![Table of Contents BOOKS BY ERNEST HOLMES Can We Talk to God Change Your - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/405727/bano_2940000181096_msr_cvi_r1.jpg)
Table of Contents
Can We Talk to God?
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
Creative Ideas
Creative Mind and Success
The Science of Mind
Effective Prayer
Good for You
How to Change Your Life
How to Use the Science of Mind
Ideas for Living
It Can Happen to You
Questions and Answers on the Science of Mind
The Beverly Hills Lectures
The Magic of the Mind
The Science of Mind Approach to Successful Living
The Voice Celestial
This Thing Called Life
This Thing Called You
Thoughts Are Things
What Religious Science Teaches
![FOREWORD In Words That Heal Today Dr Holmes peels away the shroud of dogma - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/405727/bano_2940000181096_oeb_001_r1.jpg)
In Words That Heal Today, Dr. Holmes peels away the shroud of dogma surrounding Jesus the man and Jesus the spiritual master. In language that convinces mind, heart and soul, he unveils the awareness that Jesus the Christ initiated his disciples into.
Jesus the man fully awakened to the Universal Christ Presence within. With one hand in the hand of God and the other in the hand of humanity, he performed his work, commanding Divine Law from a consciousness of Divine Love. He taught the theology of joy, a spiritual philosophy about the unity of all life and how it can be permanently actualized within ones consciousness.
Through his profound embodiment and practice of the truth teachings of the great Wayshower, Dr. Holmes, too, experienced a spiritual realization of the Christ Presence within himself. Words That Heal Today shows us how to change our thinking and change our life.
The Christ Consciousness awakened within Jesus a great individuality. It brought forth within him the purest expression of who he was as an individualized idea in the Mind of God. Dr. Holmes reveals to us that Jesus was the great example, not the great exception. In the words of Ernest Holmes, There is a power for good in the universe that is greater than you are, and you can use it. This book will show you how.
Reverend Dr. Michael Beckwith
The Voice of God to Humanity
... and Jesus said, Ask and ye shall receive.
It was this tremendous claim on God that amazed both his friends and his enemies. He performed miracles as though they were the most ordinary experiences in human life. He made demands on an invisible Power that no other man before had dared to make, and this Power honored his demand.
This mastermind was either the great exception or the great example. The claim he made on the universe was either made by one whom God had peculiarly endowed with spiritual power, or it is a claim that anyone can make with complete assurance, provided he or she first complies with the conditions laid down by the greatest spiritual genius of the ages.
We cannot compare the philosophy of Jesus with others. We cannot say he was this or that or something else. We can only say: Here was a man who found himself inseparable from God, eternal with God, forever in God. Conscious of his divinity, yet humble as he contemplated the infinite life around him, he spoke from the height of spiritual perception, proclaiming the deathless reality of the personal life, the continuity of the individual soul, the unity of the universal Spirit.
We find in him a heart of kindness, a mind of comprehension, an intellect of sincerity, a feeling of compassion. He was a lover of humanity. He knew it in its wisdom and folly, in its righteousness and mistakes. He had the spiritual vision to know that when God has made the pile complete everything that does not belong to the kingdom of good will be purged from it. He knew that the divine spark in all men must, somewhere, sometime, be fanned into a celestial blaze. He knew that good must eventually overcome evil, that the Kingdom of Heaven, which is at the center of our being, will become established at its circumference.
Jesus made heaven and earth meet. Sublime in his own spiritual completeness he had risen in joy, in calm serenity, to a lofty height whose vastness included all. It was his use of spiritual power his contemporaries could not understand. They thought of God as separate from man. They had not conceived of man in God and God in man. They had intellectually accepted a unity which was no unity at all but a duality in that it excluded themselves.
Jesus paid little attention to the political and economic conditions of his time. He was non-resistant toward them. He established the Kingdom of God within himself. But while he said, My kingdom is not of this world, he also lived in conformity with the world of his time.
He did not condemn the religions of others because they were different from his. When his disciples asked him to rebuke those who were casting out devils without using his name, he answered, He that is not against us, is for us. He measured sincerity against insincerity, letting sincerity be the victor. He did not exalt himself as a leader but said,... everyone that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.
One thing is certain, we cannot find the key to this mans character by going to the ordinary locksmith. He had a pattern different from others. He viewed the universe as a spiri - tual systemnot by and by, but here and now. He saw it, felt it, knew it, understood and experienced it.
Jesus believed in a spiritual truth which gives power over evil. He affirmed that Gods Kingdom is here and now. His thoughts were so simple that we can easily overlook their profoundness. He was no splitter of words or phrases.
He spent no time in abstractions or what we are fondly likely to think of as deep and profound philosophies. We may study the teachings of other philosophers, whether ancient, medieval or modern, and we shall find that many of their phrases are meaningless, not so much spiritual perceptions as intellectual gymnastics. How refreshing to read the simple thoughts of one who had a direct perception of the spiritual universe here and now! In the words of Jesus are contained the depth and meaning of the many systems which are so difficult to follow.
Seeking a true interpretation of the teaching of the Master, we should forget our dogmas and many of our personal opinions, and start with the simple proposition that Jesus knew what he was talking about. If we do this, we shall arrive at conclusions so stupendous that they shatter the imagination. We shall arrive at a concept of the Divine Presence so satisfying that it will become to us as the pearl of great price for which we would gladly exchange all we have that we may possess it. We shall arrive at such a magnificent concept of a universe of law and order that we shall know our faith and trust are placed in an immutability. And we shall have a feeling of personal relationship to this universe, a divine companionship with God. We shall come to know that all have one Father in heaven to which each may come in his or her own individual way and from which each may draw inspiration for his or her personal life.
Jesus gave us a simple and direct approach to God, a method of prayer, which, if used intelligently and sincerely by a majority of the human race, could bring peace on earth and goodwill among men. Every persons life revolves around an inward searching of his or her mind for that which the person senses by intuition. Could we surrender the intellect to this intuition, the results would be miraculous.
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