Prayer doesnt come through osmosis. Jesus taught His disciples to pray! Pastor John Hannah calls people into prayer the way a shepherd draws sheep to the pasture! Ive seen the impact on our MegaFest participants as he taught and demonstrated the tremendous power of prayer. His book Just Pray is an opportunity to saturate your life with effectual, fervent prayer! Its a must-read and then a must-do!
John Hannah is a world leader in prayer who embodies the consecration, intention, and heart of a true prayer warrior. His words are surgical and echo Gods heart. Anything he has to say about prayer is worth reading.
As a pastor for over fifty-two years, I can say without a doubt that prayer has been the key to success. This has been the case not only for my ministry but also for my personal life. Pastor John Hannah has done a phenomenal job of placing a clarion call to the next generation of prayer warriors who will bombard heaven. I encourage you to read Just Pray, and be blessed by this message and challenged to strengthen your prayer life.
Reading Just Pray will be a life-changing experience! It is a must-read from my brother John Hannah, who embodies what it is to be a praying pastor and lead a praying church and a praying community. This book is a timely answer for the prevailing question What do we do now? Just pray!
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JUST PRAY by John F. Hannah
Published by Charisma House
Charisma Media/Charisma House Book Group
600 Rinehart Road, Lake Mary, Florida 32746
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Copyright 2021 by John F. Hannah
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To all my faithful 4:00 a.m., Friday night, and Saturday devotional prayer warriors thank you!
Lets keep interceding!
WHEN I FIRST met Pastor John Hannah several years ago in Chicago, I experienced something profound. As I saw him minister in the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, I recognized in him a man of integrity, brilliance, and dependence on the Holy Spirit. I was inspired to go deeper and stronger in my relationship with God and to see change both personally and corporately. But when I heard Pastor John speak on prayer and demonstrate it at a large conference in South Africa, I recognized that God had given him a now word for the church globally.
Pastor John Hannah carries an anointing and a message that is so critical for our times. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Pastor John has built a significant, large, and influential church on the South Side of Chicago. Prayer is not just a message Pastor John speaks; it is not merely a method he uses. It is a lifestyle he models. Indeed, it is his life message. And through his deep relationship with God, he has seen God do phenomenal things. Through his ministry, teaching, and God-given revelation, hundreds of thousands of people have been impacted in Chicago and around the world. Australia also has felt the impact of his ministry through our Planetshakers Conference and through his impact on me personally and on many other pastors and leaders.
We are living in some of the most challenging times in modern history, and it is a great pity that at a time like this, when the church more than ever should be walking in obedience to Gods command to pray at all times in the Spirit (Eph. 6:18, NASB), few of us are found in His presence. At a time like this, God is the person we should be calling upon and going deep with, because only He has the power to bring change to the chaos and turmoil.
We need so desperately to access Gods power and love that come through prayer to bring change to our world. But there is an even greater reason that now, like never before, we just need to pray. I believe we are about to witness one of the greatest moves of God, if not the greatest move of God, the world has yet experienced. And prayer is the key. Every significant move of God has been precipitated and sustained through prayer. Prayer is Gods invitation to intimacy. Prayer is heavens open secret to accessing Gods power. Prayer is the primary vocation of every Christian.
I believe this book will inspire you to seek the Father like never before. It will help you go deeper in your relationship with God and grow in your spiritual authority. It will give you the keys to seeing breakthrough and transformation in the world. It will bring an impartation of kingdom truth, which literally will change your life and the world around you. But more importantly, it will prepare you for what God is desiring to do in this generation. I pray that you will be impacted by the ministry of Pastor John Hannah as I was and as our church at Planetshakers was and continues to be.