Awaken Your Psychic Powers. (Henry Reed).
Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate: America's Psychic Espionage Program. (Paul H. Smith).
CIA documents:
CIA-Initiated Remote Viewing at Stanford Research Institute by H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D.
An Evaluation of Remote Viewing: Research and Applications, American Institutes for Research, September 29, 1995.
Enhancing Human Performance 1988, the National Academy Press.
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, parapsychology research.
Farsight Institute.
I will be launching a website soon with psychic development courses.
Gnosis means "knowledge" and meta means "beyond, further on than."
Obviously, to write this book, I consulted some works, but I refer to the titles and authors in the bibliography. Most of the texts I write, I still channel some parts spiritually.
I do not copy and paste; instead, I give credit to the works that I consult. I sometimes meet guys who have plagiarized my books in full, and I often act legally and even tell Amazon to remove those plagiarized eBooks. This year I removed on plagiarized book. It's simple to prove that I'm the owner of the work; by checking the registration date and ISBN on Amazon, mine was registered in November 2021. In addition, I still have the original WORD file with the creation date in the details, which I sent to Amazon with other evidence via email. I still have registration numbers on and I have a large number of readers and friends who notify me whenever they detect a plagiarized eBook.
Slvio Guerrinha - All rights reserved 2022
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About the author
Im Silvio Guerrinha. At 16 years old, I started reading books about occultism, psychic development, Hermetism, Egyptian magick, and Hinduism. I attended a spiritist center and developed my mediumship. I have practiced astral projection, telepathy. I was also a member of the Rosicrucian Order (Spanish Grand Lodge) and an associated member of the Portuguese Spiritist Federation. I am a collaborator to an esoteric magazine in Portugal called Boa Estrela (Great Star). I took a 150-hour online parapsychology course at the Centre of Excellence on June 8, 2018.
I have studied metaphysical and spiritual books for more than 20 years. I also studied the Farsight Institute's audio CDs of Remote Viewing exercises; in 2002, I can assure you that "Remote Viewing" is not a new concept, but rather a scientific term for psychic viewing. Thousands of years ago, the indigenous shamans were able to see things beyond the limitations of their physical senses. Remote view is a kind of Extrasensorial Perception (ESP) and can be developed as mediumship, telepathy, and precognition.
If you study and practice a lot with the methods that I give in this guide, you will start raising your vibration, your consciousness will be sharper, and you will start achieving quantum cognition, which is intuition.
A brief context
Even the most rational person, at some point in their life, has experienced a situation that cannot be explained by any conventional means; something beyond logic. Have you ever experienced seeing what is happening in a place totally away from you? This is what we know as "remote viewing". Remote viewing is the psychic phenomenon of projecting your thoughts to acquire information without leaving your body. A remote observer is able to receive information about faraway, people, events, or locations that are unknown to them. They can witness occurrences they aren't present for; hear conversations between individuals out of earshot; and visit regions they've never been to.
The technical definition of Remote Viewing is:
Direct awareness or experience of distant locations or events in space and time that are blocked from ordinary perception by distance, shielding, or time. Generally considered to be secure from such access by any known physical means or by means of logical inference.
Farsight Institute described Remote Viewing as:
A controlled and trainable mental process involving psi (or psychic ability)
Just as you are reading it, it is a psychic ability, and can be trained. Despite all the scientific experimentation and conceptualization focused on technically defining remote viewing, this practice is not a recent phenomenon in the history of human society. In reality, nothing new has been "discovered"; in any case, one can speak of a "rediscovery" of innate psychic abilities of the human being.
Why did I use the term Remote Seer?
The name "Remote Seer" is a combination of "Remote Viewing" and "Seer" (a psychic), putting a greater emphasis on the psychic exercises and the spiritual aspect of it. Remote viewing is a well-known term that everyone has heard of. It might be called "remote psychic scanning" or "Akashic sensing," but it would still be the same.
Remote Viewing is a natural process for a deeply calm mind, and a calm mind is only possible through spiritual intelligence. At this time, it is necessary to remind the reader that: we are not biological bodies that "possess" a spirit, but rather the opposite. We are spirits that motorize and pilot a biological vehicle. Our spirit perceives a greater amount of information, very different from what the human mind can process. Spiritual intelligence is a more advanced form of intellect that brings out the traits and skills of the true self.
Spiritual intelligence is a more advanced form of intellect that brings out the traits and skills of the true self. When we are spiritually intelligent, we experience a sense of deeper meaning and purpose as well as advancements in a variety of crucial life skills and spiritual abilities. When we connect ourselves with our higher-self, which is outside of this space-time, we have access to other information. In short, the ideas, information field and our spirit are non-local.