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I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.
What is true contentment?
The dictionary defines contentment as a feeling of satisfaction with ones possessions, status, or situation. But like the feeling that comes when we pair a cozy novel with a hot beverage on a cold day, that kind of contentment is fleeting. Life interrupts. Life alters contentment, morphing it into discontent, sullenness, or even anxiety.
Theres another kind of contentment, a better kind that stays with you all the time. Its called true contentment, and it cannot be fully described in a dictionary definition. True contentment is trusting the love of our all-powerful, all-good, all-wise God. It is knowing that you arent traveling lifes path alone, that your days arent meaningless, and that life isnt random. It is believing in the value of the present and having confidence in a joy-filled, eternal future.
Do you believe true contentment is possible? Are you content with your life?
The apostle Paul knew contentment. In Philippians 4:12, he said this: I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation. You can learn the secret too. By making a few simple adjustments to your daily life and being intentional about your thought life and your habits, you will learn to live a life of real contentment and peace.
Growing into a state of true contentment is like creating a work of art. It takes skill, imagination, and openness to change. If you are willing, you can create a contentment style all your own, the kind where contentment is possible in all circumstanceseven during a global crisis. A blank canvas awaits!
Begin by jotting down in a notebook your answers to these questions:
When do I feel most content? Why am I content there and then?
In what places of my lifeif anyam I at all not content, and what prompts or feeds that discontent?
Am I able to live in the moment? What contributes to that ability or inability?
Do I have enough, or do I often want more? If the latter, what kinds of things do I tend to want more of?
Am I able to celebrate the good in my life while working through the bad? Whether you answer yes or no, give an example.
Keep in mind your answers to these questions as you read this book. Youll revisit some common themes throughout these pages. Know that this quest to learn contentment is a lifelong journey. As you create and refine this artistic work of contentment you are cultivating in your life, some of your answers might change. Ideally, the changes will be positive, and youll be learning along the way.

Enjoy the Ride
Life is like a roller coaster. You can either scream every time there is a bump, or you can throw your hands up and enjoy the ride.
True contentment is different from a feeling of happiness, joy, or tranquility. In fact, true contentment isnt a feeling at all. Its a state of mind that connects to the deeper, in-your-heart sense that everything is okay, a sense beyond your understanding. Contentment also becomes the lens through which you evaluate your experiences in the world.
Life has its ups and its downs. But when youre living with a God-focused mindset and a heart of contentment, you dont have to be whipsawed as lifes crazy events unfold. Instead, you can move forward with faith and peace of mind, knowing that all of these temporary and external events are in the hands of the eternal Sustainer of the universe who numbers the hairs on your head.
True contentment allows you to be okay in the momentany momentbecause you know that whatever happens, whatever challenge life brings your way, by Gods grace you will come out okay on the other side.
How often do you bask in the security of knowing that you will always be okay? In our chaotic world, its not easy to live with an all-the-time secure feeling. But it is possible. It just takes practice.
Choose Contentment
Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope.
You and I are free to choose what we want, what we do, and what we think about. Given that, why do we choose over and over to be anything but content? Seemingly wired into us is the sense that it would be okay to remain in this situation, but not be in