The test of any book about prayer must be whether, when youve finished reading it, you are encouraged to pray more often, more faithfully and with desire and joy, not duty and guilt. And that is certainly the effect Chris Bands book had on this reader. Theologically balanced (in some notoriously difficult areas), biblically rich, and readably practical, this is a most helpful and encouraging companion on the journey of prayer.
Rev Dr Chris Wright, International Ministries Director, Langham Partnership
Some books on prayer simply exhort the reader to pray more. This book helpfully sets the question of prayer in the wider context of how God relates to the world. Do our prayers make any difference? Do they change Gods will or do they only change us? These and other such questions are discussed in an uncomplicated fashion, without ducking the issues involved. A very practical book that is well worth reading.
Tony Lane, Professor of Historical Theology, London School of Theology
In this book, I found (and you will too) insightful biblical exegesis, thought-provoking theological analysis, godly wisdom, and much practical help, and I found all of this presented beautifully and powerfully. It will serve very nicely as a text for adult study groups at home or in church, as well as for private reading. I pray that God will use it to enhance your prayer life and to further his purposes for you as a partner in his work in the world. In spite of some differences in perspective, I have been blessed personally by reading this book, and I have been encouraged to persist in earnest prayer, as one of the key means that God has established whereby we can participate in what he is doing in the world. As we experience that work by God in our working together with God, our hearts will be stirred to praise and thanksgiving.
Terry Tiessen, Professor Emeritus of Systematic Theology and Ethics, Providence Theological Seminary, Otterburne, Manitoba
In this book Chris Band offers us a thoughtful and engaging exploration of prayer and tackles many of the questions that arise as our prayer life matures. Rooted in Scripture and illustrated with many stories from real life, this book will be valuable to any disciple who wants to reflect on and develop their prayer life. I believe that it also will be a great resource for ministers, small group leaders and youth leaders as they seek to nurture spiritual formation and discipleship in others.
Lynn Green, General Secretary of the Baptist Union
A deft handling of complex issues leads to a nuanced restatement of a traditional understanding of petitionary prayer. Chris Band has an enviable gift for down-to-earth illustrations, and his real-life interview data drawn from conversations with ordinary church members adds a special dimension to this elegant and readable book. This book will be an encouragement to the thinking and praying of all its readers.
Robert Ellis, Principal, Regents Park College, Oxford
Rebuilding our confidence in prayer
Chris Band
Oxford, UK, and Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA
Text copyright 2016 Chris Band
This edition copyright 2016 Lion Hudson
The right of Chris Band to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Published by Monarch Books
an imprint of
Lion Hudson plc
Wilkinson House, Jordan Hill Road,
Oxford OX2 8DR, England
ISBN 978 0 85721 775 2
e-ISBN 978 0 85721 776 9
First edition 2016
Unless otherwise stated, Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version Anglicised. Copyright 1979, 1984, 2011 Biblica, formerly International Bible Society. Used by permission of Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, an Hachette UK company. All rights reserved. NIV is a registered trademark of Biblica. UK trademark number 1448790. Scripture quotations marked NIV 1984 taken from the NIV 1984 translation.
Scripture quotations marked KJV are taken from The Authorized (King James) Version. Rights in the Authorized Version are vested in the Crown. Reproduced by permission of the Crowns patentee, Cambridge University Press.
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Cover image iStock/Peter Brutsch
Lovingly dedicated to
Breeze, Petra and Tia.
As precious
as you are wonderful
Hows your prayer life? Thats a question to ask a Christian if you want to make them squirm. I dont know anyone who doesnt feel guilty about their prayer life. Most people I know think they dont pray enough; or they dont pray with enough faith; or maybe that theyre not praying for the right things. Many people ask me if praying really does anything, or if it is just a cop out for those who dont like doing anything. Prayer-drift. Prayer-drought. Prayer-drag. The problems with prayer seem to be far more common than we like to admit to each other, or even to ourselves.
I think there are three reasons we find prayer difficult. Firstly, prayer is difficult because of its intangibility. When it comes to Christian service, feeding a homeless person feels a lot more substantial than trying to hear the voice of God. Studying the Bible can seem more productive than fumbling for words on your own with God. Even attending a church prayer meeting can feel like hard work at times.
Secondly, prayer is difficult because of its immeasurability. I can tell how many steps Ive walked in a day thanks to an app on my phone. I have a picture on the wall for every child my wife and I have fostered. I am able to see how close to its fundraising target my charity has reached thanks to a spreadsheet. Even my reading of the Bible can be measured with a bookmark, or a highlighter pen, or by the state of the dog-eared page corners. But when I pray I have less of an idea of how Im doing, and this can feel discouraging.
Thirdly, prayer is difficult because life and situations are unpredictable. So often my prayer seems like a failure. I pray for breakthroughs at work and get setbacks instead. Sadly, I have seen far more people die after I prayed for them to be better than I have seen people healed. I have seen more people resist Gods grace in their lives than I have seen people I have prayed for come to faith.
Despite all of these struggles, setbacks, and suspicions, I know I need to pray and I want to learn how to draw closer to God, hear his voice, be empowered for his service, and see his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. That is why I am pleased to commend Chris book to you. I have known Chris since our student mission days and have always been impressed by his desire to serve God and to converse with him. Reading this book I feel I know Chris better than ever. He lets us into his struggles in prayer so I feel encouraged by a fellow struggler, and not shamed by a prayer superhero. I also feel I know Scripture better as Chris points us to passages that help us learn how to move forward in prayer, not with guilt and dread, but with clarity and confidence. May this book inspire you as it has inspired me. I pray that the insights in this book will help us all to get on our knees.
Dr Krish Kandiah
Founding Director: Home for Good
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