A Dynamic Look at How to Be, Do and Have Excellent Health, Extraordinary Wealth, Enormous Success, and Extreme Happiness
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Print ISBN 978-1-73457-592-7
eBook ISBN 978-1-73457-593-4
Edited by E. Lee Caleca
Believe in your infinite potential. Your only limitations are those you set upon yourself.
(Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart )
The life journey youre on is constantly changing from moment to moment. If you know how to use your thoughts to successfully draw what you desire most, you will know how to live; you will know how to create your future by living now, each moment, aligning with the laws of nature.
I AM is a combination of the Power of Identity and the Power of Decision, two of the seven power principles from my Love Life! Can You DIGG It? system of empowering your life to receive, become, and have what you need to Love Life.
Understanding how the Universe works is the first step to moving your life to that of being a creator of your own destiny where success can be anything you can envision. Once you know who you are, a Spiritual Being with the power to choose how you want to experience life on Earth, you will realize that you have the power to decide what you want to Be, Do, and Have in your life.
The whole idea that thoughts become things is the cornerstone of every Natural Law. Thoughts have energy and therefore power and this is the key to unlocking the magic behind desired manifestation. Thoughts are the precursors to words and when added with those words their power is multiplied or reinforced. Once you learn to recognize intuitively those moments, those thoughts that can change your life, youll be able to use them to your advantage.
You become what you believe, not what you think or what you want!
(Oprah Winfrey)
What did Oprah Winfrey mean when she said this? Isnt what you think or want the same as what you believe? Yes and no. You can think about a lot of things, good and bad, but if everything you thought about came true, you might be in a lot of trouble.
So what you think about is not always what youll becomeunless you really believe its possible for you. When you put ever-increasing amounts of energy into some particular aspect of your life, even if it isnt there yet, and when you make that your most focused thought every day, all day, thats when your subconscious mind will start to believe its true.
Because the subconscious mind doesnt know the difference between what you think happened and what actually happened. But theres a catch. Just because you think about making that home run or gaining that thirty yards or acing that test doesnt mean its automatically going to happen.
What you feel with intensity and emotion, and what you replay over and over in your mind, is what becomes real for you.
You are what you believe yourself to be.
(Paulo Coelho)
Why I Wrote This Book
I have been developing this I AM thought process for about fifteen years. Ive spent many days and countless hours brainstorming and meditating on I AM , and I am absolutely certain it has caused me to be madly in love with this life Im livingthe life Ive created. And I am down, set and ready to share it with hopes of inspiring others and positively changing the world.
I decided to write this book to help you answer what I believe is the most important question you can ask yourself:
Who am I?
This is a very important question, and the answer is both simple and profound.
You are who you believe you are.
What you believe about yourself will determine how you think, how you feel, what you do, the actions you take, and your reactions to all situations. And all of that will determine the results you experience. Your quality of life is a direct result of the steps you took, what you believed about yourself, what your parents instilled in you, and how you reacted to each event that took place in your world up to this point.
Yes, its true! Who we believe we arewhat we believe about ourselveshas a direct effect on how and what we experience in our lives.
I wholeheartedly agree with life coach Tony Robbins, who said, Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy! In short, our beliefs control our lives one way or the other, either positively or negatively.
And out of all of the beliefs we have, the most important belief is what we think about ourselves.
When you finish reading this book and embrace the idea that each of us is in control of our own destiny, the possibilities for you will be endless. You can strip away preconceived ideas and conditioned thinking and allow yourself access to your own power to create a life with purposeon purpose. Youll begin to live with wonderment at the simplicity of how the Universe operates.
No matter where you are in life, no matter at what point you see yourself, applying what you learn in this book will get you to your next level and will keep you moving forward and upward. Your personal success is in your own thinking. Youll be able to recognize the context in which everything happens as you begin to create your own world.
My personal story should serve as a reminder of your own personal power. I was downtrodden and jaded before I realized I had the power to create a life I love. And the tool that helped me most to organize, internalize, and energize myself to become the me I wanted to be was Mind Mapping. I used it and still use it to center myself on the key pillars of what I believe are most important to Loving Life. They apply to me. You will create your own pillars in your own personal I AM Mind Maps. You will create what resonates with you.
I hope youll be inspired to do this as you read along and look at the exercises and Maps Ive provided. These are the very same Maps I created for myself as I went into and evolved the process.
I feel BlessednGrateful to have a story to tell, a lesson to teach and wisdom to share. Ive realized I can make a difference because I was created with purpose. I matter. I plan to make a difference by being the difference.
Can you DIGG it? I knew that you could.
I AM are the two most powerful words on Earth because what comes after those words will determine who you will become. And they will define the life you will experience.
Have you ever thought about the power of the words I AM? Do you recognize the unconscious I AM statements you are making about yourself all the time? You should begin to look at them! You might be amazed at how many times you look in the mirror and then just look away because you believe there is nothing you can do to make yourself look better. Youre ugly. Youll never be beautiful. Your freckles are hideous. Your nose is too big. Your hair will always be unruly. Youre too short or fat or tall or thin. All the things you tell yourself every day have an impact on the way you feel about yourself.
But I cant change my height or my hair or my nose!
While all that is true, you can change the way you think about them. You cant change your past, but you can change the way you view it. You may not be able to immediately change your circumstances, but you can change the way you think about them. You have the freedom and the immense power to decide who you are, who youd like to become, and what you think about anything and everything. Some may call that having an opinion. But if you pursue your opinion with intensity, it will become your reality.