Not only is this book full of provocative answers that college students need to hear, its full of the tough, real-life questions that college students are looking to ask and we are many times afraid to hear. I value Professor Theophiluss biblical wisdom he shares with students, but more importantly I appreciate the relationships he has built with college students and his willingness to truly listen to them. I wish I had a book and professor like this when I was in college.
president, Prison Fellowship
Discover over and over Gods sensible perspectives as you eavesdrop on Theophilus dialoguing with those who question or challenge him on issues of behavior and belief. Learn not only biblically sound, logically consistent content but also the techniques of firm, loving engagement, and become a more skillful ambassador in the process.
PhD, university faculty ministry consultant
The very best advice column available for young Christians is that written by the ever wise and always witty Professor Theophilus. Reading the good professors latest book, Ask Me Anything 2, one wonders if the Lord hasnt suddenly made the wisdom of Solomon available to us again while insisting that his wisdom be delivered with just a dab of flair and charm. Buy this book for all the young Christians you know and theyll not only gain invaluable perspective, insights, and solutions to many of the problems already confronting them, theyll also learn how to think about problems in general as faithful believing Christians should.
executive officer, The Catholic Educators Resource Center
Professor Theophilus is great. He is wise, penetrating, and always right on target. This book offers spiritual guidance that college students will take in like pizza. Even this old retired professor couldnt put it down and learned a lot.
professor of law emeritus, University of California, Berkeley;
author of Darwin On Trial
It is one thing to read about natural law in What We Cant Not Know, but it is quite another to have J. Budziszewski (aka Professor Theophilus) show you how to apply it in real-life situations. Students and adults will learn so much about how to apply reason and biblical truth to their everyday world in Ask Me Anything 2. Its a great resource you need to read.
national director for, Probe Ministries; host, Point of View radio talk show
J. Budziszewski is one of the most gifted thinkers and writers in the Christian world today, a winsome example of how one ought to answer difficult questions about the faith with clarity, charity, and real insight. As the redoubtable, though accessible, Professor Theophilus, Budziszewski offers to his questioners the deep resources of the Christian faith in such a way that his answers illuminate dark patches of ignorance the present age presents as wisdom. Every Christian attending or planning to go to college (or, dare I say, teaching college!) should master the style and substance of both this book and its predecessor.
associate professor of philosophy and church-state studies, Baylor University
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2008 by J. Budziszewski
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ISBN-10: 1-60006-193-1
ISBN-13: 978-1-60006-193-6
Cover design by Disciple Design
Cover illustration Getty Images
Unless otherwise identified, all Scripture quotations in this publication are taken from the Revised Standard Version Bible (RSV), copyright 1946, 1952, 1971, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, used by permission, all rights reserved.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Budziszewski, J., 1952
Ask me anything 2 / J. Budziszewski. -- 1st ed.
p. cm.
Sequel to: Ask me anything.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-1-60006-193-6 (alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 1-60006-193-1 (alk. paper)
1. Christian college students--Religious life. 2. Christian college students--Conduct of life. I. Title. II. Title: Ask me anything two.
BV4531.3.B825 2008
Printed in the United States of America
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 / 12 11 10 09 08
Thanks are due chiefly to Sandra, crown of my home and light of my eyes.
Acknowledgment is also due to Alexandra, for patient answers to many odd questions about pop culture and dialect;
To Arlen Nydam and Ben Hicks, for confirming the inscription at the library;
To everyone who wrote to Theophilus;
To everyone who told me that he had made a difference in their lives;
And to all my students, known and unknown. May the Father of Lights illuminate the paths of their studies.
Acts 1:1
I hope you enjoy this second volume of the conversational adventures of Professor M. E. Theophilus, holder of the PMS Chair
Ask Me Anything 2 isnt just more of the same. It includes not just new material, but new kinds of material. Youll see that reflected in the letters, too. I explain some of the differences in the introductions to each of the four sections.
Sometimes people wonder what sort of place Post Everything University is. Frankly, its not much different than most universities these days. At the east end of the main quad is the great iron gate of the Dis Memorial Library, each side of its rusty arch declaring half of the schools Latin mottoon one side, for those going in, Non Cognoscetis Veritatem, you shall not know the truth, and on the other, for those coming out, EtDubitatio Liberabit Vos, and doubt shall set you free. That pretty well sums up the schools creed. Not many people know that when the school was founded, the motto on the gate was different: Cognoscetis Veritatem, Et Veritas Liberabit Vos, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. These words were said by Christ to His disciples. They still sum up Theophilus creed. Mine too.
misleadingly declared that J. Budziszewski drinks his coffee black, strong and bitter. No, thats how he drinks it. I, of course, use cream. I hope this settles the controversy.
I wrote in the introduction that
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