What people are say ing .
Seals, Trumpets, bowls and beasts . what is a layman to do? Open your Bible and follow along with Wayne Gaylord as he opens the veil on the Book that opens the veil. From the blessing offered for reading Revelation in the first chapter to the concluding victory of our Lord Jesus Christ in the final chapters, Wayne leads us through all the details in between. Read and be encouraged, informed and ble ssed!
Dr. Jimmy Pritchard, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Forney, Texas
Over the years I have read many commentaries on the Book of Revelation across the spectrum of viewpoints and theories. Wayne Gaylords FINALLY HOME is different. Not because he takes a clear and unapologetic Dispensational point-of-view others do that as well. No, FINALLY HOME is different because it is delectably readable, refreshingly understandable, and best of all, eminently practical. Read it, and you will understand that God gave this amazing book to encourage Christians to live for Christ . t oday.
Dr. C. Richard Wells, Chancellor, John Witherspoon College, Rapid City, South Dakota
The Book of Revelation is cloaked in mystery, symbolism and metaphor that can make it sometimes difficult to understand. Wayne Gaylords FINALLY HOME unfolds the mysteries, reveals the symbolism, and explains the metaphors without being dry and tedious. Filled with Waynes down-home-humor and personal anecdotes, you will be laughing one minute and seriously riveted on the deep biblical truths in the next. What a great way to study Gods Word!
Rev. Al Gist, Senior Evangelist and Founder of Maranatha Ministries, Longville, Louisiana
What a privilege to read about the things of Heaven The New Earth, The New Heaven and The New Jerusalem in FINALLY HOME. It is a wonderful book with so much information for people to consider and turn to Jesus for salvation. The book is filled with love, hope and pure joy as we read about our new home in He aven!
Wanda Boyer, Housewife
Finally Home is simply a book that unveils prophecy from the birth of Christ to His ultimate reign as KING of kings and LORD of lords. Great times are ahead for the family of God!
Shannon Petrea, R.N.
The Book of Revelation sadly scares many people, not so much because of its many descriptions of disasters and divine judgment, but because they often consider it almost entirely beyond their ability to understand. In his wonderful commentary, FINALLY HOME, Wayne Gaylord lays it out verse by verse and concept by concept, and puts its marvelous truths within our grasp. We discovered that it really wasnt that unfathomable after all we just needed to take it a piece at a time, and dare to believe that God means what He says. Plunge into its truths with Wayne, and you will be surely ble ssed!
Dennis Pollock, Senior Evangelist to Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda and other parts of Africa
Wayne Gaylord has thoroughly researched the subject. He uses a common sense approach to the commentary, highlighting the literal return of Jesus Christ and the literal establishment of His Kingdom on earth. This is a must read for anyone who wishes to better understand the Book of Revela tion.
Rev. Gary Fisher, Founder and Senior Evangelist for Lion of Judah Ministries, Franklin, Tennessee
Finally Home
A Verse by Verse Journey Through the Book of Revelation
Copyright 2019 John Wayne Gaylord.
Cover design by Jana Olivieri.
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Unless otherwise stated, scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
Scripture quotations are from the ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001
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Testament in Modern English, 1962 edition by HarperCollins.
Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible (NASB), Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968,
1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. www.Lockman.org
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Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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ISBN: 978-1-9736-8002-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-9736-8001-7 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2019918686
WestBow Press rev. date: 06/25/2020
This book is dedicate d to all believers who are faithfully watching the eastern sky for the Lords return, but specifically:
To my friend, Jim McConnell , whose encouragement and persistence convinced me of the need to add this book to the field of Bible prop hecy.
To my wife, Arlene , who spent many hours of proofreading and making valuable suggest ions.
To my friend and mentor, Dr. David R. Reagan , who made the Book of Revelation come alive and taught me when the plain sense makes sense, dont look for any other sense or you will wind up with nons ense.
When I was 16, I was given a book by an elderly Christian friend, Orville Mitchell Sr., who was one of the original founders of Young Life. The book was entitled, Lectures on the Book of Revelation by Dr. H. A. Ironside, and it instilled in me a lifelong love for prophecy and the study of Gods Word.
In 1987, I came across a radio program that caught my attention. It was called, Christ in Prophecy, and the speaker was Dr. David R. Reagan. It was so powerful I became a regular listener. The program was fresh, alive and challenged me to dig deeper into Gods Word, especially in the area of prophecy. Not long after that, I arranged a meeting with Dr. Reagan. It was a meeting that would change the course of my life, and begin a deep friendship that would last over the years.
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