Chapter 4.8
Some Final Thoughts
Ive always had dreams. As a young boy I dreamt of living in my own room in our own house.
At the time we were living with my grandparents who were renting out rooms to boarders to help bring in some money, so I had to quietly tippy toe around the house so as not to disturb them.
In my teens I dreamed of having my own car. I dont exactly remember when my dreams turned into a vision. Somewhere along the line I remember hearing American president John F Kennedy say, Some people see things and say why? Other people dream things and say why not?
I drew up a list of dreams that went far beyond my own room or a car. I dreamed of a business empire based around property and construction, owing my own mansion and an expensive car. Did I really, really think I could do it? That was well over fifty years ago, so its hard to say. But many of my dreams came true and over the years Ive replaced them with new and bigger dreams.
Im sure you have dreams too. If you really want to make your dreams come true, you now have a blue print to work to. I had to figure it out myself, but you have the benefit of my experiences.
Take the information in this book and make it work for you. Plan for your future and capture your vision. Rather than making all the mistakes, create your financial independence using a system that I have honed and fine tuned over years of trial and error.
Life is about choice. When you were young, choices were made for you. As you grew and matured you learned to make your own choices. Now its time to make one of the most critical decisions of your life: whether to take control of your finances or not.
Yes you are going to have to change your way of thinking about money and wealth if you want to become rich. Sure youre going to have to become more disciplined and make some sacrifices, but you know you can do it. You now know you can live the life you desire.
But I know that most people wont.
Why are so many people falling so far short of living the life they desire? Whats missing?
Everyone has the same potential to take charge of their financial situation, irrespective of their current circumstances, level of education, business or investment experience. Internal obstacles like limiting beliefs, false perceptions and myths from the past thwart success more than any external obstacles ever could.
Your mind is the only thing that stands in the way of you and your ultimate wealth and fulfillment. Now thats great news, because it means you can break through those self-imposed barriers.
As you earn more money, you will realise that money doesnt bring you happiness. It may give you some short term satisfaction, especially if you are financially insecure But as you work your way up the Wealth Pyramid you will find that relationships and contributions will mean more to you than money.
Money by itself is empty and meaningless you have to give it a meaning. Money can be earned, grown, invested, fought over, won, lost, watched over, exchanged, given away or buried.
But the nicest thing you can do with money is share it.
Contribution has become an important part of life for Pam and me. Every dollar we have shared with someone less able to gain prosperity has doubled in value maybe not as cold hard cash but in other ways.
Now Im not trying to browbeat you. Its just that Ive noticed that really successful,
happy wealthy people enjoy sharing their wealth and therein lies a lesson for all of us.
What Now?
The trouble with so many books is that when youve finished them, youre finished with what they have to tell you. What happens after that? Readers are often left to their own devices to try to take the next step and put the theory they have learned into action. This book is going to be a little bit different.
Im eager for the ideas in this book to work for you, so Ive assembled a tool kit of
resources for you to help you in your climb up the investment ladder just go to and collect them now.
I also recommend you subscribe to my blog at and join over 90,000 other subscribers in reading the latest property news, market reports and personal finance tips.
So thank you for reading this book now its up to you. You now have the knowledge you need to become rich to become wealthy. You are now ready to join the ranks of the financially free. When you do please email me and let me know about your success. The emails I get from readers of my books who have successfully put my strategies to work energise me and make my day.
Spend your time... wisely.
Michael Yardney
December 2015
Published by:
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Copyright Michael Yardney 2015
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Creator: Yardney, Michael, author.
Title: Michael Yardneys Guide to Getting Rich / Michael Yardney.
ISBN: 9781925265613 (paperback)
Subjects: Finance, Personal-Australia, Wealth, Investments
Dewey Number: 332.024
Cover and page design by Spike Creative Pty Ltd
Richmond, Victoria. Ph: (03) 9427 9500
Cover photography: Rodney Stewart
This publication contains the opinions and ideas of the author. It is sold with the understanding that neither the author nor the publisher is engaged in rendering legal, tax, investment, insurance, financial, accounting, or other professional advice or services. If the reader requires such advice or services, a competent professional should be consulted. Relevant laws vary from state to state.
Additionally, it is important to note that Australian laws and regulations are subject to constant revision and amendment and as such, some of those mentioned in this book may now be out of date. Any opinions, conclusions or recommendations set forth in this book are subject to change without notice.
The strategies outlined in this book may not be suitable for every individual and are not guaranteed or warranted to produce any particular results. Past performance may not be a reliable indicator of future performance.
This book has been written without taking into account the objectives, financial situation or needs of any specific person who may read this book, which means that before acting on the information in this book, the reader should seek appropriate professional or financial advice.
No warranty is made with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained herein, and both the author and publisher specifically disclaim any responsibility for any liability, loss or risk, personal or otherwise which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents within this book.
Note to reader
Many people have influenced my life, my thoughts, my values and my business and property investment success. Creating wealth is never a solo effort. Similarly this book would not have been possible without the support and encouragement of certain people who have contributed to my life in many ways.