A Mother and Sons
Story of Afterlife
Denise Willis
Copyright 2017 Denise Willis.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-8465-0 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2017911420
Balboa Press rev. date: 10/17/2017
For Steven, with Love.
This book is dedicated to all those that have suffered the loss of someone they love.
May you find peace within this story and seek the light within yourself to find the way to your true lifes purpose.
I wish you an abundance of love, light, and peace within as you embark upon your own beautiful journey. xo
Carry proud my banner
In every game you play
And know that a cure
Is never far away
The undesired ending
To such a noble fight
It seems a fleeting battle
To be lost to the night
My life has served a purpose
Though short it may have been
The answers you are needing
Are not ifs but whens
So celebrate your victories
And worry not whats lost
Theres never any progress
Without the pain of cost
This message was shared with me in September of 2004, eleven months after Stevens passing. A co-worker that I had just met the week prior stopped by my desk one day asking if I might be open to receive a message that he received for me. He said it was a gift, a channeled message regarding my son. Of course, I was open to receive that! I quite happily replied, Yes! Thank you so much. This means a lot to me. I felt that this was truly a beautiful gift to receive from someone who had never even met my son, let alone knew anything about me, and yet still felt comfortable enough to share his gift of receiving messages from loved ones that have crossed over. His message touched me deeply then, and it means even more to me today as Ive had a lot more time to learn what it all truly means. I am honored to be able to share it with others and equally as blessed simply by having our paths cross in this lifetime. Thank you, Rob, you truly are an earth angel.
Note : The above message talks about Stevens senior year, the football team and the banners made in his honor for the Light the Night walk that took place the following year after he went home to heaven. When I read this message from Rob I could see Steven in his uniform, proudly wearing his jersey with the number 19 shining bright as if it were painted with glitter and tiny diamonds of light. Bright white light on a royal blue jersey (his school colors), we called his team: Steves Knights 19. Quite fitting as the high school football team is called the Blue Kni ghts .
Stevens Senior Year Football Photo - August 2002
This picture was taken a week prior to diagnosis.
For you, my beautiful boy, my guardian angel, my soul connection for all eternity, my darling son, Steven Thomas. This book is for you. You and I have written it together along with our many angels and spirit guides. Without you, this book could never have been written. You are my breath, my light, my heart, and my soul. I know we will always be connected in this beautiful light. I will love you forever, through each and every journey we are destined to embark upon together. Thank you for loving me so much in the past, present, and future. I feel your love within me and all around me Always.
For you, my darling son, Cody Michael, because you are my sweet angel and you were brought here as a gift for your brother and I to adore. Steven says you are his gift to me as he wished for you for almost ten years. I am so proud of who you are and your ever-tender heart. Steven loves you so much. He could not wait for you to be born so he could love you and teach you about the gifts of life. I do so hope that you will cherish the memories of your brother always. Thank you for loving me and for helping me to stay grounded through it all. We have so much to be thankful for, and so much to do while we are here. Be proud of who you are, and always remember to Stand Tall .
For you, Mom, because you always asked me when I was going to write this book. Thank you for loving and believing in me through everything. Thank you for supporting me and my dreams along the way. This story is for you too. It is my gift to you, so that you will always remember how much you are loved, and just how much I wish you so much happiness. This is confirmation that dreams really do come true. And yes, Mom they are real. You already knew that, and for that, I rejoice along with you. I love you Mom.
For you, Kevin, because you were always there for me, loving me, especially through the most painful of moments of which seemed like an eternity to me. I will always love you for that. Our connection is very special and I will always remember what it feels like to have been loved by you. Thank you for being there even when you were not physically there, I still felt your presence with me and that carried me through in ways you may never know. You once told me that when you truly love someone, it never goes away. Well you were right. We simply move forward in our livesbut our hearts never truly forget. xo
In 2008, five years upon Stevens passing, I received a book written by Neale Donald Walsch titled, The Little Soul and the Sun . Its a childrens parable adapted from Conversations with God , as a gift, for my son Cody. This gift came with a beautiful message from the sender: This is for Cody. It will help him through his grief as it tells the story of where it all begins and he will one day understand the meaning of it all. Naturally, I had to read the story myself before giving it to my son as I know how vastly different we all see things, especially when the topic of religion is discussed. Everyone has a different perspective as to what heaven, hell, God or no God means to them. Trust me; at this point along the journey, I was still questioning all of this myself. I fell in love with the story after reading the very first sentence! Its lightness drew me in and I found that a certain aspect of it truly touched my spirit. It felt like the floodgates of light had opened for me to see my path just a little more clearly. This is the part of the story that helped me to remember what I came here for:
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