UFOs and Water
Physical Effects of UFOs on Water
Through Accounts by Eyewitnesses
Carl W. Feindt
Copyright 2010 by Carl W. Feindt.
Library of Congress Control Number: | 2010906261 |
ISBN: | Hardcover | 978-1-4500-9534-1 |
Softcover | 978-1-4500-9533-4 |
Ebook | 9781462811861 |
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In Memory of Richard H. Hall
While still working on this project, I was saddened to learn, along with many in the UFO field, that Richard passed away on July 17, 2009, after a long battle with cancer.
Richard was a man of utmost dignity and distinction in the field of ufology, and his thoughts have been expressed on many UFO e-mail lists. He was a man whom I greatly respected as a serious UFO researcher. That he would accept to help me with my book during his illness speaks volumes to his character and dedication to ufology. I hope that my book will add to the knowledge contained in his two-volume work entitled The UFO Evidence . I hold him in the highest esteem, and his lifes contribution to the study of UFOs serves as a fitting legacy to us all. He was a pioneer in ufology and he will be missed.
Rest in peace and with our admiration, Mr. Hall.
December 25, 1930 - July 17, 2009\
Writing a book is a considerable endeavor, especially for someone like me whose writing experience is quite limited. However, I was determined to make known my ideas. In undertaking this book, it has been not only unavoidable but entirely appropriate that I draw upon the work of so many others, to whom I am greatly indebted.
I would like to start by thanking all my mentors in ufology, past and present, who inspired me and whose written texts from 1960 onward have contributed to my knowledge of UFOs and have made this book possible.
Thanks to Jan Aldrich who asked for help in researching newspapers of the fifty states of the United States in the early 1990s. It was the right time and the right place as I had just retired from my occupation in aviation. I volunteered to search for UFO articles about my state, Delaware, which started my active participation in ufology.
Ted Phillipss work in trace cases inspired me to pursue the idea of water as a means of discovering a UFOs attributes.
My friend Tony Rullns enthusiasm pushed me to get the ball rolling in 1998 while at a MUFON Symposium in Washington, D.C. (Thanks to Robert and Susan Swiatek of the Fund for UFO Research for hosting it.) Although he was busy with both his own research and a demanding work schedule, he encouraged me in what I was trying to accomplish and furnished me with photocopies of relevant texts he was able to acquire.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks to those who helped in so many ways in compiling this book. Special appreciation is due those who read various chapters of it in draft form. Their expertise, corrections of errors, and constructive comments improved this volume immeasurably. They generously volunteered their valuable time, and it has been a privilege to learn from them all.
First and foremost, I wish to thank Richard Hall who passed away on July 17, 2009. In spite of his health problems, he very graciously accepted my e-mail request to edit the introduction and first chapter of this book, and I feel privileged to have been able to work with him. To those of us who study UFOs, his work will endure and continue to inspire us.
Bruce Maccabee is of long standing in the UFO field and understood what I, a non-scientist, was thinking in Chapters Two, Three, and Four. His scholarship and excellent advice contributed substantially to this books accuracy and content. I appreciate all his valuable feedback.
Joan Woodward, with her experience in the field of animal reactions, helped me to add fish and ducks and other animal reaction cases that had a water connection to Chapter Nine.
Don Ledger and Chris Styles of Nova Scotia, Shag Harbour case researchers, helped me with Chapter Eighteen, and I welcomed their expertise with the facts of the case.
I offer thanks to my son Jeffrey who, before this book began, took my garbled copy of Physical Influences of a UFO on Water and worked it into a text that won me second prize at the 2006 MUFON Symposium in the contest called Best Physical Evidence. That text has served as the cornerstone of this book.
I am immensely grateful to my son Andrew who visited me frequently on weekends to work with me chapter by chapter on phraseology, helping me over many hurdles, including my New Yorkese articulation.
My sister Helen and my brother-in-law Bill Jatzen read the entire first draft and offered constructive criticism, support, and encouragement. They have also helped me over the years in correcting my transcriptions of taped interviews and case investigation reports.
Many other people helped me bring this book to fruition. And while I fear that it is impossible to mention everyone who has helped by sending me cases, this book would not exist without them. A hearty thank-you to Marco Bianchini in Italy for more than 280 water cases, Jean-Luc Rivera in France, Peter Hassall in New Zealand, Bill Chalker in Australia, Anders Liljegren in Sweden, Edoardo Russo in Italy, Brian Vike in Canada, Albert Rosales, Chris Aubeck, Peter Davenport, George Filer, Larry Hatch, Donald Johnson, Keith Chester, Barry Greenwood, Mark Rodeghier and Frank Reid at CUFOS, and Richard Haines. I consider myself very fortunate to have so many friends in the field of ufology who work with me in a true sense of camaraderie. And, of course, I am beyond grateful to all the eyewitnesses who reported their UFO sightings. Without these cases, my work would not have been possible.
And finally, I need to mention Helene Jouan, who painstakingly read, corrected, and improved my writing. Her thoughtful suggestions, meticulous and conscientious work, unfailing interest, enthusiasm, support, and dedication to this project were unparalleled. I am grateful to her for her time and for giving me the benefit of her experience in the areas of language and grammar. She remains an indispensable colleague whom I have nicknamed the Feindt-N-Stein Monster (meant solely as a pun) because I think I am making a ufologist out of her. I hope she forgives me for that!
But with that said, any and all remaining errors and omissions are, of course, my own.
Thanks to you all.
CarlThe Aquarian , February 6 , 1938
The Earth is covered by water to the extent of some three-fourths of its surface, making this water planet unique in our solar system. It has often been said that many mysteries still lie undiscovered beneath its vast surface, and it is still true today that we know more about the surface of Mars than we do about our own oceans. There have been reports of sea monsters and strange goings-on in and on the worlds oceans for hundreds of years, in fact as long as man has sailed its surface.
One aspect of these high strangeness reports comes in the form of what appear to be aerial objects, often referred to as unidentified flying objects (UFOs), entering, being recorded submerged, and leaving the ocean depths. This is an extension of the UFO phenomenon and what Carl Feindt refers to as water-UFOs, rejecting the term USO (underwater submerged object) since he feels this should apply only to a totally submerged object, not one that goes into or comes out of the water. This text, however, is not just another UFO book, as the author has assembled some of the most compelling water-related UFO cases collected to date. Carl is a meticulous recorder and investigator of the water-UFO phenomenon, and this volume is the culmination of many years of research by him, with the number of reports gleaned from his own files approaching 1,200 cases. While physical traces left by UFOs on land have been frequently studied and documented, for the most part the UFO-water connection has been overlooked by ufologists. UFOs and Water is unique in that it deals specifically with how UFOs affect the water with which they have contact. From the wealth of eyewitness testimony that he has collected, the author has been able to analyze the data and has found a commonality among what has been observed by people around the world. Now, thanks to him, we have a valuable new resource with hundreds of eyewitness reports, insightful comments, plus sketches he has drawn which clearly illustrate his theories on the water-UFO connection.
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