![Copyright 2021 Akhtar A Alvi PE All rights reserved No part of this book - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/420332/image/86419.png)
Copyright 2021 Akhtar A. Alvi, P.E.
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ISBN: 978-1-6657-0588-2 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2021908142
Archway Publishing rev. date: 6/14/2021
![Alvi Family Portrait left to right Razia Akhtar Anwar Rizwan elder son - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/420332/image/RaziaA3KidsTU1162309250-fmt.png)
Alvi Family Portrait: left to right, Razia, Akhtar, Anwar, Rizwan (elder son).
I dedicate this book to my family members who have passed away:
Spouse: Razia A. Alvi
Maternal: Zainab Bibi and Wali Muhammad
Paternal: Jivi Bibi and Khushi Muhammad
Parents: Barkat Bibi and Muhammad Hussain Alvi
In-laws: Chirag Bibi Shah and Rahmat Ullah Shah
Auntie and uncle: Sardaran Begum and Subedar Major, Haji Ali Muhammad Alvi
Paternal auntie and uncle: Beernisa Bibi and Khushi Muhammad
Brothers: Anwar, Sarwar, and Zafar
Sister: Kishwar
Cousins: Rashid, Suria, and Rukia
God, bless their souls and reward them paradise.
I am grateful to:
My scholar friend, Mubasher Ahmad, for his kind help in writing and editing this book.
The Simon And Schusters Archway Publishing team [Ms. Morgan Judy, Concierge, and her associates] for publishing, marketing and selling this book worldwide.
Their advice and help has been gratifying as my first experience of self-publishing. It has been a pleasant and very professional learning experience.
The world population is over 7.5 billion people, but there is misery all around. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, countries are fighting, religious sects are fighting, and family members are fighting. Why? Its mainly because there is miscommunication, misunderstanding, and wrong expectations everywhere. There is no consensus to coexist peacefully.
During 2020, the coronavirus has infected millions, and thousands have died. Millions lost jobs, and many businesses closed. God is trying to change humans, but they dont want to leave their comfort zones and change (by looking after each other and working as a team).
For that purpose, God revealed five books for helping His prophets to guide humankind.
Pages to Prophet Abraham
Torah to Prophet Moses
Psalms to Prophet David
Gospel to Prophet Jesus
Quran to Prophet Muhammad
The Quran is the only book that exists as God revealed it in its original languageArabic. God revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhammad over a period of twenty-three years on a need basis. The Quran has four parts:
History from Prophet Adam to Prophet Muhammad
Guidance for preaching Gods religion
Guidance for humans to live their lives
Human eternal life
In the Quran, God has said:
No soul can believe except by Gods will, and He brings disgrace on those who do not use their brains. (10:100)
Indeed, man was created impatient. (70:19)
We [God] have created man to toil and to struggle. (90:04)
In understanding the Quran, humans need to be patient, work hard, and use their brains to reflect.
I have written this book so humans can understand and use Gods guidance to live their lives under all challenging circumstances of daily life, including stress, anxiety, poverty, sickness, famine, and quarrels.
Please read this book and benefit from it by living a life of contentment, happiness, and success. The ultimate reward will be that you will land in paradise for your eternal life.
![Adoption means legally taking anothers child and bringing it up as ones own - photo 21](/uploads/posts/book/420332/image/86297.png)
Adoption means legally taking anothers child and bringing it up as ones own.
About adoption, God has said in the Quran:
God has not given two hearts to a human. He considers neither the wives you divorce your mothers, nor your adopted sons your sons. These are just your utterances. But, God tells you the truth, and guides you to the right path. (33:4)
Call your adopted sons by their fathers names. That is more just in Gods sight. But, if you do not know their fathers, consider them your religious brothers and friends. There is no blame upon you for your unintentional mistakes, but not for your intentional ones. God is forgiving and merciful. (33:5)
When a matter has been decided by God and His Messenger, it is not fitting for a believing man or woman to have any option about their decision. Anyone who disobeys God and His Messenger is indeed clearly on a wrong path. (33:36)
[O Muhammad], remember when you said to the person (Zaid, Prophets adopted son) whom you and I had favored: Keep your wife [Prophets cousin Zaynab] and fear God. You hid in your heart what God wanted to disclose. You feared people, while God has more right that you fear Him. So when Zaid divorced her, We married her to you so that the believers would have no reason not to marry the wives of their adopted sons when they have divorced them. Gods orders must be carried out. (33:37)
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