30 Days of BiblicalJournaling: An Introduction
Grace JBS Series, Vol.1
Stacy Duplease
Smashwords Edition,Copyright 2012
Website and Blog:
www .gracejbs.blogspot.com
Copyright 2012 by REMEMBERING YOURPRESENT, LLC and Stacy Duplease. All rights reserved. No part ofthis book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printedor electronic form without permission. Please do not participate inor encourage piracy or copyrighted materials in violation of theauthors rights. Purchase only authorized editions.
Copyright 2012 by REMEMBERING YOURPRESENT, LLC and Stacy Duplease. All rights reserved of photographyon cover of this book.
All characters in this book have noexistence outside the imagination of the author and have norelation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. Theyare not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknownto the author, and all incidents are pure invention.
Library of CongressCataloging-in-Publication Data
Remembering Your Present, LLC &Duplease, Stacy.
30 Days of Biblical Journaling: AnIntroduction
ISBN 9781476168784
Please visit www.gracejbs.blogspot.comand email at journalingsd@gmail.com
Date: Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at3:43 PM
Subject: Welcome
Welcome to a blog, which focuses ongrace, journaling, and Bible study.
Note: At the beginning of each chapterof this book is a header of a date and a subject. This is to showyou where to find this in my blog if you want to see the originalsource.
Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 at3:18 PM
Subject: Welcome, Round2
Welcome to Grace JBS. It stands forGrace, Journaling and Bible study.
This is a blog about biblicaljournaling or Bible study journaling. It is a Christ-centered andWord-based approach to studying the Word and journaling.
Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 at3:40 PM
Subject: The Goal of ThisBlog
The goal of this blog is to offer 30Day segments of a series to help bring you closer to the Lord anddeeper in the Word.
Every week, this blog post series willbe converted to a free (no cost) book at the link below for theGrace JBS store on Smashwords. After the 30 Days blog post series,more will be added, the material will be edited, and there will bea $2.99 charge.
If you want to view any of these blogpost series in book form, feel free to download them fromSmashwords. Or, you can see them on this blog.
If you look at the LABELS section ofthis blog and find the series you want to study, click on thatlabel and it will sort them out for you. OR, you can do a search inthe search engine for this blog and look for the seriestitle.
Have a blessed day.
Shall we get started?
Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 at4:13 PM
Subject: Who AmI?
I am a sinner.
I want to start with that recognitionand ask that you know I make mistakes and can error. Please do notever think I know it all or am perfect. That is a definitelie.
That being said, I do my best to followJesus Christ and the Word of God each and every day. I seek to praywithout ceasing and I am passionate about grace.
I have been a Christian since I wasthree. I have journaled for 27.5 years and have made it my goal tostudy the Word daily for the last twenty years. Granted, this is agoal I succeed at some times in my life--and have failed miserablyduring others. However, this has been a renewed goal of mine ratherrecently.
I am happily married to my best friendand count myself quite blessed with my man. He is a definite man ofGod and is the spiritual leader of our home.
We have a beagle, orange Maine Coon,and 2 RES turtles.
Coffee is a daily habit of mine. I amon a strict hypoglycemic diet and am trying to do the Couch to 5kprogram of running a 5K 3 days a week. (In time, it might be a goalfor me to do a 10K. We shall see.) I enjoy reading and love myAmazon Kindle Fire.
Date: Tue, May 1, 2012 at4:50 PM
Subject: Day 1: 30 Days ofBiblical Journaling: An Introduction
Welcome to a blog post series dedicatedto Biblical Journaling. This is a combination of Bible study,journaling, and prayer--that is Christ-Centered, Word-Based, andGrace-Filled.
This blog post series iscalled:
30 Days of BiblicalJournaling: An Introduction
This is the first of a series of 30 dayblog series and books planned. The following books will be on booksof the Bible, chapters of the Bible, verses of the Bible, andsubjects (or topics) of the Bible. Each blog series and book willbe a 30 day book and will focus on Grace, Journaling, and BibleStudy.
30 DAYS OF BIBLICAL JOURNALING: ANINTRODUCTION will be the book recommended for everyone to do firstso that you can get the most our of the blog post series and booksthereafter.
There is a reason the word "REMEMBER"is mentioned in the Bible 231 times. God wants us to remember 3things:
1 Him.
2 His Word.
3 What He has done in ourlives.
If we just sit down and read the Bible,or if we study the Bible, and do not write anything down, what doyou think the chances are you will remember what you studied, when,what God said to you, what you said to God, and what you decided toapply to your life and how? Let's be realistic, it isn't verylikely.
Let me drive the point home.
What did you study from the Bibleduring the third week of June in 2010 and in the second week ofOctober in 1999?
Do you see what I mean? However, if youjournaled about what you read, studied, and heard, then you cangrab your journals and look this up pretty easily.
Never mind how if you write thingsdown, you can actually remember the sermon from Sunday on thefollowing Friday--and even in six months.
This is why journaling is critical inthe life of every believer. Journaling helps us toremember.
Journaling also helps us to apply theWord in our lives. After all, it helps us to remember what we havestudied and learned. But, there is something else very importantabout journaling. We can list goals of how we want to apply theWord in our lives--and check and see if we fulfill the goals. Ithelps us to analyze how we are doing.
Journaling provides a lifelong recordof what God has done in our lives. After all, the best journalinglooks each day at: the present, the future, and lessons learnedfrom the past.
Do you see the importance of journalingin your life?
The truth of the matter is I describedBiblical Journaling in the 3 parts just before this section. I willdefine it at this time though.
Biblical Journaling is: Journaling withthe purpose of contemplating, learning, applying, and analyzing theWord of God (the Holy Bible) in our lives. It is a combination ofBible study and journaling.
Why should we do Biblical Journaling?Refer to the 3 parts just before this section.
Ask yourself the followingquestions:
~ Are you a Christian--and believe John3:16 is true?
~ Do you want to know Godmore?
~ Do you want to know the Biblemore?
~ Do you want to hear fromGod?
~ Do you want to apply the Word to yourlife?
~ Do you want a deeper, more intimaterelationship with the Lord?
~ Do you want to get the most out ofyour walk with God?
~ Do you not want to settle with livinga life of mediocrity?
~ Do you want to be moreChristlike?
~ Do you want to learn how an ancienttext (the Bible) can apply to your life thousands of years after itwas written?
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