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Janet Conner - Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine in You, Through You, and as You (Spiritual Affirmations, for Fans of Writing Down Your Soul)

Here you can read online Janet Conner - Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine in You, Through You, and as You (Spiritual Affirmations, for Fans of Writing Down Your Soul) full text of the book (entire story) in english for free. Download pdf and epub, get meaning, cover and reviews about this ebook. year: 2015, publisher: Conari Press, genre: Religion. Description of the work, (preface) as well as reviews are available. Best literature library LitArk.com created for fans of good reading and offers a wide selection of genres:

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Janet Conner Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine in You, Through You, and as You (Spiritual Affirmations, for Fans of Writing Down Your Soul)
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    Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine in You, Through You, and as You (Spiritual Affirmations, for Fans of Writing Down Your Soul)
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Soul Vows: Gathering the Presence of the Divine in You, Through You, and as You (Spiritual Affirmations, for Fans of Writing Down Your Soul): summary, description and annotation

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Be True to Your Inner Self

Discover yourself. If you long to know your souls purpose, Soul Vows is an ideal place to begin. Your soul vows describe how you choose to walk this earth, in every moment of every day. They are how you receive and spread grace. As you live your soul vows, you become a fertile container in which your purpose can take root and prosper.

Know who you are. With her characteristic blend of personal story, love of paradox, expansive inquiry into the heart of diverse spiritual wisdom and traditions, and confidence in the power of deep soul writing to elicit personal divine love and guidance, Janet Conner, spiritual speaker and author of Writing Down Your Soul, leads us through a groundbreaking application of the ancient chakra system to discover our own unique soul vows.

Find soul rest and contentment. Your soul vows are your personal path to living as your full, spiritual self with authenticity, integrity, wholeness, and the vibrant presence of the Divine spirit. Your soul vows are custom-designed to help you to know yourself and live yourself; no two paths look the same.

Spoken truly from soul to soulfrom Janets soul to your own. Soul vows are a living construct of a whole and holy divine in you. In this book, Janet will take you on a journey to:

  • Honor your longing to be One
  • Gather yourself into wholeness
  • Declare and celebrate your soul vows
  • And so much more

If you were enlightened by spiritual books like Change Me Prayers, Everything Is Here to Help You, or Whats in the Way Is the Way, youll find your true self with Soul Vows.

Janet Conner: author's other books

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Praise for Soul Vows

Like the sun's sacred vows to give this earth warmth and life, so too should each heart love all creatures. May this new book by Janet Conner help unfurl the wings of many. May blessed words, as they can, complete us. Discovering the Presence that makes the atoms dance will reveal our own astounding beauty and a wild, holy, majestic giving like the mountains and the sky.

Daniel Ladinsky, international bestselling Penguin author

In Soul Vows, Janet Conner has provided seekers with a sure, rich and deeply fulfilling path to spiritual advancement and genuine knowingness. It is one thing to hold a theoretical sense of the Divine, and quite another to open to immersion in the Indwelling Beloved. I invite you to feast upon and savor the wisdom and practices within this powerful book, for you will be lavishing yourself in the exquisite possibilities of your True Nature! Dr. Roger Teel, senior minister, Mile Hi Church, author of This Life Is Joy

Open this book if you have been in the shallows longing for the deep. Janet will guide your way to more of your divine self, shining as the light of the world. Linda Martella-Whitsett, author of How to Pray Without Talking to God and Divine Audacity

Janet Conner has written a beautiful-yet-practical book that is no less than a map to discover our mystical heart. In Soul Vows, she illuminates the way, step by step, so that we can learn to listen and trust our own still small voice, guiding us to our deepest union with Life. Read this book and you will discover the path that leads to the Divine within. Joel Fotinos, author of My Life Contract

Janet Conner is a spiritual teacher for the 21st century: part guru, part girlfriend, a writer able to translate deep truths into practical action. In Soul Vows, she awakens the mystic in each of us and gently prods us to make good on the silent promises from deep within. Victoria Moran, author of Creating a Charmed Life and Shelter for the Spirit

Soul Vows is Janet Conner's best book yet! Prepare for a deep dive into your Self. Ellen Debenport, author of The Five Principles and Hell in the Hallway

