THIS LIFETIME COLLECTION of Dr. Duewels jewels on prayer is priority reading. It is a superb manual. I see it as a desktop encyclopedia on the awesome subject of Mighty Prevailing Prayer. It should be a lifetime manual for the serious student of the prayer life. Immense profit in spirit will be developed when a family uses it as a daily devotional and practices its exhortations. I was stirred by its truths.
ARE YOU LONGING for power in prayer, the ability to get urgent and needed answers? Do you feel deeply tested at times by the unexplained delay in answers to your prayers? Are you longing for the secret to answered prayer?
Prevailing prayer is prayer that obtains the answer sought. It overcomes delay, opposition, and unfavorable circumstances. It often involves the Spirits guidance in how you pray and His deepening of your desire for the answer to prayer. It involves His specially empowering your prayer and strengthening your faith until you receive the answer from God.
Do you really know how to prevail in prayer, how to obtain difficult answers that you have long needed or desired? Is your prayer list effective in bringing blessing to others? Are you satisfied with the answers you are receiving?
God wants your prayer life to be filled with petitions and intercessions for others and for the advance of His kingdom. He wants answers to such prayer to become your thrilling and frequent experience. One of the great joys of prayer is securing wonderful answers that seem so long delayed and so humanly impossible.
God wants answers to your prayers to be frequent and blessed. He wants you to prove repeatedly the mighty power of prayer in your own experience. He wants you to become not only a prayer veteran but also a constant victor in situations where the answers bring great glory to God and great consternation and defeat to Satan.
He wants you to experience frequently His prayer-answering power, His intensely personal concern and love for you, and the tremendously varied means available to His wisdom. God is never perplexed or surprised, and never ultimately defeated. He desires you, through prayer, to share in bringing His will to pass on earth.
I invite you to join me in seeking Gods answers to the tremendous needs you and I face. What are the keys that will unlock heavens resources and release the prayer-answering power of God? What further steps can you and I take to bring Gods sovereign and irresistible power to bear?
Let us sit at the feet of God. Let us listen for His word. Let us turn to the lives of some of the heroes of our faith to see how they were able to see Gods power released and Gods answers made known.
Prevailing prayer is at times so simple that even a child can get mighty answersoften in an amazingly short period of time. Even new believers sometimes pray with such faith and so much of the Spirits help that mature saints of God are amazed and can only praise God for the answers.
On the other hand, Jesus Himself indicated that some situations or needs were far more difficult than others (Mark 9:29). There can be many reasons for such cases, as we shall discover in the coming chapters.
God does not deliberately hide His deepest truth from you. He does not reserve power in prayer for certain special occasions or prayer victories for some specially chosen favorites of His. Prayer is so vital to all of Christian life and to the advancement of Christs kingdom that He desires all of us to be mighty in prayer, experienced in getting prayer answers, and undismayed by the most complex or longstanding needs.
We live in the glorious now of God. The whole of time is Gods arena to work on behalf of and through His faithful ones. Anything God has ever done in the past, He is able to duplicate or exceed. He is forever the same in wisdom, power, and love.
His overarching eternal plans are unchangeable, but in working out the details, He has ordained to work in cooperation with His praying, obeying children. He adapts His working to your prayer and obedience. While He reserves the sovereign right to work independently, His normal plan is to work in cooperation with and through the prayer and obedience of His own.
God therefore delights to adjust the working out of His plans to your cooperating obedience, to your laying hold of His promise, to your preparing the way of the Lord. He has made it possible for you to prevail in prayer, and He is waiting now for you and me to prove the blessed possibilities and the glorious realities of prevailing prayer.
GOD INTENDS YOUR praying to secure divine answers. Prayer is not just Gods diversion to keep from being lonely. He delights in your fellowship. He always draws nearer when you pray. Also, prevailing prayer is one of the most important ministries in Gods kingdom plans.
Prevailing prayer is not simply a spiritual exercise to help you grow in grace. Certainly nothing is more beneficial to growth in grace than growth in the life of prayer. The more you prevail, the more you will learn the secrets of Gods grace and the powers of His kingdom. The more you intercede, the more intimate will be your walk with Christ and the stronger you will become by the Spirits power.