We are grateful to our friend Pastor Phil Mason and his outstanding revelation on the New Creation miracle, as well as quantum physics and how it correlates to our walk in the Spirit. He has expertly unpacked many hard-to-understand concepts, bringing science and the supernatural together in a powerful way. What a gift!
We also appreciate our friend Dr. Jim Richards and his excellent insights on how so much of what improves the quality of our life is a state and not a goal and for providing a key component to our understanding that the language of the heart is personal, positive and present tense.
Finally we are thankful for the teaching of Dr. Caroline Leaf. She has made complex neuroscience accessible to all and shown how it is relevant to our everyday lives and most importantly to our relationship with God.
We have been inspired by these leaders and this book has been influenced by the unique revelations they carry.
We also want to acknowledge the awesome publishing team that is Destiny Image: Larry, John, Brad, Sierra, Meelika, Patti, Wil, Christian, Cavet and everyone who has partnered with us in getting this message out. We appreciate your wonderful contributions and all your hard work on this project. Thank you very much!
Twelve teaching sessions by Mark Virkler on DVD corresponding with the 12 chapters of Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions. Each teaching is 20-25 minutes long. Also included is a 45-minute video teaching by Charity Kayembe on Coherence: The Power of Unity Within as well as a bonus workshop by Mark entitled, Roaring, Crying Out and Prophetic Gestures. This is 75 minutes, which includes 45 minutes of training, 20 minutes of a guided meditation, and 10 minutes of testimonies, where three people share miracles that took place during the meditation experience. Order: Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions DVDs at 1-800-466-6961 or
New Creation Celebration Meditations can be purchased as a CD set containing all four New Creation Celebration meditations from the CWG website, or listened to freely from the links provided at the close of each chapter. Order:
Electronic Training module Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions. Includes downloadable ebook, digital videos, MP3s, course syllabus, online self-scoring quizzes and Certificate of Completion plus college credits with CLU. Order:
FREE downloadable PDF containing weekly activities for small group application and interaction. Classtimes are to be experiential in nature. Each meeting will contain a teaching segment, a meditation experience. and conclude with discussion and sharing. Small group activities and discussion questions are provided on our website. Download link:
Book: If the book Unleashing Healing Power Through Spirit-Born Emotions is passed out the week before class begins, then students should read the Introduction and Chapter One before the first class. If books are passed out during the first week of class, then the assigned reading due on week two will be to read the Introduction and Chapters One and Two, so they are prepared on week two to discuss Chapter Two.
4 Keys to Hearing Gods Voice
Training on how to hear Gods voice so you can have daily communion with Him. This allows you to live in heart faith, as Abraham did (eLearning Module here).
Counseled by God
Two-way journaling where God speaks to you about the beliefs and emotions you are holding, replacing negative beliefs and emotions with Kingdom beliefs and emotions (eLearning Module here).
Naturally Supernatural
Learn how to live aware of the Holy Spirit within, so you can release His indwelling power (eLearning Module here).
How to Walk by the Spirit
Explore 500 Scripture verses on the Spirit so you learn to walk comfortably by the Spirit. Gain a biblical vocabulary to define your heart/ spirit sensations so you can cooperate with them and communicate them to others (eLearning Module here).
Prayers that Heal the Heart
Expanded biblical training on applying the language of the heart to seven specific, complementary Spirit-anointed prayers to heal heart wounds (eLearning Module here).
Hearing God Through Your Dreams
Explore 50 dreams from the Bible and over 50 dreams from people living today. Learn how to understand and interpret your own dreams, translating the messages God is speaking to you nightly (eLearning Module here).
Take Charge of Your Health
Your body, soul, and spirit are intricately connected, so learning how to keep your body in optimum shape is part of keeping your spirit soaring (eLearning Module here).
Dr. Mark Virkler has written more than 50 books in the areas of hearing Gods voice and spiritual growth. He is the founder of Communion with God Ministries ( and Christian Leadership University (, where the voice of God is at the center of every learning experience. Marks teachings on developing intimacy with God and spiritual healing have been translated into over 40 languages, and he has helped to establish more than 250 church-centered Bible schools around the world.
Dr. Charity Virkler Kayembe has worked with her parents in ministry for 20 years and is passionate about bringing heaven to earth through restoring the supernatural to believers everyday lives. She writes about doing life together with God on her blog (, sharing the unfolding journey and adventure that is walking by the Spirit. Charitys international outreach has taken her to all corners of the globe, traveling to over 50 nations on six continents. She and her husband live in upstate New York.
Mark and Patti Virkler have written 60 books demonstrating how to take Gods voice into area after area of life. These are available at:
They have also developed over 100 college courses for Christian Leadership University that put the voice of God in the center of your learning experience. These classes can all be taken from your home. View the complete catalog online at:
Would you allow the Virklers to recommend a coach to guide you in applying Gods voice in every area of your life? Information about their Personal Spiritual Trainer program is available at:
You can even host Mark Virkler or Charity Kayembe in your community for a weekend seminar. Details can be found at: and
Mark Virkler and Charity Kayembe are blogging regularly at: and
Discover a Salvation website which honors the role of the Holy Spirit: www.BornOfTheSpirit.Today.
Did you know that Scripture and science agree on how you can live long enough to fulfill your destiny in vibrant health? Find out how: www.TakeChargeOfYourHealth.Today.
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