![Copyright 2021 by Bishop WE Brooks ISBN 978-1-955885-98-0 softcover ISBN - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/382180/image/titlepage.png)
Copyright 2021 by Bishop W.E. Brooks.
ISBN 978-1-955885-98-0 (softcover)
ISBN 978-1-955885-99-7 (ebook)
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Printed in the United States of America.
Book Vine Press
2516 Highland Dr.
Palatine, IL 60067
T he dust of the earth is the very essence of which we were made. As sculptured vessels of clay, we are products of the Almighty God. He took a formless piece of clay and made it into an art form of beauty. Art, as we know, has many forms and comes in various categories. As Gods creation, we vary in color, speech, shape, lifestyles, and etc., yet each of us make the artistic picture of God complete.
As we read this book, we will discover the Samaritan woman had issues, but so do we. Our issues vary from each other. They flow from within, and for some they have existed since childhood until now. We have become good at covering them up. Perhaps from a burst of laughter, or a smile, in the futile attempt to mask the hidden nightmare. Perhaps it is over-compensating at work, or church for that matter.
Pain is a common subject that each of us can relate to. Although the levels of pain vary from one individual to the next, each are relevant to their circumstance. It is unholy and ungodly to become non-responsive to others pain because of our own. The Word of God indicates we are lights of the world, a city that is sat upon a hill and cannot be hidden. Light has a drawing ability. One theological interpretation of light is knowledge and wisdom. Notice, Jesus tells us we are the light of the world.
Knowledge overpowers ignorance as light overpowers darkness. In the presence of light everything is exposed. As the light of the world, we expose darkness as we represent, he who is the supreme light, Jesus Christ. As Christians, our objective is to win souls for Christ. As humans, matters of the heart are concealed and emotional ills are suppressed. Bizarre exterior manifestations are a result of interior problems. The internal activity of the mind and heart control how we think and speak, as they determine our interactions with others and the like.
Rejection, depression, and oppression are common emotional ills of our society. There used to be a time when I felt these mindsets did not exist for those who are Christians. You see I was given a different version of Christianity growing up. I was told Christians do not fear or get depressed or even sin. I was told Holy Spirit filled individuals did not sin. Do not get me wrong, I believe we have authority not to sin, however, I am also aware that is not the case in Christianity. It does not matter how we may have achieved scholastically. We may be at a level of prominence in our lives of which others may not ever obtain, but there are scars and wounds that have not been healed within. Many did not receive their healing because they were preoccupied by life and responsibility. Therefore, the internalization was dormant like a volcano until one day the eruption process began.
Many are victims of their pain of traumatic experiences which have followed them through their success and accomplishments in life. My prayer is after you have read this book you will be open for healing and assignment from the Lord Jesus Christ. You will never have to deal with the issue again, because Jesus Christ is going to take away past, present pain and prepare you for a great destiny ahead. Are you ready for healing?
Jesus made this declaration. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength and with your mind, and, your neighbor as yourself Luke (10:27 NIV) To express Gods love in this manner will require THE assistance of the Holy Spirit. This expression can not be an expression on a surface level, but an intense, passionate, overwhelming exemplification of agape love. Gods love will penetrate all color barriers and traditions. His love is not impartial. Gods desire for His people is that we love him with our heart, soul, mind, body, and strength.
When we allow His agape love to be poured into our hearts, we will become equipped to aid others who are in need of a miracle. Who is my neighbor? My neighbor is the person next door, as well as the stranger I have never met. My neighbors span from every race and across the globe, from the golden hills of California to the musty caverns of Africa. From the Southern crops of Mississippi to the majestic mountains of New Zealand, we are neighbors. Our mission is a mission of love to everyone and those who are receptive of the Word of God will benefit through salvation.
Samaria represents the place of someones location. We must be willing to go to Samaria as Christs instruments of mercy to those who are inflicted by the misery of sin. We must be selfless in reaching the souls of mankind. Now let me say this, I realize that our experiences in our relationship with Christ are not always going to be easy. There are great challenges you will face in your faith walk with Christ. Sometimes you will have to adjust to the hot climate of the valley and desert places. However, I want you to remember in every experience you will gain a greater appreciation of God. The miseries in life will not compare to the glory that will be revealed in you.
Misery is a part of ministry, and when I say ministry, I am not just implying the ecclesiastical call, but your position as a Child of God places you in ministry as His servant. The distasteful things we encounter are also part of the process of our perfection. There is an old saying, You have to take the bitter with the sweet. In this book, you will discover how mercy ministered to misery and brought a miraculous change. The Samaritan woman was a true personification of misery. Jesus went to the well with a mission in mind; to minister to the Samaritan woman. Now let us journey geographically into Samaria and see what happens when Mercy Meets Misery.
Chapter 1
Unfinished Business
The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John, although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. Now he had to go through Samaria.
H ave you ever started a project and did not get the chance to complete it? I will guarantee this is a common fact with a lot of folks. We start projects then we are distracted, we forget to finish the project. Before you know it, at the end of the day you have started several projects without completing any of them. There are many answers or excuses we could use to explain this. For some it is procrastination, while for others laziness or even lack of prioritizing or too many irons in the fire.
Whatever the reason, Jesus had some unfinished business. Unlike us, our Savior will not start a project and leave it uncompleted. He does not like unfinished works. Heb. 12 (NIV) Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down on the right hand of the throne of God.
Christ came into the world to die for the sins of humanity. He did not leave earth until his mission was accomplished. Christ will finish everything He started but we must keep our focus on Him through the process.
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