Copyright 2017 by Bonnie L. Gray
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If the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, Whispers of Rest is a map to that peace uninhibited.
Rebecca Marie Jo, Managing Editor at RELEVANT Magazine
In a culture where we wear busyness like a status symbol, slowing down and resting can feel uncomfortable, like failure. In reality, were wearing ourselves out, inviting anxiety and restlessness in. Whispers of Rest calls us to a counter-cultural way of understanding restas something deeply good and deeply essential to our flourishing.
Kelly Givens, Senior Editor of
Bonnie inspires us to spark joy, experience Gods peace and celebrate the beloved that we already are. This intimate book of rest will bring you to Jesus in fresh and meaningful ways.
Rebekah Lyons, author of You Are Free and Founder of Q Women
Bonnie has bravely journeyed and shares her insights with us so we can learn alongside. She has spoken words of encouragement to me that have changed how I love my husband, children and friends and the way I live every day. Her heart is true and beautiful. This book will change lives.
Lisa Leonard, Founder, Creative Director
Bonnie has a gift of pointing out a path of small steps that lead to big love from our Creator. This book is a trail guide to help us move toward the love Christ already has for usand has had for us since time beganand invites us to enjoy simple practices that are soaked in truth. Im grateful shes sharing her gift with all of us in this book.
Tsh Oxenreider, author of At Home in the World and Founder
The thing I love most about Bonnie Gray is that she lives every word she writes. Bonnie boldly goes first, so she can guide the rest of us into sacred spaces of rest along paths she has already taken. A 40-day journey with this book with lead you through soulful and scriptural practices that remind you what it feels like to be Gods beloved, and will stir things in your soul that have laid dormant, waiting for the right time to come back to life. Reading this book will help you feel like you can breathe again.
Mandy Arioto, President and CEO MOPS International
Although we live on opposite sides of the continent, Bonnie and I have walked the same journey of finding peace with Jesus, even through anxiety. In Whispers of Rest, Bonnie does a masterful job of guiding readers to the quiet corners of our hearts, where we can hear the still, small voice of our Father reminding us that we are His beloved. A welcome reminder to distance ourselves from the cacophony of our daily lives, Whispers of Rest is like a reset button for a worried, hurried heart.
Josh Wilson, award-winning Songwriter/Recording Artist, This Was Then, This Is Now
With soul-stirring insights, thought-provoking reflections and biblical encouragement, Bonnie Gray helps us see our deep need for spiritual rest and offers practical ways to find it in the midst of our everyday lives. Whispers of Rest created a place for my heart to breathe and couldnt have come at a more perfect time!
Renee Swope, best-selling author of A Confident Heart
Whispers of Rest is a wonderful resource to detox from lifes busyness or hurts while learning how to practice good soul care. It provides inspirational tips to bring deeper intimacy with God and becoming renewed daily.
Stephen Arterburn, New York Times bestselling author of Take Back Your Life, Founder of New Life Ministries and radio talk-show host of New Life Live!
There are so many ways that I love this book. I adore Bonnies gentle approach to invite the one who has been walking with Jesus for decades as well as the spiritual novice. She has made room at the table for each of us to have an encounter with the Living God in a new, fresh and surprising way using the most ancient of practices. Whispers of Rest will be a part of my regular rotation of devotionals. Highly recommended.
Kathi Lipp, best-selling author of Overwhelmed and Clutter Free
Bonnie has a beautiful gift of creating quiet spaces where men and women can encounter God. Using truth and scripture to point us to Him, Bonnie invites us to rest.
Michele Cushatt, author of I Am: A 60-day Journey To Knowing Who You Are Because of Who He Is
In our noisy, nonstop life of busy, Bonnie GraysWhispers of Rest is a balm for soul. Treasure this book as I have.
Claire Diaz-Ortiz, author of Design Your Day and entrepreneur,
To Jesus
my North Star whose loving whispers of rest healed my heart and restored my spark.
To Eric
my beloved whose voice of love is a sheltering tree.
To Josh and Caleb
because you are beloved and beautiful to Mommy.
And to my Kindred Readers
whose living stories shine Gods beauty each day.
Life has gotten too noisy. My heart feels frayed.
Like a child planting a seed and forgetting where she placed it, I wonder if anything beautiful and tender can break through the soil of my heart again. I try to pray, but sometimes its hard to find the words.
I need God, though, and I want to feel close to Him again. Like I did as a child.
And then I remember. There are whispers of love and peace waiting to hold me if I am willing to take a moment. To stop. Draw close. And listen.
And so I do, through a daily practice.
Ever feel this way, this longing to draw close and be known?
If you deeply desire to feel the touch of Gods voice fall fresh on your soul
If you ache for the tenderness of an intimate conversation with the One who calls you His
If youd like to be embraced by the stillness of Gods presenceto return to your First Love and let Him captivate your heart the way a sunrise leans into a new day