Copyright Page
2004, 2017 by Barbara Yoder
Published by Chosen Books
11400 Hampshire Avenue South
Bloomington, Minnesota 55438
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Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, Michigan
Ebook edition created 2017
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.
ISBN 978-1-4412-3143-7
Unless otherwise indicated, all Hebrew and Greek word definitions referred as Strongs Greek and Hebrew Dictionary are taken from Biblesofts New Exhaustive Strongs Numbers and Concordance with Expanded Greek Hebrew Dictionary , copyright 1994, 2003, Biblesoft, Inc. and International Bible Translators, Inc.
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Scripture quotations identified NIV 1984 taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
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Scripture quotations identified RSV are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
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Cover design by Rob Williams, InsideOutCreativeArts
If you have been yearning and praying for the Church of Acts to become the Church of today, then The Breaker Anointing is for you. Barbara Yoder lays out in a clear, concise way the biblical principles necessary for the Church to arise in this hour. It is the anointing for breakthroughthe breaker anointing. Be encouraged as you read, and then apply the wisdom and prophetic insight of this timely and important book.
Jane Hansen Hoyt, president/CEO, Aglow International
We all have obstacles that crop up in our lives. Obstacles can keep usas individuals, families, congregations, states and nationsfrom our dreams and our destinies. How do we handle obstacles? Do we give up, cry, turn and run, looking desperately for another way? In The Breaker Anointing , Barbara Yoder offers a much more acceptable option: Let Jesus blow them away. Barbaras book teaches us how to align with the Lord of the breakthrough to clear the path ahead so that we can run the race to win!
Dutch Sheets, bestselling author, Intercessory Prayer ; Dutch Sheets Ministries
Understanding the power of God available to all believers is paramount for the hour we are living in. Barbara Yoder, in The Breaker Anointing, brings revelation for advancing Gods kingdom. The victorious Church is moving forward to break through every hindrance or obstacle standing in the way of Gods eternal purposes. You will be ignited with new passion as you read this book. I highly recommend The Breaker Anointing for every person who is serious about fulfilling Gods magnificent purposes.
Barbara Wentroble, author, Prophetic Intercession and Praying with Authority ; founder, International Breakthrough Ministries, Breakthrough Business Network and Breakthrough Business Leaders
Barbara Yoder is well-known as a prophetic proclaimer of the Breaker Anointing. She pioneered this message for the Body. Not only has she powerfully taught this vital aspect of Christs ministry with precision and authority, but she lives it! Breakthroughs follow her ministry and touch many individuals, but also regions. In this very hour, God is highlighting this amazing revelation of the Breaker and is inviting His people to move forward with Him to establish breakthroughs. He is inviting YOU! The Breaker Anointing will teach, equip, empower and beckon you to step into this awesome anointing from God.
Patricia King, founder, Patricia King Ministries
Barbara Yoder, one of my long-standing board of governors members and a daughter in the Lord, presents in The Breaker Anointing the revelation of the strategy, process and action required for breakthrough. As we enter this new era of intensified warfare, which I wrote about in God s World War III , this book will give you the needed understanding and tools to break through every obstacle to both personal and corporate reformation. God is retooling the Church for the greatest breakthrough it has ever seen. Barbara has successfully modeled with her life what it means to be a successful, warring, breakthrough saint. This is a must-read.
Dr. Bill Hamon, bishop, Christian International Apostolic Network
The breaker goes up before them; they break out, pass through the gate and go out by it. So their king goes on before them, and the L ORD at their head.
Micah 2:13 NASB
Title Page
Copyright Page
Foreword by James W. Goll
Foreword by Chuck Pierce
1. My Introduction to the Breaker
2. God the Breaker
3. Thrones
4. Breaking Through and Breaking Out
5. Breakthrough at the Gates
6. Escape from the Narrow Place
7. Rebooting the Church
8. What Does Breakthrough Look Like?
9. Scriptural Principles That Release Breakthrough
10. Awaken the Breaker Forerunners
For Group Study
About the Author
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In every generation, God seems to select individuals to deliver distinct messages that He wants His people to understand. When He wanted to communicate with the Church about the breaker anointing, He assigned the task to a messenger named Barbara Yoder.
This does not mean that other people were not speaking about the subject at the same time. They were (and I was one of them). I suspect that the rest of us helped the message reach a tipping point, so that when Barbara came along and taught about it with authority, people sat up and took notice.
The key concept of God as the Breaker comes from Micah 2:13The One who breaks open the way will go up before them; they will break through the gate and go out. Their King will pass through before them, the L ORD at their head ( NIV ). The Holy Spirit highlighted this verse to many of us. We all prayed into it, spoke on it and lived it, but none of us as much as Barbara. In her case, the word began to be identified with her, almost incarnationally. When she began to step up and decree the word that the Breaker must go before and break open the way, the tipping point came. The message about breakthrough broke through.