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John Greenway - LEAD: 50 models for success in work and life

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John Greenway LEAD: 50 models for success in work and life

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Leadership Best Seller with #1 for Business Coaching and Team Skills on Amazon

LEAD is here to help you lead yourself and others - through lifes unpredictable challenges towards your aspirations.

If you are looking for fresh insights, tools and inspiration you wont be disappointed.

LEAD focuses on the top 3 priorities of a leader. To Map. To Navigate. To Grow. It enables you to:

MAP the journeys that you want to make in work and life

NAVIGATE through lifes twists and turns to success

GROW yourself and others as leaders

Its style is like that of the best coach whose sole aim is to help you find your purpose and to thrive.

With the strapline 50 models for success in work & life the authors have thoughtfully blended 30 classic leadership models with 20 of their own proven tools which they have developed through working with business leaders and teams across the globe.

Let LEAD be your constant companion, always within reach to coach, challenge and cheer you on.

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LEAD 50 models for success in work and life - image 1
50 Models for Success
in Work & Life
John D H Greenway
Andy Blacknell
Andy Coombe
LEAD 50 models for success in work and life - image 2

This edition first published 2018

2018 Saltmine Ventures Ltd., Blacknell Ventures Ltd., Kairos Consultancy Ltd.

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For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley.com.

John D H Greenway, Andy Blacknell, and Andy Coombe have asserted their rights under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the authors of this work. Illustrations by Bryan Mathers, Visual Thinkery.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

ISBN 978-0-857-08791-1 (pbk) ISBN 978-0-857-08796-6 (ebk)

ISBN 978-0-857-08795-9 (ebk)

Cover Design: Wiley


LEAD will equip you to lead and succeed in work and life.

This Dashboard will guide you through the book:

LEAD will equip you with enduring principles inspiring stories and practical - photo 3

LEAD will equip you with enduring principles, inspiring stories and practical tools to:

  • Map the journeys that you want to make in work and life
  • Navigate you and your team through lifes twists and turns to success
  • Grow your personal capacity and develop the potential of others

Lets get going.


Map out your future, but do it in pencil.

Jon Bon Jovi

Life is not a straight line No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by - photo 4
Life is not a straight line

No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.

Julius Caesar

Andrews Story

Hey Andrew, said the voice on the phone, Its your father. You need to come home. Were closing the business.

Andrew OShaughnessys world was rocked to the core. Away studying business strategy, his life had been planned for the day when he would take over the family woollen mill in Dripsey, a small village in rural Ireland. His father, his grandfather and his great grandfather had laid the pathway for him. They were proud to supply the best outlets in London, New York, Paris and Milan. And now it was all falling apart around his ears.

Andrew jumped on the first plane home and begged for one last chance to save the mill. He met with each of the 88 workers and set out the bare facts. Like him, they and their forebears had worked in the mill for generations.

Someone must have an idea. There must be some way to save the business and all their jobs. But no.

Andrew held his head in his hands. An old hand approached him. Weve never been asked for our ideas before. We didnt think it was our place. Weve done what you and your family have asked us to do. Were used to you having the answers, not us.

No-one had expected this.

So 88 good people lost their jobs, 88 families their livelihoods. Many of them would never work again. They had no other skills, no other options. This was their life. It was too late to change.

Andrew swore he would never again put himself in the position of being responsible for the loss of so many livelihoods. So he moved to London and, for the best part of a decade, drifted from one freelance role to another.

Convinced finally that it must be possible to be successful and still treat people well, the prodigal returned to his Irish home ready to start a new business. His small start-up tech business was situated in a business park where Amazon, Apple and Dell EMC were among his neighbours.

Fast-forward another decade, and once again Andrew held his head in his hands.

He had employed Sinead for a year, and thought he knew her well. She had just come up with a brilliant solution that would save the business. But why had she waited so long to offer her thoughts?

I didnt think it was my place, she explained.

What? Its always your place to bring forward the solutions, he said despairingly.

It was a bombshell. Andrew couldnt believe that 20 years after hed closed down his family business in Ireland, history seemed destined to repeat itself.

He wanted everyone to behave like they owned the business. He had strong values, honed in the hard knocks of the family mill. He spoke about them endlessly didnt he? so how could she not have known?

Despite his best efforts, had he recreated the disastrous them and us, paternalistic culture of the family woollen mill? But for Sineads intervention, the company might have gone bust. He had to go back to the drawing board and think again.

Another ten years on, and Andrew OShaughnessy now leads Poppulo, with a crystal clear vision to make companies great by releasing the power of their people.

The journey has had many twists and turns. From email marketing to internal staff communications, Poppulo now aims to lead the field in staff engagement across America and Europe. They serve leading global companies Unilever, Barclays, Lloyds, Coca-Cola, Nike, Adidas, Danone, Nestl and countless others. Their numbers keep growing.

But throughout these changes, Andrews values have not migrated an inch, only strengthened. From the closure of the woollen mill, to the encounter with Sinead, to serving some of the largest organisations on the planet, he has always said: Its about the people.

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