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Michelle DesPres - The Clairvoyant Path: Follow Your Inner Wisdom to Healing, Empowerment & Change

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Michelle DesPres The Clairvoyant Path: Follow Your Inner Wisdom to Healing, Empowerment & Change
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A new era of enlightenment is upon us. The Clairvoyant Path offers a golden opportunity to join the global spiritual evolution and build a new life of peace, purpose, and higher consciousness.

Discover how to access inner wisdom, higher dimensions of the self, and the power to change realityall by using your innate clairvoyance and intuition. Explore the wondrous connections between the body, spirit, and quantum science, the personal energy climate, and the nature of the soul.

Progressive psychic exercises and stories from the authors life as a clairvoyant medium combine to help you cultivate higher senses, explore your souls history, and work with your personal energy. A life of greater awareness, self-authority, and higher purpose is available to you.

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About the Author

Michelle DesPres is a clairvoyant medium focusing her insight on the empowerment of individuals and communities. She provides conscious innovative information and tools that enable individuals to create a life worthy of their unique potential.

Trained as a clairvoyant through a school formulated after the Berkeley Psychic Institutes clairvoyant program, she is now teaching techniques designed to foster your psychic healing and development.

In addition to reading for clients, teaching classes, and hosting dialogues, Michelle also provides a seasonal energetic forecast designed to better enable her clients and students to stay in flow with the specific energies of the time.

Llewellyn Publications Woodbury Minnesota Copyright Information The - photo 1

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

The Clairvoyant Path: Follow Your Inner Wisdom to Healing, Empowerment & Change 2012 by Michelle DesPres.

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First e-book edition 2012

E-book ISBN: 9780738732558

Book design by Bob Gaul

Cover art Stock 4B/PunchStock

Cover design by Lisa Novak

Interior Art: Llewellyn Art Department

Editing by Amy Quale

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Llewellyn Publications

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Why I Wrote This Book

: The New Education of Inner Wisdom

You Have Inner Wisdom

You Are a Spirit in a Body

You Operate in a Quantum Field

You Are in Charge of Your Field

: Evolving into Heaven on Earth

The Souls Quest for Something Higher

The Purpose of Reincarnation

Karma Is the Key to Peace and Reconciliation

: Finding the Beauty in the Design

The Souls Plan for Growth

Soul Groups and Their Agreements

Becoming Aware of Our Souls Purpose

: The Influences that Make Up Your Perspective

Knowing Your Dominate Archetypes

Recognizing the Nature of Your Behaviors

Identifying Your Past Patterns Today

Seeking the Truth of Your Beliefs

: Reinventing Yourself

How to Heal Yourself

How to Become Empowered

How to Change

The New American Dream


T o My Three Sons: Oh, if only growing up was really like a 1960s sitcom, right? Jerry, Sam, and Kyle, because of you all, I have love, acceptance, and understanding. Semper Fi and Family Pride welcome to the mix, Kris.

To my dad: Thanks for loving me.

To my mom: Thanks for letting me go.

To my sister Rena: Thanks for always being you and for loving me unconditionally.

To Ray Sedillo: Thank you for bringing back into my life a love of reading and writing. This is a dream come true.

To Shauna Smith Troxell: Our sisterhood means the world to me. Thanks for understanding who I was and for helping me become who I am. Youre a master at walking the talk the one thing I admire most in a person. You are a rare gem. Im so happy to have been brought into your fold.

To Lauryn Stiner: Thank you for teaching me the art of enjoyment, and for getting me out of my head and into the world. You are wise beyond your years.

To Brian Lindstrom: I owe my creative force and drive for this project to the unwavering faith and love you gave me. Heaven knows how to put the right people in the right place at the right time.

To Kelly Hallenbeck: You have always been a source of encouragement and truth. I appreciate your insights and Im thrilled to have family like you in my life.

To Calie Pierce: Thank you for tediously reading rough draft after rough draft; your dedication and belief in me set the example of persistence I would follow.

To Carrie Obry and Sandy Sullivan: Thank you for helping me find the formula! It wouldnt have worked without you.

To Julie Luckey: Your kindness, gentleness, and insight were keys that kept me moving through this process. I eternally thank you.

To Thursday Night Clairvoyant Class: Heres to still going strong. I love you ladies!

To my clients: Your support has been my foundation. Its been a pleasure to see the world through such amazing people.

To the Semper Fi Fund, Bethesda Navel Hospital, Balboa Naval Hospital, and the men and women like Kristen Valent-Sedillo who are the heroes who keep the heroes alive. Thank you for your service. You are a true inspiration.

To the end of time as we know it
and the beginning of life as we love it.


Why I Wrote This Book

No man is free who is not a master of himself.


W eve all heard the saying, kill them with kindness, but do you really think kindness can kill? Perhaps we have it backward. Maybe you cant literally kill someone else with kindness, but what if it could kill you? Kindness can be a double-edged sword. Being kind can make you feel like youve contributed something positive to the world and are making a difference, or it can make you feel as though you have given yourself away to the world by always accommodating everyone else in lieu of doing what is right for you. Most of my life I was far too kindnot wanting to disappoint anyone and always wanting to live up to everyones expectations. Unfortunately, that type of stress-filled kindness was causing me to experience heart palpitations, stomach issues, and a type of depression that was tearing me apart. Then I learned how to use my clairvoyant abilities to better discern all kinds of things, such as when my kindness was creating genuine joy in the world versus when my kindness was subtly killing me. With this greater knowledge, I learned how and when to be kind to others and how and when to be true to myself. Later, I established my clairvoyant practice as a way of relaying this inner knowledge to others so they too could learn how to access and share in this greater discernment and ultimate empowerment over their lives. Now I offer it to you in the form of this book.

The main reason I wrote this book was to provide a reference guide for understanding the science of the higher clairvoyant senses and how we can consciously operate them to create our reality. What you receive in this text is far more expansive and comprehensive than what my clients receive, as the messages are now conveniently bundled in one tome. Instead of having multiple sessions with me regarding the nature of this material, you now have access to it all whenever you need it.

Also included in this book is a higher understanding regarding the cycle of time that earth and humanity are traversing, and why we consider climate change and 2012 to be the ultimate end times. These are pivotal times indeed, and our higher senses are the keys to our survival. Unfortunately, most of us assume we have no control over these circumstances, when in truth we hold all the cards, and the power is squarely in our hands to either create devastation or create peace. This leads me to another reason I wrote this book: to help educate people about how to alter their personal energetic climates to be in alignment with healing and well-being, and to transform their lives into something meaningful.

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