A Song in the Wind
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Copyright 2016 SHARON MILLIMAN.
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ISBN: 978-1-5127-5590-9 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2016914612
WestBow Press rev. date: 9/7/2016
I want to start by thanking God for all He has taught me through my two near death experiences and a great number of life experiences. He has shown me how great His love is. I want to thank Jesus for the great love He has shown me, especially during the times He has visited me and for all of the messages He has given me throughout my life.
Jesus, you know when I sit and when I stand. You know what is in my heart before I speak it. I am your bride and you are the Love of my soul. I carry your name. I bare your seal and wear your crown. Thank you Jesus, You are my love, my friend, my life, my light through the darkness, my Lord and Savior. I will forever praise and glorify your name.
Thank you to my wonderful husband Gary Milliman for his unending love and support. Gary, you are always there when I need you. I love you with all my heart.
Thank you to my Mom and Dad for always standing by me, for always believing in me, for always loving me, for being the two greatest influences in my life, for being two of the most precious gifts God has ever created. I love you.
Thank you, Roy L Hill, Debbie Butler, Brooke Johnson, Debi Brady, Joseph Varley,Michelle Wynn, Amy Davis, Konor Davis, Chuck Davis, Christina Ingram, Raegan, Jeffrey and Abby, Monica Wareheim, Katherine Taylor, Chris Buffa
By Roy L. Hill
(A SONG IN THE WIND by Sharon Mill iman)
You have selected to read a book describing two near death experiences and numerous spiritual communications between realms. A Song in the Wind represents one of many NDE books you could have chosen. So why do I believe you should read Sharon Milliman? Despite the overlapping content with other books of this genre, A Song in the Wind stands as a revolutionary work. Namely, Sharons writing focuses discussions with Jesus, the ascended Christ. I have yet to read any NDE book so devoted to direct communications with Jesus. Indeed, Jesus has much to say, not only to Sharon, but for all people of this generation. In this manner, the words of Jesus not only connect to His past ministry, but to humanitys present and future concerns.
Christians have worshiped Jesus for the last two millennia. Although many believe in the transformational power of Jesus, some limit His power to the cross and His authority to the Bible. Although crucified in body, I submit that Jesus lives in spirit right now, today! Meaning, Jesus is not preoccupied playing harps in heaven. Rather, Jesus is actively working in our lives, not just abstractly, but overtly. For with God all things are possible. To scorn modern accounts of Jesus only serves to close off possibilities by limiting the infinite power of God. Perhaps it is not surprising that Jesus rarely speaks to those who think they know everything about Jesus. Conversely, it should not be surprising that Jesus sometimes communicates directly to humble, open people, like Sharon.
Humble people exemplify the divine. They approach God like little children without precondition or doctrine. Moreover, they love without judgment or making demands on others. Pharisee types approach God as experts loaded with doctrine. They are too busy erecting monuments to ego to find time to love; they give only in expectation for return. Thus, God often uses humble, open people to communicate what is important. For instance, Jesus selected fishermen and tax collectors to serve as apostles during his earthly ministry rather than the learned or the religious elite. I believe that Jesus continues using this same wise pattern by working through humble people like Sharon.
Sharon personifies self-effacement throughout her text. In this manner, she displays a simple wisdom in her writing that transcends intellectual dogma. She also displays a pure genuineness that transcends the agenda of a self-promoting guru. Writing with humility, Sharons paints a portrait of an ordinary person who had exceptional experiences. In this fashion, she applies everyday human experiences in sharing trials, mistakes, vulnerabilities, and simple joys. More important than these, Sharon portrays a natural love devoid of judgment or division. Be it caring for an elderly parent or helping a stranger in need, Sharon emulates Christ love through service and sacrifice. Thus, she represents the perfect kind of clay that God can mold into something beautiful. After all, what can be a better attribute than love? I cannot fathom doing anything greater while living on school earth.
Christ called Sharon to teach us all how to love through a connection with the divine. I can point to three possible means how this was accomplished. First, Jesus came to Sharon during times of trouble to provide her validation, inner peace, and future direction. In this manner, Jesus provided her the independence and strength to endure difficult trials. Second, Jesus pursued a bonded relationship with Sharon based on unconditional love. In this fashion, she learned that she was never alone and valued beyond measure. Finally, Jesus taught Sharon divine truths about trust, unity, and spiritual intimacy. Armed with divine knowledge, she now imparts great wisdom in an unpretentious manner. I believe that Sharons style will resonate with almost every Open reader. From my perspective, her words naturally resonate as an ambassador of heaven and as an ember from the fire tended by Christ.
One does not need to be a Christian to gain from Sharons book. Consistent with other near death experience accounts, Jesus is presented as part of heavens unity. Sharon learned that the infinite nature of God transcends any human religion or philosophy, even while she deepened her personal relationship with Jesus. In fact, some of her experiences described do not involve Christ, but other beings tied into the unity, including God, who is the ultimate expression of Unity.
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