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Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:6
Everyone wakes up with at least one big question each day. Some of the most common questions we ask ourselves as we reach for the snooze alarm may include, Is it morning already? Cant I sleep a little longer? and Wheres the coffee?
But the biggest question we ask each day isnt about catching more shut-eye or starting a pot of coffee. This question runs deeper and, at times, is a lot harder to identify. The biggest question is something that lurks in the back of our minds, affecting our attitude, outlook, and behavior. When were really honest, our biggest question probably sounds something like this:
Am I really loved? Why am I here? Does what I do matter? Do I matter? or Do I really belong?
While the biggest question differs for each of us based on our background, personality, and stage in life, most of us spend a lot of time and energy searching for an answer even if we never say the question out loud. For example, though we may not ask someone, Am I really loved? we may look for people to show us affection and approval throughout the day. Though we may not ask our co-workers or friends, Does what I do matter? we may look for every opportunity to earn a special award, a bosss recognition, or another promotion. Though we may not ask fellow church or family members, Do I really belong? we may find ourselves second-guessing how we handled ourselves or responded to someone after a gathering.
No matter what big question were facing, only One can provide the answer that satisfies the deepest parts of our souls. The Creator of the universe alone holds the answer to your biggest questions. God wants to answer the questions, Am I really loved? Does what I do matter? Do I really belong? and every other big question you may be facing, with the resounding message of His love.
Rather than turn to others to answer our biggest questions, we can choose to go to God. And when we do, we find God embracing usthe deepest and most hidden parts of usand loving us more than we ever thought possible.
My hope and prayer is that through this study youll not only recognize the biggest question youre asking in this season of life, but that youll courageously take that question to God. And when you do, youll discover an answer through the Scripture that infuses you with Gods love, grace, kindness, peace, and joy.
Margaret Feinberg
People talk a lot about waking up on the wrong side of the bed, but when was the last time you woke up on the right side of the bed? When was the last time you told yourself you were going to have a great dayand you did? The way we think and what we believe affect everything from our outlook to our attitude and actions. This is especially true when it comes to our faith. Maybe this is one reason God goes to great lengths throughout the Bible to say some pretty amazing things about who we are in Him.
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace which He made to abound toward us in all wisdom and prudence.
Ephesians 1:78
Forgiveness is one of the greatest gifts God gives us. A friend of mine once stumbled on a sign that read:
If we had needed healing, God would have sent a Physician.
If we had needed knowledge, God would have sent an Educator.
If we had needed information, God would have sent a Scientist.
If we had needed money, God would have sent a Banker.
Because we needed forgiveness, God sent a Savior.
This wondrous gift of forgiveness is extended to us through Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made on the cross. Through Jesus death and resurrection, everything that stood between you and God is erased forever and ever. You are forgiven.
But what does being forgiven and extending forgiveness to others really mean?
Forgiveness is granting pardon or giving up all claims of something owed. Forgiveness means wiping the slate clean and cancelling any indebtedness.
Consider the following modern-day example. A bank named the Crdit Municipal de Paris practiced forgiveness in a practical fashion. Theyve been offering affordable and accessible loans to the residents of Paris since 1637. To celebrate their 375th anniversary, the Crdit Municipal de Paris cancelled debts of the citys poorest. More than thirty-five hundred people had their slates wiped clean. They could begin again.
While the grace and forgiveness extended at the Crdit Municipal de Paris is noteworthy, Gods forgiveness extends beyond our wildest imaginations. Gods Son stepped in and took the weight of our sins on Himself. Jesus died on the cross, bridging the gap between broken humanity and a perfect God. All debts were paid. Every last cent. Forever and ever!
Jesus died on the cross, bridging the gap between broken humanity and a perfect God.
Through Christ, God wholly forgives us. Psalm 103:12 reminds us, As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. This means when God looks at you, He no longer sees a list of wrongdoings or sins youve committed, but instead treasures you as holy and blameless.
God not only freely offers complete forgiveness but challenges us to humble our hearts and completely forgive those around us. Only then can we truly experience the freedom that walks hand in hand with forgiveness.
1. On the continuum below, mark how easy experiencing Gods forgiveness is for you. Then explain your response.
![I experience Gods forgiveness wholly and completely with ease I struggle - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/411550/images/9781401676292_I_0027_004.jpg)
I experience Gods forgiveness wholly and completely with ease. | I struggle to accept and feel Gods forgiveness. |
2. When receiving Gods forgiveness, we need to ground ourselves in what the Bible says. Look up the following passages. Record what each passage reveals about Gods forgiveness.
Psalm 86:45:
Psalm 103:812:
Isaiah 1:18:
Isaiah 38:17:
3. Which of the passages you looked up is most meaningful to you? Why?
God extends radical forgiveness to us. Though we may tell ourselves that God cant possibly forgive us, God can remove any and all sin from our lives through Christ. The Bible uses rich imagery to show how God responds to our sins.
4. Using the chart below, draw a line between the biblical passage and the image of forgiveness to which it alludes. Then circle the verbs describing how God responds to our sins.