3 Dimensional Prayer
The Prayer Movement Edition
Grace Swift
Copyright 2012 Grace Swift
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My mother, Marie Geneva Swift Cager, whose last prayer for me was that I would have a desire to please God, in memoriam.
Billie Adams, who was my friend and mentor, the Prayer Warrior, who taught me to pray the Word of God and the importance of using the Word in prayer, in memoriam. To Jane Milligan, whose hands God used to anoint me. Suzanne Hinn, who saw me as an Intercessor who is called of God.
Special Thanks to: My five brothers
Richard, my Hero, Viet Nam War Veteran,
Jerry and Greg, US Air Force, and JC, (Jimmy, in memoriam),
Sarah Barnaby, Marsha Yarbrough and WJEB, Channel 59 (TBN),
Jacksonville, Florida, Prayer Partners Ministry,
Nancy Bardwell, Susan Hendel and John Campbell
To my five sons:
Benjamin, Son of my right hand
Garrett, mighty in Word and Deeds
Ryan, the Most Capable one, and his wife, Lorrie Ann.
Kenley, the Peaceful man of God, and his wife, Sharrona
Javan, the Wonderful one, full of life and love
My 12 Grandchildren:
Bryan Gregory, Monique Lorriann, Stephen Michael,
Jasmine Renay, Alexandria Marie, Benjamin Jr.,
Corrie Kashawn and Corben Elshawn (twins)
Jessica Lynn, Kamron Isaiah,
Kenden Swift, Kimora Shaley
Great-Grandchildren :
Saniah Marie, Nekia Richelle, Sydney Janae,
Briana Gabrielle, Knoah Darwell
Are you still struggling with the will of God for your life? Are you still waiting for the funds to do a special project; a musical performance, release of your very own record, write the next best selling book, or perhaps build a ministry facility? Are you still waiting to obtain what is necessary to do what you feel God has called you to do?
If so, then the wait is over! Look no farther! In this book you will find the will of God, and the least expensive way to occupy until Jesus comes right where you are through the Ministry of Intercession.
Intercession requires no money, or any special equipment. No building or costly overhead is required, yet it is one of the most powerful ministries and the most vital of all the occupations in the entire Kingdom of God.
Every operation in the ministry depends upon prayer. Whether you are in a multimillion-dollar facility your car, your closet, church, your job, in a public or private place, you can be powerful and accomplish mighty works in the Kingdom of God by interceding in prayer.
Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me,
Behold I have put My words in your mouth. I have this day appointed you to the oversight o f the nations and of the kingdoms, to root out and pull down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant. I am alert and active watching over my word to perform it.
Jeremiah 1: 9-10
Imagine this with me, if you can. An angel of the Lord ushered me through heaven in a vision. In the distance I saw Jesus coming toward me with outstretched arms.
Ill take over from here, He said, as He opened a door in the floor of heaven.
I looked on in amazement as He explained the things that I saw. Colorful lights were beaming up into heaven.
They flashed continually from one side to the other in shades of purple, blue, pink, yellow and red, from pastels to neon bright.
These are the prayers of the saints. He said, Each color represents a type of need, the brightness signifies the severity.
When I could contain myself no longer I had to ask, What is that lightning which streaks out so sharp like a laser, beaming so bright between the beautiful colors?
He turned to me with a smile on His face and said, Oh, those are the Ones which pierce through dense darkness. Those are the prayers of my intercessors that go straight to the Fathers throne.
The way you approach God in prayer could make the difference in the length of time you spend waiting for your answer.
One would think that the creator of the heavens and the earth would either be too busy or just plain out of mans ability to reach or communicate with on any level. Yet each evening, in the cool of the day, the Creator would purposely seek out man and fellowship with him. Perhaps when man would hear God walking he would come out in haste to meet Him. One day God, the Creator, wasnt met by His man as usual.
So, searching high and low, among the trees and animals, He calls out, Mankind, wherefore art thou?
What is man that You are mindful of him . . . Psalms 8:4a
The Call of God
But your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear (Isaiah 59: 2).
Mens hands were defiled with blood and their lips were speaking lies and perverseness. No one wanted truth. They trusted in vanity and mischief. There was no peace or justice anywhere. Those who sought peace or justice stumbled around in darkness, unable to find their way.
And He saw that there was no man, and wondered that there was no intercessor, therefore His own arm brought salvation unto Him (Isaiah 59:16).
Is there yet an intercessor for these last days? Will you answer the call of God to stand in the gap for those who grope in darkness looking for God? Will you make up the hedge between God and man?
God is calling you to act as His Holy Arm and bring salvation to the people; to set the captive free, to restore sight to the blind, to bring deliverance to the captive, healing and peace of mind to those who are sick and in torment.
Oh, sing unto the Lord a new song; for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His holy arm has gotten Him the victory. The Lord has made known His salvation. His righteousness has He openly shewed in the sight of the heathen. He has remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God. (Psalms 98: 1-3)
God is seeking intercessors today, just as in the days of Isaiah.
An Intercessor is one who stands in the gap and makes up the hedge, praying on behalf of others. Because of intercessors, God reaches man and man can receive from the hand of God.
Intercession is praying beyond ones self to surpass earthly elements and it reaches into the heavenly realm. It also has an astounding effect on the powers of darkness.
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