning when I told you about this idea. Thank you for believing in me when I told you I would like to share my life experience and my passion for coaching in a book. Coming from you, journalist and writer, it gave me a wonderful energy that accompanied me throughout my project. Merci ma Kyra.
Thank you to Imogen Parker, a gifted young student, passionate about English literature, who helped me with the English and the syntax. Thank you, Imi!
Thanks to Jane Saddler, a great coach, who generously took her precious time to carefully proofread and correct my writing. Thank you, Jane!
Thank you, Christina de Bavier, for your story and good luck in Dubai! No doubt you will love it!
To my expatriate friends who agreed to be my beta readers and to give me their precious feedback that made all the difference with the final version of the book. Thanks to Marina Glendinning, Caroline Rossi de Rosire, Monica Hernndez, Nanette Zwaan, Letizia de Maigret, Emilia Ohrtmann and Sara Blomfield for being so honest and helpful. Thank you for your unique enthusiasm when I told you about my project and thank you for encouraging me along the adventure.
A special thank you to my coaching clients who inspire me every day by sharing often very intimate themes. Thank you for your trust, your honesty and your loyalty. Thank you for allowing me to be a mediator in your transformation. This book is also the reflection of my experience with you and the desire to share what you are teaching me and what I have learned from you.