Mary Magdalene: The Christos-Sophia Revelation
Copyright 2012 by Jewels Maloney
Updated November 2015
2nd Edition November 2012
1st Edition July 2012
Published by Jewels Maloney at Smashwords and KDP (Amazon)
EBook Edition, LicenseNotes
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Cover artwork courtesy of Children of the Sun HumanitarianFoundation
Symbolic of the vibrational pattern of
Ascended Master Saint Germaine
Artist: Erial Ali
Interior Photographs by Jewels Maloney
Publisher: Dancing with The Sun Productions
Paperback edition available at online retailers.
Paperback ISBN-13: 978-0-9790871-4-1
Other titles
by Jewels Maloney
Every Child is Holy
Ecstasies and Meditations - Poetry & Channeling
Wadogh - I Am Thankful -Poetry
Soul Songs
Books and Photographs also available at
Dedicated to All That Is and to All of Us
as One Family of Mother Earth
May your heart open wide as you discover the feminine aspect ofthe Christ Consciousness and the Mother aspect of the Divine inthese words of hope and love from the Feminine Christ.
Planet Earth 2012
"This time is the fulfillmentof a Divine Plan for humanity, Gaia, the Universe, and All ThatIs. The full merging of the Divine Masculine and FeminineCreator with the human creation in all its glory is succeeding andthis heroic journey will bring great color and brightness to all ofcreation. Springtime has come to the micro and macrocosms, and thejoyous celebration of unity, love, and peace is resounding back andforth across the cosmos from the heart of All That Is.
Table of Contents
The Christos-Sophia Revelation: Planet Earth 2012
From Jewels
From Mary Magdalene
Who or What is The Magdalene?
The Book of Love: Activities of The Christos -Sophia
Activities of TheChristos-Sophia
The Goodness Vision for a Brighter World
The Inner Child
2012, Ascension and the 7th Golden Age
This Precious Time of Day
We Reclaim This Precious Planet Now
Greetings from the Heart of Creator
The Christ-Magdalene Song of Spring
All Is Well
The Feminine Christing of Humanity
The Goddess
The Rise of the Divine Feminine and the Fall of theGlobal Economy
Beloved Eternal Family of Gaia
A Message for Humanity December 2012
Hold Your Head High!
Afterward: The Truth about Human Nature
Something Wonderful is Happening!
Birth of The New Earth - A Short Story
Sun Rise, Boynton Canyon
Sedona, AZ
Chapter 1
As we all entered into the 21st century onMother Earth, the voice of The Magdalene began to be heard instory, film, and sacred texts; oral traditions finally beingwritten down and disseminated, and from people connecting with TheMagdalene energies and channeling her messages of love, truth andwisdom. Many women and men have felt the call of The Magdalene intheir hearts, and have joined in this great journey of birthing anddemonstrating the Feminine and the Masculine Christ Consciousness,which brings into fruition a new wholeness, unity, unconditionallove and creative joy. This has been called The Sacred Marriage,and it is an inner union that will then also be reflected in outerrelationships. All relationships then become ones of equality andunity. This is a state of consciousness called love!
Why is The Magdalene's Voice now beingheard?
Because we are in a new cycle of the planetary,galactic, universal and cosmic story - a cycle that will becharacterized and expressed as unity and oneness, equality andfreedom, and the nurturing, creative, healing, joyful power oflove. The story of The Magdalene brings forth the Divine Feminineaspect of Creator. Magdalene points us to Mother God - the Goddess- the Sophia, and brings us all into wholeness.
The Magdalene and Sophia and all they represent have been deniedand suppressed and hidden for not only centuries, but millennia -and all of the qualities of the divine feminine that dwell in allof us, were trampled underfoot and shoved into darkness as the fearbased need to control and dominate; and imbalanced ego concerns ofpride, power, and greed gained ascendancy in the human experienceand psyche and spread to all aspects of society and life until theentire planet and all her creatures almost suffocated and becameextinguished.
But the destruction of Mother Earth and all herlife, and the destruction of humanity and all its truth and beautycould not and would not become extinct.
Humanity loves stories of heroism and heroines.Humanity loves happy endings. There is a reason for this! This wasour destined role: humanity was to live through vast inner andouter darkness and come out in the end understanding, feeling, andknowing the truth of who we are: Love. And thus, Love andself-realization would ultimately prevail and humanity would "winthe day".
The forces of light and love throughoutcreation, near and far, came to assist us in our heroic destiny andin a miraculous and very eventful birthing - a birth that has greatmeaning to all civilizations and sentient beings throughout thisuniverse and beyond, as we all journey in to the Heart ofMother-Father God. The whole truth is being told. What has beensuppressed is arising. We are realizing who we truly are, havealways been, and will always be. We are each a trinity of wholeness- divine masculine, divine feminine and divine child within. We areeternal beings, ever creating, co-creating, and re-creating in anastonishing array of life forms and energy streams.
I am the one who is with you always. I am the Father; I amthe Mother; I am the Son. She is the image of theinvisible.
The Apocryphon of John
She is the virgin, the perfect Spirit...the Mother of allthings, for she existed before all - the Mother/Father.
The Apocryphon of John
Mary said, "I will teach you what is hidden fromyou."
The Gospel of Mary
"She spoke these words as a woman who understood allthings."
The Dialogue of the Savior
"When Mary had said these things, she turned theirhearts toward the good."
The Gospel of Mary
Chapter 2
The Christos-SophiaRevelation
Planet Earth 2012
"I am the mind of she who seeks, and the rest ofthose who sojourn. I am the understanding of my question, and theone who is found by those who seek. I am the answer of those whoask of me. I am the power of all powers in my knowledge, and ofangels who have been sent forth by my command. And of gods in theirtime by my wisdom, and the spirit of all those who exist within me.And of those who dwell within me."
~ The Thunder, Perfect Mind ~ The Nag Hammadi Scrolls
2012 is the time for the Reappearance of TheChrist, and for what the Gnostic traditions call the Reception ofThe Bride. This is the time when The Magdalene is seen and known asthe One with The Christ: the time when the Divine Feminine, oftencalled Sophia is recognized as the Beloved of Creator and thebirther of all manifested creation. The Divine Masculine cauldronof Light - the spark, the fire of creative intelligence as One withthe Divine Feminine cauldron of Love and creative intelligenceunite, interplay, and love forever. And creation evolves, expands,and perfects itself forever.
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