This profound but practice-based book is a joy to recommend! It surely represents a new and needed wave in spiritual teaching, where teachers like Janet Conner are not afraid to speak of divine intimacyyet in a way that is far beyond mere sentimentand which invites the reader to actual experience. Water is good, but Janet changes it into intoxicating wine. Richard Rohr, OFM, Center for Action and Contemplation, author of Falling Upward and Immortal Diamond

This is a wonderful book, gracefully and wisely written. Anyone on a spiritual path will learn a great deal from it. Andrew Harvey, author of The Hope: A Guide to Sacred Activism

Janet Conner's Soul Vows teachings have been a gateway to my mystical self, an initiation to a sacred journey of feeling grounded in the Earth while connected to the Divine. This book takes you on a life-changing escapade of finding your inner truths and powerfully infusing yourself with them daily. Janet is an extraordinary story-teller and spiritual teacher. She masters the complex and then gives you her synthesis and the specific keys to the Kingdom. Opening this book is like lifting the lid on an ancient Treasure Chest, full of sacred secrets and invitations. My gratitude to Janet; her wisdom is infinite. Gail McMeekin, author of The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women and The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women

Do you hear that unanswered longing calling from your soul? Janet Conner guides you in the process of giving answer to that call with profound skill. In this work Janet draws upon many disciplines and sources, as well her own deep processes. I predict Soul Vows becomes your companion in finding your own finest answers to your spiritual longing. Mary Anne Radmacher, author of several books including Lean Forward into Your Life and Live with Intention

Janet Conner's Soul Vows is a mirror reflecting the Presence that is you. You don't so much read this book as peer into it and allow it to show you what you already know and who you already are. You won't be disappointed. Rabbi Rami Shapiro, author of Perennial Wisdom for the Spiritually Independent

In Soul Vows Janet Conner issues a clear invitation to each of us to wake up to the sacred agreement we've each made with our divine Source. And when we wake up not only do we activate our deep connection with the Divine, we also come to know who we are, what we are here to do, and to live our lives with a grace that feeds our heart and nourishes our soul. Susyn Reeve, author of The Wholehearted Life and The Inspired Life

With elegant, graceful, poetic prose, Janet Conner shows herself again to be one of our most gifted spiritual writers. This book is like the song of the soul. The greatest insight this book offers is the realization that weall of uscome from Love and... ultimately... return to Love. There is no other origin... no other destination... no other place to be. Ramananda John E. Welshons, author of One Soul, One Love, One Heart

My favorite part of this book is its celebration of paradox. With her succulent writing, joyful spirit, and refreshing vulnerability, Janet Conner expertly guides us into a sacred relationship with all that is. She is not prescribing easy answers; she is inviting us into the living mystery, which is love, which is, as it turns out, who we really are. Mirabai Starr, translator of Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, and Julian of Norwich, author of God of Love: A Guide to the Heart of Judaism, Christianity & Islam

As we experience the heartfelt steps of questioning, writing, listening, chanting, and moving, we find ourselves climbing to higher states of awareness... right along with the paradox of going deeper and deeper into the mystery of who we are with each revelation.

Through the seven chakras, Janet Conner beautifully illustrates how everyone is wired to experience the Divine directly. As each vow from our soul is uniquely discovered in each chakra, we finally find our most natural personal statements until we feel whole and our soul vows feel complete. We ultimately become comfortable expressing the magnificent Truth of who we are. Imagine that! Janet Conner did, and she encourages us to do the same, knowing all the while that these vows will continue to evolve in their meanings and purpose for our lives. Thank you, Janet Conner. Diving into Soul Vows has opened my heart even more than I thought was possible. My soul knows I AM forever free to be Me! Who wouldn't want everyone to feel that way? Linda Linker Rosenthal, transpersonal psychologist, author of The Seven Chakra Sisters: Make Friends with the Inner Allies Who Keep You Healthy, Laughing, Loving, and Wise

Other works by Janet Conner

Writing Down Your Soul

My Soul Pages

The Lotus and The Lily

My Life Pages

This edition first published in 2015 by Conari Press an imprint of Red - photo 1

This edition first published in 2015 by Conari Press, an imprint of Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC

With offices at:

665 Third Street, Suite 400

San Francisco, CA 94107


Permissions and credits can be found on p. 227.

Copyright 2015 by Janet Conner

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC. Reviewers may quote brief passages.

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