Photo of the Attitude of Success
CODE 2: The Two Basic Ways That People Think and Act
(Actions follow thoughts.)
Victor vs. Victim Thinking
Victor (winner, conqueror) or Victim (the loser, the defeated one)
T here are basically only two types of people in this world: there are victors, and there are victims. A victor thinks victor-type thoughts that are full of life, hope, expectation, enthusiasm, service, and creativity, and you tend to say, Yes, I can do this. Lets go for it. A victim thinks victim-type thoughts filled with negativism, having no hope, full of limitations, full of excuses, no interest in improving, selfish, and destructive in nature, and you tend to say, I can never do this. Whats the use? No thought is unimportant, and each thought adds up. Enough victor thoughts and you become a winner. Enough victim thoughts and you are branded as a loser. To a loser, the biggest victim is himself. (See Figure #1 on page 38,
then take the Pretest for Victim ThinkingAppendix Section.)
Choose Your Self-Identity: Victor or Victim
Why is choosing your self-identity the first important step toward positive change? Because who you choose to accept yourself to be, victor or victim, determines the thoughts you will choose to think, and the thoughts you choose to think determined what you see, and what you see determines what actions you choose to do, and what actions you choose will determine your habits, and your habits determine your character, and your character determines your reputation, and your reputation reinforces your old self-identity or creates a new identity. Simply, who you choose and accept yourself to be is created, designed, supported, and perpetuated by your thoughts and actions. (See Glossary at the end of workbook.)
Very simply, a cat thinks, sees, and does what is of interest to the cat and remains a cat because it has no choice. However, a champion athlete by choice thinks, sees, and does what is of interest to the champion in order to remain a champion. Therefore, choose to be a victor, a champion, a winner.
The Two Natures of Thoughts
Our life then is made up of each thought we think. And since thoughts turn into action, we have to become very careful about each thought we think, knowing that it could lead to something we end up doing. Knowing that there are only two types of thoughts, we then need to start choosing our thoughts very carefully. At first, trying to control each thought will be like trying to ride a wild bronco; it will be very hard, followed by a lot of failures. Why? Because we are used to letting our mind run wild and, on automatic, just doing a lot of things without really thinking about it because we just feel like doing it. So begin to develop a disciplined mind.
A disciplined mind controls each thought. To control each thought, you start by identifying each thought. You do this by slowing down your thinking process, like hitting the Pause button after each thought and asking yourself, Is this a victor thought Im now thinking, or is it a victim thought? (See Figure #2 on page 40)
Managing Your Thoughts
This means being the boss of your thoughts. Being the boss of your thoughts is like driving a car. Your mind is the driver, and your body is the car, and your thoughts are the steering wheel. The steering wheel (each thought) points the car in the direction that it wants the car to go. But if the driver does not take control of the steering wheel (each thought), the car will run out of control and end up in the ditch or in a wreck. Remember this, each thought has a specific direction it wants you to go. This means that each and every thought is importantno thought is unimportantjust like every little move of the steering wheel, no matter how subtle or how small, is important when the car is moving fast.
For Your Journey of Change and Success, You Need a Destination and Priorities
So first, as your journey of change begins, you need to assign to yourself the identity of a victor and begin the screening and the managing of each thought, thus develop a disciplined mind. The second step you need to take to gain full control over your life is to choose goals for yourself. Without goals, your life does not have purpose or direction. In fact, you know youre making a good decision only if that decision is getting you closer to your goal. And since you will have several goals, you need to prioritize them by:
- level of importance (which goals are most important for you to reach)
- order of importance (goals that must be completed first before other goals can be attained/reached)
You Need a Game Plan and Strategy for Success
Third, you need a good game plan, which becomes your road map to get you to your goals. How are you going to get there step by step? Whats to be done first, then second, then third, and on and on until you arrive at your goal. A good plan includes everything you need to do to attain your goal, including backup plans in case something unexpected happens.
Why do you need a game plan? Because life, like every sport, has its own set of rules. Baseball, basketball, football, volleyball, soccer, all have different rules. And you not only have to learn the rules of the game but also have to play by the rules in order to score and winor youll get kicked out of the game.
Rules of the Game of Life
The six codes, 265431, in the zip code of success, teaches the basic rules of the game of life in order to score and be successful. It also represents a game plan and strategy for success.
The game plan and strategy for success is to carefully choose your team. The best plan is you be the team captain of your life.
A team captain will carefully choose team members that will work together with him to execute successful plays, score points, remain highly motivated, and win games. A successful team captain not only always looks for the best plays and best players but requires the best effort from each team member all the time.
As team captain, you must choose two winning teams.
The Inside Team: The Insiders
As the team captain of your life and to be successful, you must choose only the best inside team, which is made up of each thought, belief, value, moral, norm, skill, motive, and motivation. These make up the inside team: the insiders. (See Glossary)
The Outside Team: The Frontliners
Each of your actions and each of your relationships protects and extends your front as you move forward toward your goals; therefore, all actions and relationships are important. Nothing is unimportant! Because each action and each relationship will either help you get closer to your goals or get in the way of reaching your goals. All actions and all relationships have their influence and impact on what your life will produce.
These frontline team members include your attitude, your education, each of your skills, each word you say, each effort you make, each success you achieve, each recovery you make, each service you perform, each of your friends, people you hang out with, and each assistance you give to others in your network of support. Everything and everyone matters.