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Stephanie A. Mayberry - Praying Gods Word: for Teens and Young Adults

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Stephanie A. Mayberry Praying Gods Word: for Teens and Young Adults
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Its a tough world out there! Young people are faced with many more stressors and temptations than their parents were. In an age where sex sells and a media that glorifies sin is saturating our society, it is more important than ever to protect yourself. It is time to take up that mighty sword of Gods Word and fight those things that hell is throwing at you!In this book, you will learn how to pray Gods Word:for your spiritual growth * for your family * for unsaved family members and friends * for the God appointed authority in your life * against peer pressure * for moral purity * to control your tongue * against drugs and alcohol * against stress and worry * against fear * against envy, jealousy, bitterness and an unforgiving spirit * against temptation * against loneliness * against depression * for your church * for your pastor * for healing a broken heart * against life pressures * to strengthen you at school and work * for Godly relationships * for when you are under spiritual attack * when faced with hard decisions * to seek His will * to strengthen your relationship with Him * to praise Him

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-For Teens and YoungAdults-


All scriptures used in this text are takenfrom the

New American Standard Bible.

Praying Gods Word: for Teens andYoung Adults


Stephanie Mayberry


* * * * *


Stephanie A. Mayberry


Stephanie A. Mayberry

Praying Gods Word: for Teens and YoungAdults

Copyright 2012 by Stephanie A.Mayberry

Smashwords Edition License Notes

This ebook is licensed for your personalenjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away toother people. If you would like to share this book with anotherperson, please purchase an additional copy for each person youshare it with. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it,or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should returnto Smashwords.com and purchase your own copy. Thank you forrespecting the author's work.

ISBN-13: 978-1476132785

BOOKS BY STEPHANIE AMAYBERRY My Testimony 101 Simple ways to Minister to - photo 1


My Testimony

101 Simple ways to Minister to Others

7 Steps to a Godly Marriage

Praying Gods Word: For Teens and YoungAdults


My Story is not Unique (a story aboutdomestic violence)

Why I Stayed: Ministering to the BatteredSpirit

More Valuable than Sparrows: Healing for theBattered Spirit

Ministering to the Battered Spirit: AMinistry Kit for Battling the Spirit of Abuse


Fringe: My Life as a Spirit-Filled Christianwith Aspergers Syndrome

More Fringe: My Growth as a Spirit-FilledChristian with Aspergers Syndrome

Deeper Fringe: My Joy as a Spirit-FilledChristian with Aspergers Syndrome (coming soon!)

The Christian Aspie: Notes from the Blog


I dedicate this book to all who want a closer,more personal, more intimate relationship with Jesus. He is life,He is light, He is love and the closer you walk with Him, the morelike Him you will be. The road will not always be easy, but therewards are so great!

Praise Jesus!.




Icould not do this without Gods gentle, guiding hand. With eachbook I write, He reveals more of His Truth to me. As I am writing,I am learning. This isnt an accident, or chance or luck or eveneducation, but it is a direct communion with the Holy Spirit. It isliving in the Spirit and walking in the Word, doing the very bestthat I can to live for God and make my life a living example ofGodly living. I am not always successful in this and I thank Godevery day that He is a forgiving God who loves me despite myhumanness. Above all, I acknowledge Him for without His guidance,this would be nothing more than mere words on a page. Instead, itis something far greater and more important and He has allowed methe privilege of communicating it to you.

Praying Gods Word

Its a tough world out there! Young people are faced withmany more stressors and temptations than their parents were. In anage where sex sells and a media that glorifies sin is saturatingour society, it is more important than ever to protect yourself. Itis time to take up that mighty sword of Gods Word and fight thosethings that hell is throwing at you!

And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, andthe sword ofthe Spirit, which is the word of God.~ Ephesians 6:17

Gods Word, that mighty sword, will show youthe righteous path, guide you in your daily life and show you whatto pray when the world seems out of control and life seems full ofdifficulties. Praying Gods Word is a powerful weapon against hellbecause you are praying His own Words back to Him.

All Scripture is inspired by God and profitablefor teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training inrighteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work.~ 2 Timothy 3:16-17

What happens when you pray Gods Word is thatnot only are you praying His Words back to Him, but you are alsoinfusing His Word in your spirit. It will become a part of you.When you pray His Word in earnestness and with a contrite heart youwill touch God. You will get results.

Jesus said, It is the Spirit who gives life;the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you arespirit and are life. (John 6:63).

Paul had this to say about GodsWord:

For the word of Godis livingand activeand sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far asthe division of soul and spirit, of both joints andmarrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of theheart. ~ Hebrews 4:12

So, if you are praying Gods Word, you arepraying life and spirit and truth and power. You are placing HisWord into your spirit so that you speak it, pray it and live it.You are wielding a mighty weapon against hell and the temptationsof this world.

But even the mightiest weapon is useless ifyou dont know how to use it properly.

When you are praying Gods Word, you mustspeak it aloud. At least speak the words loud enough for you tohear yourself. When God created the world, He spoke it intocreation. Throughout the Bible, you will see an emphasis onspeaking, on controlling the tongue.

Solomon did not mince words when he said, Death and life are in the power of thetongue, andthose who love it will eat its fruit. (Proverbs18:21)

James warned us, If anyonethinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceiveshis own heart, this mans religion is worthless. (James1:26)

The tongue is the most unruly partof a persons body and when you can bring it under submission toGod, you can attain a spiritual depth that is more fulfilling andricher than you thought possible. That is why it is so important topray aloud, read your Bible aloud and Pray Gods Word aloud. Whenyou do that, you change the atmosphere around you and it changesyou.

You will notice that this book isbroken down into sections. Each section addresses specific issuesand challenges that you may face. This isnt necessarily a bookthat you read from cover to cover; rather you read and pray thesection that is relevant to your situation.

Some sections, such as PrayingGods Word for your Spiritual Growth and Praying Gods Word inPraise, are things you can and should be praying every single day.The deeper you get into God and His Word, the more you will findyourself seeking Him through prayer and His Word.

And the better equipped you are tohandle the difficulties of life.

I have selected a few verses foreach section, but by all means explore your Bible for more! God hasso many wonderful things He wants to show you, wants you to knowthrough His Word! If I included every single applicable scripturefor each section this book would be overwhelming. So, I prayed overit for a few days and then chose only a few. But I encouragefurther study. God wants you to look further and dig deeper. And asI write these words, I feel a powerful move of the Holy Spirit.This is just a taste of what He has for you, the power that lieswithin your Bible. This is only a beginning point.

So, keep it up! Set aside a timeevery single day to meet with God, to pray and to immerse yourselfin His Word. Start small if you must, but always seek to grow andget deeper into Him. It is absolutely vital that you spend timewith God, praying and reading the Bible every single day. This bookis a good place to start, but dont let it end here.

How to use this Book

Thislittle book should be used every day.

You will see that it is divided into severalsections. Each section addresses a specific issue or area ofprayer.

Each section has several verses that directlyrelate to that area. Some, like many of the Psalms, can be read asa prayer. Others, however, provide direction and guidance for whatto pray for and what to strive to attain. In those cases, you willsee a verse or set of verses with a prayer below it. Read thoseverses, and then pray that prayer.

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