Daily Guidance & Inspiration
50 Tips to help guide & inspire you to live a more fulfilled, balanced and harmonious life
Patsy C. OReilly
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This book is dedicated to my Mum and Dad who have inspired me with their positive attitude whatever life has thrown at them
To Michael my son, from the moment of his birth, he brought life to me.
To Scamp my furry loyal & faithful friend for always being by my side, god rest his soul.
My Mum always said to me from a very young age Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained. I have lived by that statement all through my life.
It always gives me confidence and has kept me very busy. Thank you Mum. xxx
T o my mum and dad , Thank you for always having faith in my abilities and for giving me an abundance of love and encouragement. To john for all his love, support, help and enduring patience with me.
I decided to write this book about Daily guidance & inspiration as I felt sometimes that the simplest things in life can be so easily overlooked because we are all so busy living our lives. Some days we just need a gentle reminder of how precious life really is, this book is nothing to heavy, there are no lectures, no reprimanding, this book is just about gentle reminders, guidance and inspiration and its just like what your best friend would say to you.
This is a Handy handbook that can be used every day. You will never want to throw it away. Its a book you will tell your friends about and buy as a gift. Its everyones friend.
This book can be used like you would read you star sign. Check it out daily for personal messages to you. You can randomly open a page to get a message especially for you. Its like having your best friend with you everyday. Never leave home without it. Man or woman this book is suitable for you.
I believe we all have intuition and an inner voice guiding us but most of us block it out because we are so busy with our lives. This book is your inner voice, it is your guidance, it is everything your own mind and inner voice would tell you if you let it. Hopefully after reading it you may tune into your own inner voice which will be your best friend and guide you to a more fulfilled life everyday for the rest of your life.
50 Tips for a more fulfilled, balanced and harmonious life
Included are also 12 Personal message for you.
D aily guidance tips and messages, either pick one or a few randomly or read through them all and which ever is appropriate for you then follow the guidance given. You can use these tips and messages daily or whenever you feel you need some guidance.
You can also fan the pages and if you pick a tip or message more than 3 times in a row or within a certain time span this is a very strong message to you, listen to it.
** = Is a Personal message for you alone.
First and foremost the most important thing is to look after your mind and body with healthy nutrition and exercise. The following guides are what most of you will more than likely already know and do but sometimes it is very easy for people to overlook it because of their busy lives and this is what then makes people crave unhealthy fast foods, takeaways and processed foods. Take a minute or two to evaluate your life in every way, remember you ARE what you EAT & you look how you feel so feel happy and confident.
. Body care: Remember ~Water is the Liquid of Life. Drink at least 2 litres of water a day, 2 glasses of water 4 times a day with each meal or snack add lemon lime or mint or elderflower to taste. A good tip is to fill a 2-litre bottle and keep it next to you; you will then be able to easily measure how much you have drunk in a day. Water helps you think more clearly and helps detoxify you, never under estimate its importance and make the most of it.
. Breath slowly but purely, one way to do this, is whilst you are breathing in imagine a white light cleansing your body right down to your toes, whilst breathing out try to imagine any negative thoughts and feelings leaving your body as grey coloured breath or choose any colour you prefer. The easiest way to know your are breathing correctly is to put your hand on your stomach and when you feel it rise whilst breathing in you are breathing in correctly and when you are exhaling you will feel your stomach deflate. You may think that everyone knows this but you would be surprised at the amount of people who when asked to breathe in, would suck in air very quickly holding in their breath whilst tensing their abdomen, psychologically they relate to breathing in as trying to look slimmer.
Everyday we can breath in and absorb other peoples negative energies and If we are not careful it can have a big impact on our lives, learn to meditate and release these unwanted energies. Breath in new and positive energies daily, only allow positive thoughts to enter into your head. Every negative thought could build barriers to prevent you making achievements in your life. Only spend time with positive people with positive energies. Every negative thought you have is like a stone weighing heavy your pocket and it will weigh you down eventually. Learn to take slow long deep breaths, it clears the mind and calms the body, it releases negative energies and restores your balance and peace. What you think is what you get. So think good, think well and think positive!!!! We all take breathing for granted but every breath we take is a gift.
3. Eat a healthy and nutritionally balanced diet, care for your body, and research what is good for you. Pre packaged foods always have preservatives in them. Your body will eventually reject these and when it has had enough it will start to let you down. Bloated stomach, headaches, rashes and unexplained symptoms can be a sign that your body has had enough of preservatives. Please note that food intolerances are also to blame for a lot of other unexplained symptoms get yourself checked out and do some research soon, You only have one body, treat it well and treat it with respect, we all expect such a lot from our bodies, but not all of us treat it with the respect it deserves.
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