Ruby Shoes
Michele Zumwalt
Copyright 2015 by Michele Zumwalt
All rights reserved. No part of this book maybe reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means,including information storage and retrieval systems, withoutwritten permission from the author, except in the case of areviewer, who may quote brief passages embodied in criticalarticles or in a review.
Trademarked names appear throughout thisbook. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of atrademarked name, names are used in an editorial fashion, with nointention of infringement of the respective owners trademark.
The information in this book is distributedon an as is basis, without warranty. Although every precautionhas been taken in the preparation of this work, neither the authornor the publisher shall have any liability to any person or entitywith respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be causeddirectly or indirectly by the information contained in thisbook.
Book cover design by JudyBullard,
This book is not intended as a substitute forthe medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularlyconsult a physician in matters relating to his/her health andparticularly with respect to any symptoms that may requirediagnosis or medical attention.
THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION,NIV Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used bypermission. All rights reserved worldwide.
The Twelve Steps are reprinted with thepermission of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. Permissionto reprint and adapt the Twelve Steps does not mean that AA hasreviewed or approved the contents of this publication, nor that AAagrees with the views expressed herein. AA is a program of recoveryfrom alcohol only use of the Twelve Steps in connection withprograms and activities which are patterned after AA, but whichaddress other problems, does not imply otherwise.
ISBN-13: 978-1512080865
ISBN-10: 1512080861
Three Wire Publishing, P.O. Box 2094, Folsom,California 95763,
Author Contact information:
Michele Zumwalt
Or on Facebook: Michele Zumwalt
Praise for Ruby Shoes
Michele Zumwalt has written a powerfulbook about prescription drug addiction. She speaks from the heartand from experience, having overcome her own addiction topainkillers. This book will strike a chord with anyone strugglingwith addiction.
Rod Colvin, Author
Overcoming Prescription Drug Addiction
In nearly two decades of medical practiceas an internal medicine physician, I have seen that it is only Godin Christ who heals those suffering from the bondage of addiction,and that He uses special instruments to accomplish His amazingpurposes. Michele Zumwalt is one such instrument, and her book mostcertainly has been divinely inspired. Her heartfelt story willtouch all whose lives have been impacted by the devastation ofaddiction, and shows the glory of The Lord to make all things newin a powerful story of redemption.
Ingvild Gangsaas Lane, MD
Michele Zumwalt was brave beyond compareto share her journey through addiction. She has written injuxtaposition of the tale of Dorothy in Oz with her own tale offinding her way back. The book weaves spirituality, currentstatistics of addiction, 12-step recovery and her wit and wisdom ofher truth to bring us to the reality of finding hope for those whoare lost and cannot find their way back home. I loved it!
Susan Kelleher, California Department ofJustice,
Wellness Coordinator, Retired
To those who are lost,
you are loved by God who knows right whereyou are.
To my mother, Donna Perry, who loved mecompletely,
as God did, even in my most broken place. Shenever gave up on me, but kept pointing to our only hope.
This book is a story of hope. It is writtento reach the prescription addict and alcoholic. However, it is alsointended to reach those who have witnessed and been involved intheir struggles: parents, spouses, relatives, friends, churches andrecovery groups. It is a story of one womans journey from totalprescription addiction to her return to God.
Her father and I lived this entire journeywith her. We flew back and forth from southern California tonorthern California to be with her when she was hospitalized. I waswith her when she was going through her handbag for moremedications while in the hospital. When I took her handbagaway, she became angry and screamed, I dont need you here! You gohome and leave me alone! I hate you! I knew that this was theaddict talking and not the daughter we raised. There was a nursesstation just outside her room in ICU and I asked the nurse to get adoctor for me immediately. The nurse asked me who I was and I toldher that I was her mother. She began to tell me that my daughterwas a legal adult and that I had no rights to have any input. Isaid loudly, If you do not get a doctor here immediately, I amgoing to start screaming! When a young doctor rushed in, I toldhim about the handbag issue and that my daughter was a prescriptionaddict. He said that they had considered the possibility. Hestopped a planned transfer to another hospital for further testing.He said, These tests would likely have killed her.
Her father and I were exasperated and ourfeelings were raw. Still, we did not give up on her. We prayed, asdid our family, church and many prayer warriors. Her father toldher that she was more important than anything. He added that he wasprepared to give up his job and follow her every move. Money wasreally unimportant at this point in our lives.
Several years later, we were with her in ICUin another hospital. A doctor told me that she might not make itthis time. She was jerking all over and was not responsive. Whenshe calmed down somewhat, I left just long enough to pray in thehospital chapel. I pleaded to God to save her life. It was duringthis hospital stay in ICU, in her state of semi consciousness, thatshe also began to plea for her life and fully surrendered to God.You see, we all loved her! But, she, alone, was the only one whohad the power to give up her years of struggle to her God.
Her first try at sobriety was in the CareUnit in Orange, California. It was there that I gave her a magnetwith a quote from the Bible, Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plansI have for you says the Lordto give you a future and a hope. Shekept this throughout her years of addiction and it has remained onher refrigerator. She mentioned to me many times that she read thisdaily for so many years. Still, she refers to it.
Today, our daughter, Michele Zumwalt, is ashining example for all who come in contact with her. She isinvolved in church leadership, serves as a police chaplain, is anactive participant in 12 Step Recovery Programs, is executivedirector of a charity benefiting children (Contractors Caring forKids) and speaks at various group meetings to share her story.
Dr. Donna W. Perry
One things sure, this book would not havebeen written were it not for the tremendous assistance Ivereceived from my mom, Dr. Donna Perry. She has been the chiefeditor of this book and, in every way possible; she is the editorof my life. I love you, Mom. Thank you also to my dad, James Perry,who has helped a great deal with reading, editing, and critiquingthis book. My husband, John and my daughters, Sarah and Katie, whocontinue to encourage me to write and serve those who still suffer.I will spend my whole life thanking God for the gift of you.My father, Joe Penn and Sandy Penn and all of my Texas family, Ithank you for the love and encouragement. Thank you for thecontinual review of biblical references used in this book andhelping to ensure sound teaching. My brothers, Scott, Deck, Jim andPat, and my little sister, Elizabeth, your prayers and words ofencouragement have always sustained me. My friend, Robin Drummond,is mentioned in the book and is someone who I can always count onfor the love and encouragement I need to keep going, no matterwhat. Thank you Dr. Ingvild Lane and Susan Kelleher for the help inediting and for your valued friendship. My recovery, church, andchaplain friends are too many to mention, but the difference youvemade in my life could never be expressed in the written word. Allof the people in my life have pointed me to one place for my sourceof strength. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me and saving me, evenfrom myself.