Phoenix LeFae (Sebastopol, CA) is a professional reader, rootworker, teacher, and ritualist. She has been practicing Witchcraft for twenty-five years, and her teachings are connected to the Reclaiming tradition, Druidry, and Gardnerian Wicca. She is also the co-owner of an esoteric goddess shop called Milk & Honey.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
Witches, Heretics & Warrior Women: Ignite Your Rebel Spirit through Magick & Ritual 2022 by Phoenix LeFae.
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First e-book edition 2022
E-book ISBN: 9780738768144
Cover design by Kevin R. Brown
Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: LeFae, Phoenix, author.
Title: Witches, heretics & warrior women : ignite your rebel spirit through
magick & ritual / by Phoenix LeFae.
Other titles: Witches, heretics and warrior women
Description: First edition. | Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 2022.
| Includes bibliographical references. | Summary: Transformative
stories of powerful women from legend and history that will inspire and
support you as you connect with your inner rebel Provided by
Identifiers: LCCN 2021043605 (print) | LCCN 2021043606 (ebook) | ISBN
9780738767932 | ISBN 9780738768144 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Witches. | Wicca. | Heretics. | Dissenters. | Witchcraft. |
Classification: LCC BF1571.5.W66 L47 2022 (print) | LCC BF1571.5.W66
(ebook) | DDC 133.4/3dc23
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Llewellyn Publications
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To Copper Persephone and Lizann Basham
what is remembered lives.
: Being the Rebel
: Join the Rebellion
: Using This Book
: Knowing Thyself
: Being the Witch
: The Witches
: Circe
: Anne Boleyn
: Marie Laveau
: Being the Heretic
: The Heretics
: Mary Magdalene
: Jeanne DArc
: Salome
: Being the Warrior
: The Warrior Women
: Boudicca
: Moving Robe Woman
: Harriet Tubman
There are lots of suggestions in this book for exercises and exploring that will have you looking at some of your personal baggage. Although I encourage you to do self-exploration, this book is not to be used as a replacement for therapy, medical care, or medication. No ritual, spell, or magickal working should replace professional medical care or advice.
There are also formulas and recipes for herbs and essential oils included in this book. Dont use any ingredients that you are allergic to. If you are uncertain about your reaction to any ingredients, dont use them. Better not to risk it.
If there is anything in this book that you are unsure about, dont do it.
R ebels change the world.
Do you call yourself a witch? Do you want to call yourself a witch? If you answered yes to either of those questions, then congratulations! You are a rebel.
Why is that important?
A rebel is someone that rises up against the establishment. Rebellion is the act of pushing back against culturally established customs. Rebels and heretics look at the status quo and think, Nah, I dont want anything to do with that . They want to do things their own way and buck restrictions, forced trends, or cultural norms. Rebels are willing to give a big middle finger to conforming.
Witches have been heretics for as long as there have been hereticshell, for as long as there have been witches. Witches and heretics are totally rebels. They all go hand in hand.
Think of a world where no one questions the status quo. How would that society look? What if we all just accepted things? No matter how bad, broken, or abusive, what if we all just followed along? And lets be real; a lot of folks are happy to live this way. A lot of our society and culture are stoked about the status quo. Especially if you benefit from the status quo, and quite a bit of our population does, in fact, benefit from the status quo. Many, many people are willing to put their heads in the sand and go along to get along.
But not a rebel
Rebels show us there is another way. They shake up the mainstream and point out the problematic. Rebels are game changers. They walk on the edges, the fringes, and break apart tyranny and abuse. Anyone who has ever stood up and said No, I wont let this go on any longer is a rebel.
The world needs rebels. Are you ready to be one?
Witches, heretics, warriors, and truly any human that has refused to stay in their lane, do as they were told, or just conform are all fighting the battle of making changes in their own way. Pushing back against conformity may only change one thing, one moment, or one life, but the more we push back, the more change happens. Like ripples on a pool after tossing in a pebble. Rebels are willing to lob a boulder into the waters and watch as the ripples spread, a smile on their face and sweat on their brow. Crush the patriarchy!
Although rebels have no gender, I am going to focus on women for a moment. Women have been indoctrinated into being good. We are taught to do as we are told. We are encouraged not to rock the boat. When women speak up about abusive behavior, we must fight to be heard and believed. And we have to deal with questions like Was it really that bad, though? Too often, women allow themselves to deal with bad behavior, abuse, and oppression because its easier or more acceptable.
The oppression only gets more intense when we start to factor in things like race, ethnicity, or country of origin. Thats not to say things havent changed and improved over the last several decades. Indeed, they have, but culturally, many of us are still swimming upstream.
This is why the world needs rebels.
There are theories that once upon a time, the world was matriarchal. We dont have solid anthropological evidence of these theories being factual, but even now, there are a few small tribes across the globe that function in a matriarchal way. Modern history is filled with stories of witches, heretics, and warrior women fighting against patriarchal structures. Is this a harkening back to a time before patriarchy was the norm? Is this a calling, a longing, for something different than the society we are a part of?