Our Energy Body, Auras, andThoughtforms
The energy body and vital forces arecritical to learning how to enhance your health, vitality, developspiritual abilities, and for focused spiritualdevelopment.
This book provides history, in depthexplanations, theories on the energy body, and exercises to learnhow to take full advantage of these capabilitiesyourself.
The chapters in the bookinclude:
The Importance of the EnergyBody
The Human Aura in History
A Spiritual Basis for VitalForces
The Energy Body inTheosophy
Energy Channels
The Chakras
The Aura, and its Colors andPatterns
Kirlian Photography
Energy Body Exercises
Learning to See the Aura
Energy Intake
Thoughtform Exercises
Like most of my books I write from aSpiritual Perspective and try to help readers understand that thesepowers are side effects to greater spiritual growth.
Any abilities can be used for good orevil. How you use human invisibility is up to you.
Copyright Page
The God Like Powers Series: Our EnergyBody, Auras, and Thoughtforms
By : Martin K. Ettington
Copyright 2012 Martin K.Ettington
Smashwords Edition
ISBN: 9781476261652
Other books by the Author
Spiritual and MetaphysicalBooks:
Physical Immortality: A History and Howto Guide
The Commentaries of LivingImmortals
Prophecy: A History and How toGuide
God Like Powers andAbilities
Enlightenment for Dummies
Removing Illusions to Find TrueHappiness
Using the Scientific Method to Studythe Paranormal
A Compendium of Metaphysics and How toGuides
(Six books together in onevolume)
Records of Extremely Long LivedPersons
Science Fiction:
Out of This Universe
The God Like PowersSeries:
Human Invisibility
Invulnerability andShielding
Our Energy Body, Auras, andThoughtforms
These books are all available indigital and printed formats from my website:
Table of Contents
This is the fifth book in my new GodLike Powers Series on Individual Spiritual Powers.
In God Like Powers and Abilities Iprovided an encyclopedic overview of most of the spiritualabilities that have been claimed and observed over thecenturies.
There was a lot of feedback fromcustomers that they wanted to know a lot more about individualabilities and how they worked. Therefore I decided to write thisseries
In each of these books on specificspiritual powers my goal is to provide in depth knowledge andexercises on what these abilities are all about, and how one candevelop these powers.
I do not claim to have exercised all ofthese abilities myself, although I have experienced somemy mostdeveloped ability being Prophecy. (See my book Prophecy: A Historyand How to Guide for more details on that subject.)
One thing to keep in mind that I try toemphasize in all of my books is that Spiritual Development is thegoal not obtaining powers and abilities.
One should not get side tracked intoonly wanting to manifest powers.
In fact, many of these abilities willnot manifest at all without a large amount of spiritual trainingand practice.
There are many paths to spiritualdevelopment. I favor those using forms of meditation and cantestify to meditations positive effect on my life over manyyears.
As an engineer with analyticaltraining, my favorite way of approaching these subjects is to takethe following steps:
Provide a background and history onthe ability in question
Show some examplespastand present of claims these abilities have been used in the past onpurpose or by accident
Discuss how the ability works or ourbest theories about it
Provide any current scientificresearch related to the topic
Practical exercises claimed to allowone to use the ability.
A Summary and Review ofwhat has been learned with recommendations of how to apply theselessons in our daily lives.
In my forty plus years of studying thespiritual and paranormal, I have had many wild experiences. I dontclaim to have experienced everything I write about.
However, my own experiences have led meto believe that most of these spiritual abilitiesalthough many arefantasticprobably do exist.
Although all knowledge can be used forgood or evil I feel pretty safe in providing this information tothe general public since I do believe that it takes a high level ofspiritual attainment to exercise these powers anyway.
Therefore any information I provideshould be safe, or used in competent hands when and if the powersare developed by an individual.
The Importance of the Energy Body
Learning about the Aura, Chakras, andthe Energy Body was the beginning of my serious education on thespiritual and paranormal.
I will in college at RensselaerPolytechnic Institute in 1974 when I met Sam Lentinea blind middleaged Physics PHD student who was also a strong clairvoyant and welldeveloped psychic,
We became friends and I helped himdevelop a psychic development class where I first learnedmeditation and how to open my crown chakra to take in vital forceenergies.
This was an amazing experience becauseI learned about vital forces from first hand experiences whichcouldnt be denied by my analytical side.
If I hadnt learned about the energybody and how it works, then I think I would have been caught in thespiritual development slow lane for many decades.
Today, my crown chakra is open almostall the time with lots of energy coming in and it makes a bigdifference in my life.
Whenever somebody talks about psychicor paranormal phenomena, the subject usually comes up about theaura, the energy body, chakras, and other related structures in thehuman body.
The problem is that western sciencedoes not officially recognize the existence of the energy bodybecause of unreliable measurements and lack of acceptance of thispart of our being.
Paintings of Auras exist going backhundreds and thousands of years, as do writings about the energybody.
Acupuncture has been practiced forthousands of years in China, and is generally accepted as havingbenefits in the westeven though a theory properly explaining howit works in conventional scientific terms doesnt exist.
Ive written a number of books on theSpiritual and Paranormal, and realize that many people do not evenaccept the existence of this energy body-which hurts my credibilitywith those persons.
Its unfortunate that so many dont believe in the energybody, because understanding what the energy body is and how itworks is the key to a focused approach of spiritual and psychicdevelopment.
The Human Aura in History
References to the aura can be tracedback to the very beginnings of civilization. In the West we arelikely most familiar with the aura as a glowing light or halosurrounding the heads of Jesus, Mary and saints in religious art.The aura denoted spiritual energy long before its depiction ashalos in Christianity, however.
Ancient Egyptian art is full ofrepresentations of the aura. The Ancient Egyptians depicted halosaround the heads of pharaohs and other important personages as wellas deities.
The Ancient Greeks and Romans seem tohave adopted the iconography and the head halo is still with us inChristianity. In India, the Hindu religion honor deities in thesame manner.
Energy as the basis for life is at thecore of Eastern religions; in China this energy is called "Chi," inIndia, it's referred to as "prana." In mystical Hindu writings onefinds reference to the "thousand-petaled lotus of light"surrounding the head of those who achieved enlightenment. (Walker,373) (1)
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