By JohnStapleton
Copyright by John Stapleton 2014
Published bySanbrook Publishing
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Table ofContents
Do you strugglewith your English fluency? Do you wish that you could speak like anative and without hesitation? Are you frustrated because yourEnglish is not at the level you want it to be? Would you like asimple system to follow to develop your fluency in a step-by-stepprocess? If you answer yes to any of these questions then this bookis for you.
Who This Book IsFor
This book isfor anyone who wants a step by step process to follow to increasetheir fluency in Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking fast.
This materialis perfect for you if:
You havetried learning English the old fashioned way; like from books andcourses, but you still arent fluent
You need tobe fluent because it will help with your job opportunities
You dontknow why you arent fluent yet and youre frustrated why its nothappening
You are goodat writing and reading but your speaking is still not as good asyou want
You aredesperate to be fluent in English as fast as possible!
How ThisBook Will Help You
The followingchapters will go through the exact steps that I have used to teachpeople how to be fluent in English in the fastest possible way.Most people think that it takes a lot of hard work and a long time.I wont lie and say that it is easy, you will need to work hard,but if you follow a proven system then it will take a lot lesstime.
Each chaptergoes through the essential things that make the biggest impact andstrategies for developing your English skills the fastest.
This means youwill be fluent in all sections; reading, writing, listening andspeaking.
So, my adviceto you is to follow the simple steps I have written in this bookand you will start developing your fluency and strength in theareas that you are weak.
Inside thisbook youll get;
Step-by-stepinstructions to follow
Advice forlearning faster
Action tasksfor each step
Differentmethods for learning (to suit your style)
Tips forspeaking like a native and reducing your foreign accent
How to stopprocrastination and keep motivated
You really canbecome fluent in English; you just need to follow a proven formulafor doing it. This book will show you how!
The 6 Step Formula ForSimple English Fluency!
Step 1:Develop Your Vocabulary - Learn The Most Commonly Used Words In TheEnglish Language.
One of the mostimportant steps in becoming fluent is learning the most commonwords in English. Like any language, there are key words that areused a lot more in general conversation and communication. Thesewords are used every day and therefore you must know what theyare.
This is becauseif you dont know what these words are, you will probably sufferfrom word repetition and hesitation when speaking.
Step 2:Develop Your Grammar Improve Your Grammar Skills In The MostImportant Areas.
In addition tolearning the most common words in English, knowing the most commongrammar rules & principles are absolutely important. This isbecause when you start developing your speaking and writing, if youdont know how to structure your sentences using the correctgrammar, you will develop bad patterns preventing you from becomingfluent.
Do you thinkpeople who speak English fluently use incorrect grammar?
No theydont!
This chapterwill outline how to develop your grammar correctly.
Step 3: BuildYour Speaking Skills Develop Rock-Solid Speaking.
Speaking isactually the first section that you need to develop once you havestarted building your vocabulary and grammar. This is becausespeaking is active which means you must actively work tocommunicate, as opposed to reading, which is passive.
This chapterwill go through steps to build your speaking in the most effectiveareas and how to do it fast.
Step 4: BuildYour Listening Skills Improve Your Listening To Fast-Track YourFluency.
Believe it ornot, listening is one of the secrets to improving your fluencyfast. You have probably already noticed that when you are in aclassroom learning English, the listening comprehension tasks areusually very structured and easy to understand.
However, thisis not always the case in the real world. This is why you need tofocus your listening on real world communication and understandingconnected speech which natives use.
Step 5:Develop Your Reading & Writing Help Build Your Speaking &Listening Skills With Reading & Writing
Reading andWriting are the last two parts to English that you need to develop.A lot of people think these two areas are the first two that youmust practice but this is not the case for fast fluency.
This chapterwill explain why this is the case and step to develop your readingand writing fast.
Step 6:Improve Your Pronunciation How To Reduce Your Foreign Accent& Speak More Like A Native.
Most foreignpeople want to speak more like native English speakers without theforeign accent. There are specific ways to develop your speaking tobe more like natural English speakers; its actually much easierthan you think.
This chapterwill show you the best method and tips.
Bonus Chapter:Stop Procrastination - How To Keep Motivated (The Key To YourFluency Success).
This may be thelast things you naturally think about in being fluent in Englishbut is actually one of the most important.
Its all toocommon to see people start something with a lot of energy but soonfind themselves struggling to keep motivated.
This chapterwill go through the steps to create conditions whereby you will befluent, so its not just a dream. If you follow these steps youwill make it certain that you will be fluent.
Step 1: Develop Your Vocabulary Learn The MostCommonly Used Words In The English Language Fast
The first stepyou need to take is to develop and build your English vocabulary.This is because when you start developing your speaking skills youneed to be able to use different words in order to structuresentences together. If you only have limited vocabulary, you willfind it very difficult to build your speaking skills and you willstart developing bad habits like repeating the same words andhesitating when trying to speak.
What You Need ToLearn
Before youstart trying to learn lots of random words that make you more andmore confused, the best this to do is learn the most commonly usedwords in the English language. Once you know these words, then youcan start building vocabulary in other areas.