Documented Visions of Joseph Smith
The following collection of historical documents attempts to bring together all the known visions of Joseph Smith with the exception of various forms of visionary inspiration received as part of the translation of the words of the Bible, Book of Mormon, or Pearl of Great Price, which are too numerous to mention here. Synopses of visions are arranged chronologically. Listed first is the date, either exact or approximate, that Joseph Smith received the vision, followed by a close paraphrase of each vision taken from a document judged to be the most comprehensive account available. The source for this account follows each paraphrase. Some details in a paraphrase may derive from a second source, listed in the footnotes. Following each main source is the date when the document was written. Date spans indicate the period of time within which the vision was received, not the length of the vision. Circa before a date means the date is unknown but assumed based on historical evidence. Footnotes do not include every known account of each vision, but instead give some sources where readers can go to learn more. Because this collection depends on record keeping and the preservation of historical documents and because some manifestations are grouped here for the readers convenience, this list should not be taken as an exhaustive compilation of Joseph Smiths visions.
1. Spring 1820
God the Father, Jesus Christ, and many angels appeared to Joseph Smith. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
2A2E. September 2122, 1823
The angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith on five separate occasions. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
3. September 2122, 1823
Joseph Smith saw the location of the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
4. September 2122, 1823
Joseph Smith was shown the ancient inhabitants of this country. Main source: Joseph Smith (1842).
5. September 22, 1823September 22, 1827
Joseph Smith received many visits from Gods angels. Main source: Joseph Smith (1842).
6. September 22, 1824
Joseph Smith saw the prince of darkness and his innumerable associates. Main source: Oliver Cowdery (1835).
7A7C. September 22, 1824September 22, 1826
Joseph Smith met with Moroni at three annual intervals. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
8. September 22, 1826
Joseph Smith saw that he should take Emma Hale with him to the Hill Cumorah the following year. Main source: Joseph Knight (c. 183347).
9. Early 1827
Moroni instructed Joseph Smith near the Hill Cumorah. Main source: Lucy Mack Smith (1845).
10. September 22, 1827
Moroni delivered the plates and sacred relics to Joseph Smith. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
11. Late 1827
Joseph Smith saw his entire past history through the Urim and Thummim. Main source: David Whitmer (1884).
12A12C. Late 1827Early 1828
At various times after receiving the plates, Joseph Smith saw when he or the plates were in danger. Main source: Lucy Mack Smith (1845).
13. Late 1827Early 1828
Joseph Smith was shown the man who would assist him in translation, Martin Harris. Main source: Martin Harris (1859).
14. 18271828
Joseph Smith was shown the location of a pin lost by Martin Harris. Main source: Martin Harris (1859).
15. JuneJuly 1828
Moroni took the Urim and Thummim from Joseph Smith. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
16. JuneJuly 1828
Moroni returned the Urim and Thummim to Joseph Smith. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
17. Summer 1828
Moroni took the plates and, again, the Urim and Thummim from Joseph Smith. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
18A18I. September 22, 1828
Moroni returned the plates and the Urim and Thummim, through which at least nine revelations were seen. Main source: Lucy Mack Smith (184445).
19. May 15, 1829
John the Baptist appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
20. Circa MayJune 1829
Satan appeared to Joseph Smith as an angel of light. Main source: Joseph Smith (1842).
21. Circa MayJune 1829
Peter, James, and John appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. Main source: Joseph Smith (1830).
22. MayJune 1829
Joseph Smith saw David Whitmer en route from Fayette, New York, to Harmony, Pennsylvania. Main source: David Whitmer (1884).
23. MayJune 1829
Joseph Smith gave the plates to Moroni before proceeding to Fayette, New York. Main source: Lucy Mack Smith (184445).
24. MayJune 1829
Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer saw Moroni along the road to Fayette, New York. Main source: David Whitmer (1886).
25. MayJune 1829
Joseph Smith received the plates from Moroni after arriving in Fayette, New York. Main source: Lucy Mack Smith (184445).
26. June 1829
Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and David Whitmer saw an angel who showed them the plates and other sacred relics. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
27. June 1829
Joseph Smith and Martin Harris saw an angel who showed them the plates and other sacred relics. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
28. June 1829
Moroni delivered the plates so that Joseph could show them to the Eight Witnesses. Main source: Lucy Mack Smith (184445).
29. Circa June 1829
Joseph Smith returned the plates to the angel. Main source: Lucy Mack Smith (184445).
30. August 1830
Joseph Smith received a revelation on the sacrament from a heavenly messenger. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
31. January 1831
Joseph Smith and others saw by vision the growth of the Church. Main source: Sidney Rigdon (1844).
32. January 1831
Joseph Smith saw Newel K. Whitney in vision. Main source: Orson F. Whitney (1885).
33. June 36, 1831
Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ. Main source: Levi W. Hancock (before 1883).
34. June 1831
By heavenly vision, Joseph Smith was commanded to travel to western Missouri and there designate the location for a temple and central gathering place of Zion. Main source: Joseph Smith (1835).
35. July 1831
Joseph Smith and others were shown where the temple at Independence and the city of Zion would be located. Main source: Joseph Smith (1835).
36. 1831
Joseph Smith identified the presence of Jesus Christ in a meeting of the Saints. Main source: Mary Elizabeth Rollins Lightner (1905).
37. February 16, 1832
Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon saw the Son of Man on the right hand of God, events in the premortal life, and postmortal glories. Main source: Joseph Smith (1832).
38. MayJune 1832
Joseph Smith was shown the mode of travel he and Newel K. Whitney would take after leaving Greenville, Indiana. Main source: Joseph Smith (1839).
39. March 18, 1833
Joseph Smith identified the physical presence of God the Father and Jesus Christ in the School of the Prophets. Main source: Zebedee Coltrin (1883).
40. June 1833
Joseph Smith, Frederick G. Williams, and Sidney Rigdon viewed the plan for the Kirtland Temple. Main source: Truman O. Angell (1885).
41. December 18, 1833
Joseph Smith saw Jehovah appear to Adam at Adam-ondi-Ahman. Main source: Patriarchial Blessing Book/Oliver Cowdery (1833).
42. Circa February 1834
Joseph Smith saw the pattern and organization of Church councils. Main source: Joseph Smith (1834).
43. April 18, 1834
Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and Zebedee Coltrin saw Adam and Eve. Main source: Zebedee Coltrin (1870).
44. MayJune 1834
Joseph Smith saw land passed over by Zions Camp in a high state of cultivation. Main source: Nathan Tanner (1884).