Lynn Cowell has crafted my favorite kind of Bible studypractical, relatable, doablewrapped around stories of women in Scripture. Her writing voice is warm and confident, and its clear shes done her research, yet it never overshadows her enthusiasm for Gods Word and how it can and will change our lives for the better. Grab your Bible and pen and Make Your Move!
Liz Curtis Higgs, bestselling author of Bad Girls of the Bible
Like a snowflake in the palm of my hand, confidence seems to melt the moment I grasp it. One moment Im buoyed with purpose and significance; the next Im riddled with reminders of what I yet lack. My one comfort? God knows what I need, and Hes promised to give it. If you need a confidence boostone that wont evaporate in the heat of real lifejoin Lynn Cowell as she digs into biblical stories of women who discovered a God-delivered confidence they could count on. Always.
Michele Cushatt, author of I Am: A 60-Day Journey to Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is
Do you sense God is calling you to take a step of faith and move outside your comfort zone? It might be a new job. Starting a Bible study. Ending a relationship. Opening a nonprofit. Going back to school. Adopting. You want to say yes, but you lack the confidence and courage to make that move. Through Gods Word and personal stories, Lynns book will help you identify your fears and insecurities and equip you with the courage and unshakable confidence you need to fulfill that call and reach your potential in Christ.
Wendy Blight, member of Proverbs 31 First 5 Writing Team; author of I Know His Name, Living So That, and Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner
I long for studies that challenge me and help me walk out my faith. Lynn Cowell has accomplished that in Make Your Move. Its fresh, interactive teaching. It feels like Im sitting across from Lynn in a coffee shop, discovering how to depart from where I feel stuck to find deeper waters together. If you long to make your move, this is a book that will help you do just that.
Suzanne Eller, bestselling author, blogger, international speaker, and Bible teacher
Self-doubt and insecurity have taken a toll on our lives for far too long. Its time to take back freedom and assurance that is ours in Christ, so that we can live in the fullness of Gods purposes and plans. Dont let past failures, fear of future rejection, or everyday troubles hold you back any longer. Let Lynn Cowell show you how to boldly experience confident faith that will move you forward!
Renee Swope, former Proverbs 31 Ministries radio cohost; bestselling author of A Confident Heart
2017 by Lynn Cowell
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To Julie,
Ive spent a lifetime watching you make your move toward God despite your fears and failures. What a beautiful thing it has been, my friend. I love you!
The Lord has blessed me with so many wonderful people who have come alongside me:
Greg: God knew exactly who I would need to cheer for me on this adventure of writing and speaking. Thank you for doing that so well! I am very grateful, every day, to live this life of ours together. I love you!
Zach, Mariah, and Madi: My life is better being your mom. Thank you for every word youve read or Ive made you listen to over the years. Youve grown into amazing adults! I love our crazy, little family!
Robin Phillips: Thank you for seeing that God had a message for me to share and opening the doors for me to share it through HarperCollins Christian Publishing.
John Raymond and HarperCollins Christian Publishing: Thank you for holding this project together so that it didnt fall through the cracks. I am so grateful you have given me an opportunity to write for a new audience to empower women to find Christ Confidence. I so appreciate you!
Sara Riemersma: Every writer should have an editor like you, the kind who encourages them to dig deep and keep going but who also isnt afraid to say, Try again. You are the best, my friend. I am so very, very grateful for you!